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International #733
Ask an Australian anything
Who /immigrant/ here?
What is the shittiest country in the Americas?
/cum/ Canada-United States-Mexico
Is Sup Forums catholic?
People from rich countries, I've a few questions about your high school
What's your favorite Amerindian country?
Why do America and Europe bicker and argue with each other when they could be bros instead? Pic related
High School Experiences
Wew, lad. How come there are more Pasta descendants in Brazil than in both USA and Argentina?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What vehicle is best for traveling around urban Brazil?
Small countries master race
Your cunt in 2050
Worst country in green is?
Jealous Europeans
Didn't drain the swamp
His cunt is a runt
Is the reputation of the heavy police violence in the US justified?
That Sunday evening realization that you have work again tomorrow and it's going to be another hard week of wagecucking
Because of South Korea promoting Kpop and Korean dramas all over Asia...
USA edition
When you mess up a captcha and you got to do 6 of them in a row
Racemixing is a good ide-
What languages should I learn ?
Which part of the world has the highest population of half white half asian girls. I need to move there desu
What would be the first nation to create an artificial intelligence?
Is there any country on earth where the mentally ill aren't feared and hated?
ITT: I greentext Mexican history
He's a dumb nationalist neanderthal
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
So how do we stop the Germans?
Italy btfo LMAOOOOOO
Why do we not have any culture?
/ita/ - il filo
Why don't Europeans eat insects?
Faces of Sup Forums thread. Let's get an updated version of this
They're pretty nice guys actually and if you legitimately believe in any of the Sup Forums boogeyman bullshit you need...
Why can't British people handle their alcohol?
Why is Canada so good at fucking music?
What is the core reason for protestant superiority?
I am a software developer I want to become an expat. What is a good country ? Thinking of Russia, France or maybe China
Does racism exist outside if the US?
Why are these retards so religious?
Tfw polish canadian
Would you rather be Mexican or Chinese?
Post little known facts of your country
Why aren't you dating a German girl?
I am actually proud of being polish
/éire/ - /airlan/
This land is mine, God gave this land to me
""russian"" ethnicity
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Can we bring back the rage faces? Pepe is not as funny
Our next President will be a nutty Samoan Hindu
What do people in your country say before every meal?
What's your favorite word in English? How do you translate it to your mother tongue? I'll start:
/extraflags/ + /flag/
Suicide is actually normal isn't it?
/deutsch/ Tiocfaidh ár lá
Why is this board so dead nowadays?
Why is Italy so much better than the rest of Europe?
1. your country
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Sverigetråden - Bra svenska filmer upplagan
Guess the ethnic background thread, post your face and guess others ethnicity
Do you have jungles in your country?
Who is the most despised person in your country?
Whats the best country in europe to live in?
Do Greeks really look like Arabs to Americans?
Americans are ultimate cucks
Do any asians not use this inferior tool (besides Indians who use poopy hands )?
W-why are British Pakistani girls so mean
/balt/ /ausnz/
Is Sup Forums a better Sup Forums than Sup Forums?
Be you
Why are Germanic languages so ugly?
Are Holy Week processions only in Spain and Latin America?
Moving to Germany
Kurva anyátok
/polska/ - edycja ciekawego życia
Hilo petero
Grandfather always used to say god is a fisherman
In Norway, the punishment for child murder is four months in a minimum security hotel room per child murderer...
Gonna start eating roids and get a body like this
How do you say cuck in your language?
What do you think about the separatism in South America?
This is considered a candidate for municipal elections in Finland
Tfw no American bf
AMWF Thread
1.Your century 2. How many times have you meet robbers in your life?
Somali diasporafags
Japan and Incest
We all agree with this, right?
In Los Angeles, every donut shop is owned by Asians except chain stores like Krispy Kreme...
Let's talk about Brazil
French """""people""""" are not white
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Does anyone else always see these flags as American proxies...
Where would you place your country?
Sverigetråden - flaskflippupplagan
This is my cat
Which one is the worst state?
Name one redeemable quality in the dutch language
Why do people keep replying, and I quote, "MADRID" when I post on vocaroo threads
Do you vote in your country's elections?
How do we fix Sweden?
(∩`-´)⊃━゚.*・。゚ =~~/MENA/ + /Ummah/
Post memes from your cunt
If you work hard in an American gym it will literally sound an alarm siren and the employees will ask you to leave
/deutsch/ - Es ist Deutschland hier
Which Western nation has the least slutty girls?
Americans take bacons & fried eggs at breakfast
/esp/ hilo español
Who looks manlier to you, Asians or Native Americans?
/ita/ il filo
How do you feel about your ethnic diaspora in the USA?
Post typical high street in your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Indian hitman is after me
Flag bearer thread
Your country
Share of lone parent families
What did she mean by this?
Tfw Argentina is literally whiter than Spain
View from window
A start to the holy week?
This is my thread just for me. Your are not allowed to post here
What do working people in your country usually have for lunch and how much it costs?
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
What's your morning routine, Sup Forums?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Could she pass as a local in youre an cunt?
Do You Like Czech?
Sverigetråden - Kärleksmanifestationeupplagan
1. Your cunt
Eyes of Sup Forums
Sup Forums - Dishonest LARPing
How are you preparing for the Russian century?
Communism doesnt wo-
Mexican people are really like this?
Anzu is a slut now look at that cleavage
He drinks cider
/guido/ ehemals /deutsch/
No thai waifu
1. You're country
Would you move?
/pol memes aside
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Things about your country outsiders may not know
Woah....this REALLY makes me think
/V4/ + friends
Which Slav do you want to be?
Ah, what a fine meal!
Bunnies and eggs?
Find a flaw
How come americans OFFENDED by this ad, is this some political correctcness shit?
Post you gfs Sup Forums
/czechia/ general
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This triggers the American
What is this called in your language?
2017 Spanish women
Japanese retailers are trying to make Easter popular this year in Japan
Your country
Dirty nordic countries calling Saturday "Bath day"
/tr/- anasını siktimin t*RK köpekleri + ataPİÇ edisyonu
凸 ---> × 凹
Vocaroo ITT
WTF Japan
Ask a yuro about the weather
Be me
Percentage of geographical name changes in Turkey from 1916 onwards. Discuss
Spring is here!
Islam is a fucking cancer
Weeaboos who made it
Marxist racism in US universities
This is for my secret love, New Zealand
American tourist tries to small talk
2nd Korean war is coming
Wake up
Kurva anyátok
Whats the most annoying trend in your country right now
1. Your cunt
What do he mean by this?
Goodmorning Sup Forums
So the plane will pass right trough the middle
Thinking of visiting USA were should I go?
Tfw you probably called a qt american femanon a lardass motherfucker or a fat fuck before
Fuck off, we're full
If you had to move to a different country which one would it be
Who /lonely/ here
40% Asian women refuse to date Asian men
Hilo latino
Post suburbs of the world. Extra points for larger homes
1. Your country
He wears white sneakers, blue jeans and a black hoodie as his only outfit
Which nations are cuck nations?
Can you all remind me what people from my country are called?
Culture Pals /cp/ general
Ask an Aussie anything
Why is being white/fully European such a magnificent thing, Sup Forums?
Anyone been to a Latin American prison?
Is he really a fascist or is this just a dumb meme?
Is it try pussy licking is considered gay in Russia?
How many people actually can use chopsticks
What do you call masturbation in your country?
Latin America Food Thread
Why isn't there any terrorist attack in italy? is it because a good country or just irrelevant?
List all the countries that you're willing to accept migrants from
In his country don't sell elotes with chile
Russian jokes, Finns, Estonians, Chukhna, Karelians
EVERY American that replies to me has undergone systematic brainwashing
Why do Southern Europeans deny their North African and Turkish blood? Why are they so ashamed of it?
Who's your favourite lolicon artist, Sup Forums?
México Thread
Brits got British Grenadiers
Tfw you finally discover why americans refrigerate their eggs
Sverigetråden - mysiga 3vk-upplagan
Legatum prosperity
What does it say in the pic? I don't speak Chinese
This is image is correct, Sup Forums?
What is the correct way to eat these?
Why are mexicans so into extreme music?
Question time
ITT: We give japashits a chance to slightly redeem thenselves by apologising for their brutal oppression of koreans
How is ass eating viewed in your country?
This is considered the deadliest and most prestigious group of guards in all of Europe
Dont race mix because your children will look ug- Whoa
How safe is Morocco for tourists?
Can I pass as a local in your country?
French Music Thread
German """""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""
ITT: Search "meanwhile in <your country>", post results
My breakfast today and show me yours
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Post highest point in your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Americans, what's the best US state?
France is going to sleep right now
I just learned that Lucy Liu is considered unattractive in China. How can that be?
What is the most based architecture in the world? I really like Eastern Orthodox church architecture
Post your hometown
This picture is right and poltards cant deny it
1. your country
Arabs are sorry for the terrorist attack
Which is your favorite brazilian state?
/slav/ Vorta or Dvri
/ita/ - il filo
I love every single one of ya no matter what your flag is
Will you ever be happy?
You're cunt tree
/Nachtschicht/ Assadausgabe
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Argentina is cute! Cute!!
Spaniards FEAR the Portuguese
Was racemixing a big mistake?
1 your country
/carib/ - Act 22: The Big Nothing
This is a thread for the mate drinkers of the world
What is this called in your language?
You have 30 seconds to justify eating meat
Today is my birthday
Do Mexicans really dislike CHIs?, if so why?
Your country
1. You're cunt
Where exactly does the meme that finland is cold, dark...
/Fr/ - le fil des /fr/ancophones
This is my thread just for me. You are not allowed to post here
ITT : countries that are literally the same thing (culture, people etc.) that should join together
Hypothetically, if I'm a girl with no ass, but very large breasts...
Americans invent the internet
What are these called in your language?
What are these called in your language?
What is this called in your language?
Depression thread
What is this called in your language?
Risk Thread
Eleven countries around the globe still eat dog meat. They are: China, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Philippines, Polynesia...
What is this called in your language?
Do girls in your country post on Sup Forums too?
Best country?
Why do Turks hate us so much?
Want to shitpost with the Finns in /mammi/
1. Your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1: you're cunt
Which nation's people do you despise the most? Be honest
What happens here?
Blue = Autistic
What is this called in your language?
/brit/ - ugly ugly anglos edition
Drinking Age
$1 = 64.27
Kurva anyátok
Slavic Thread
Why haven't you moved to good Europe yet?
Who is the most beloved person in your country...
Is spurdo literally the best thing to come out of finland in decades?
What do you call this in your language?
Full of thieves
The 2 most cancerous nations in world history start the most destructive war in history against each other
What exactly is stopping this from happening? Oh that's right, YOUR cowardice. Everybody would be so much happier
Today 4/8 10:49 PM, just few about 20 min ago. Someone has stolen my dog, they use motorbike run away
What do we do about the Greek problem?
French girl is missing
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Why didn't white people ever create a major religion
A girl sucked my dick for the first time. It was very meh to be honest
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Which kind of Soviet do you look alike the most?
I think we can all agree that the only way to solve all conflicts in Eastern Europe is to give Croatia all of its...
One chance at life
Can this pass as a normal couple in your cunt?
Is English actually an Northern Germanic Language?
What do you call this in your language?
The average male from each country is pit together in a fight
Do you drown kittens in your cunt? Poland yes
What is your height?
Face of Sup Forums
Is this really a japanese breakfast? What the fuck?
Things you learned from Sup Forums
Is french the most beautiful language?
Why do Mexicans want to leave Mexico? Is it really that bad? It looks beautiful
What's it like being a frequently bullied country? I don't mean silly bullying like finns are mongols...
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Ask a Romanian anything
/polska/ aka /anime/
What do you think of Taiwan?
Your country
/sg/ - Seperatist General
What kind of cigarettes do you smoke, Sup Forums friends?
How do the Americans of Sup Forums feel about their latest intervention in the middle east?
Your cunt
If dubs we all get black gfs
Dont race mix because your children will look ug- Whoa
What is this called in your language?
How can non-white women ever compete ?
How come Slavs are most Aryan, according to this image?
Why is this board so dead during weekends?
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Do you love Japan?
Do you ever embarrassed by your country?
Hey Euros
How many autism does Sup Forums have?
Be me
You wake up in the Hungarian village of Almásfüzitő
FUCK DENMARK - if I had 5 nukes I'd nuke Denmark 5 times...
Why are finnish guys better than girls?
Insult islam
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/deutsch/ Auf Reddit banniert - Ausgabe
Is the Balkans European?
Why are cumskins so rude? do they have manner?
So my country has to spend a few billions on aircraft again
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
What's your preferred climate type?
/easter/ - Easter General
Count to 20 in your language
/esp/ - Hilo Español
My country has become non-white and trash
Are Russian women the best?
Watching british tv show
Whats wrong with americans?
I want all of you to have a nice day
His country doesn't have 100-pack of beer
/éire/ + /eire/
Do virgins do this in your country?
How many different people actually live in your count?
/balt/ & /ausnz/
How linguistically diverse is your country?
Why is Finland one of the most based countries?
Teens here would rather eat at franchise american restaurants than local kebab shops
Do you wish you were European? I do
Anyone else tired of these non-anglos on the English speaking part of the internet...
/cum/ - Canada United States of America Mexico
What's the Catalonian langauge like?
What's the main difference between you and your closest neighbour?
/ita/ - il Filo
Ask a panamanian anything
Why do so many Italian musicians sing in Spanish?
A country filled with people even more intolerable than American
Do you like your country, Sup Forums?
Peruvians will eat this
¡Spanish people have to turn upside down when asking a question or shouting!
Do you think paramedics feel reluctance when having to treat niggers?
Sister is 21
How many other countries flags do you have on your flag?
Kurva anyátok
In Mexico, drug cartels and criminals want to be able to say that God approves of their activities...
Canadian accents have become ALMOST the exact same as Americans
We sing the American National Anthem one word at a time
Who /lonely/ here
French Elections
What cities should i go to in finland?
Which language does highs schools in your country teaches?
Do Japanese girls like Latino men? Will they accept more immigrants soon to help with the birth rates?
What did Europe mean by this?
Could someone please explain why Europeans all hate gypsies...
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
East prussia, austria, the studenland, ans silesia should be returned to germany
Why does Argentina hate us?
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Be white with a tan
What has your country done to aid the reconquest of Aztlán?
ITT dead Sup Forums memes
¿por qué?
ITT we hate brits
Guess the girl's country. user provides 3 photos of each girl he submits
Is a world government an inevitability?
Are Southern European women the best?
What do we do about hyphenated americans?
Lol who cares
Australians start their day with a "long black" in the morning
Stockholm terrorist confirmed Uzbek hapa! WMAW are the real terrorists!
India Vs China
/fr/ - Le Francofil Francophone de la France et de ses amis
Your're cunt
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
American introduces himself
Be Australian
A non-country located in north-western Europe?
Sverigetråden - Explosionsupplagan
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Is this what being black in Poland is really like?
I am a 21 year old male who can move anywhere in the USA for free as long as I go to community college when I get there...
So many LatAm threads but no threads about Jamaica? Come on, they are your neighbors. Say something nice about them...
At least you live in Europe
What's a country that is universally loved by everyone and has no enemies?
Race mixing is w-ro
What was his name again?
You wake up on Mt Everest
Eurovision 2017
Woke thread
Why do most Portuguese live outside of Portugal and why do they breed like roaches?
Why do africans have so many children even though they are poor...
Do you like South America?
1. your country
Europe is closed for tourism
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ (Tiocfaidh ár lá)
PISA 2015
What's the best climate type?
This is the fate of all Swedish males after Sweden becomes a caliphate. How does this make you feel?
Post classrooms from your cunt
If you can't drink milk can you call yourself "white"?
Can someone help me compile a list of terror attacks in the last few months? (In time order)
ITT: Sup Forums in 2050
Your friday night
I hurt myself today
German poster jokes about holocaust
be Euro
Language has words that end with palatalized consonants
What does Swedish cock taste like?
1 your country
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone
I'm gay and I will visit Russia this summer with my bf
ITT: Your honest opinion about Poland and Polish people
Why Sweden is so hated? Sweden hate treads are so offencive that I feel bad
Give me a legitamte reason why we should do anything about Syria
Americans' faces when they discover there is more than one country in the world
Why are brits on this board so butthurt?
/balt/ /ausnz/
Fuck Sweden. They deserved it. I feel no sympathy and no remorse
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
This map was created in 1920
I'm going to bed Sup Forums
Bulgarian Peasants take down French intelligence operatives
Be american
You wake up in 1835
Tough day
Which side are you on?
This land is mine, God gave it to me
What's the slang for "foreigner" in your language?
Are slavs white?
What do Jewish people eat in your country?
Is this picture accurate? Are there any real men left in Sweden?
Post music from your country
/ita/ - il filo
Why do Latin cultures have dinner at midnight? Don't ANY of them have work in the morning?
Gimme your wallet white boy, now!
Daily reminder that if there wasn't a single muslim living in Sweden, nobody would have died today
Is Panamá the Chile of Central America?
In this thread we imitate americans:
Post the trivago guy of your country
Are you satisfied with gun rights or gun control in your country? why or why not...
Dad is white
Post your typical tourists and stereotypes about them
This is a Turk / American friendship thread
Why does it seem like European teens have a stage in their physical looks which non Whites completely miss...
Do Mexicans really dislike CHIs?, if so why?
This is what Canada will look like after Drumpf and Brexit. This is Trudeau's endgame. You can't stop it
Why do nordics have recessed mandibles?
Redpill me on latinas
Culture Pals general /cp/
Do you love the Netherlands?
Top bantz
Why is Finland one of the most based countries?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...