Why is Canada so good at fucking music?

Why is Canada so good at fucking music?

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If you weren't trying to b8, you'd post something like this:

they steal from americans youtube.com/watch?v=5-UAgCSzbCE

Grimes is best

I don't know both of them honnestly. pretty sure it's rap then. I don't like this kind of "music"

Howard Shore was Canadian, so that's pretty much all I need know.

Also GY:BE, but if they're ever brought up certain parts of Sup Forums have collective shitfit over how they "ruined prog rock"


They got their moments

when will they learn

This. Even the two best death metal bands of all time are Canadians. More specifically Québec. Gorguts and Cryptopsy.

We just are. I miss our 2000s indie scene tho.

Best thing to come out of Canada since maple syrup and cutie Quebec redheads

My favorite album is The Hissing of Summer Lawns by Joni Mitchell, and Hejira is almost as good.

He looks 150cm tall

>1.68 m
wew i didn't imagine x to be that little
he's my height and i have growth hormone deficiency

who /mac/ here

> Modern north american Anglo """"music""""""

> Canada
> Cutie redheads

I think you mispelled towelheads

Except him, rush and someone else, Canada is pretty shitty compared to US. Isnt it a meme, or smth?

Céline Dion desu

Fuck her.

you wish ;D

Shes uggo. I

Whats up with her chin?

hey fogman

It sinking the Titanic? am I right?

Of fucking course! I knew it! Fucking leafs! Poor dicaprio!