based jews edition
Other urls found in this thread:
rick and morty tbqh lads
an illegitimate state, perhaps?
got called a piccadilly rentboi in /box/
fuck this edition
Ricardo and Mortimer you say?
would unironically celebrate with fireworks and cake if syria bombed israel
I never said ANYTHING even remotely illegal and I stand by my opinion.
this gabriel dropout? is it any good?
I love the debiru desu
>you were born on the island of ireland but you dont see yourself as irish? ethnically? is it just you or the average northern irish person? (i mean it's in the name come on)
genuinely curious
wasn't born on the island or ireland, i'm entitled to a british passport
if you're born on the western isles you're scottish, not western islander
if you're born in gibraltar, or the falklands, you're british, if you're born in the UK, anywhere, you are british
good edition
>I never said ANYTHING even remotely illegal and I stand by my opinion.
a problem dating back to sykes picot?
>ricardo and mortimer
Portugal and Britain anthropomorphized in a TV show, perhaps?
>hates on Jews
>then hates on muslims
anyone criticisng you it must be either a muslim or a jew
where do you think we are?
*smokes weed*
stop talking noncesense
its good at moe, i really enjoyed it
ok so if someone is born in NI they're legally irish? (on top of being british of course)
thanks for dizzy, jews
nvm don't care
i love muslims, jews and welsh
An Assad victory means a strengthened, emboldened Hezbollah will set its sights on Israel
I really hope you lads arent as deluded as this cunt, my 10 year old cousin has completed all the dark souls games, its not some grand feat.
not sure why you retards think hating jews and muslims is mutually exclusive. you can hate both at the same time
goes to show the average lefty's intelligence
LOVE this post tbqhwy
Reeves and Mortimer
>when a mong drags an argument from one thread to the other because he got utterly DEMOLISHED in the last thread and wants a fresh go of things
Is there anything sadder?
>not sure why you retards think hating jews and muslims is mutually exclusive. you can hate both at the same time
>goes to show the average lefty's intelligence
*sharts all over your local mart*
fuck off already
I'm a 'sheed who doesn't hate Jews.
My religion doesn't teach hate, after all.
reminder you are a complete loser who used to LARP on /r9k/ to try boost that self-esteem that has been trampled on so often due to your beta gimpness
you are not a'lad' or whatever and never will be
PLEASE, DROP your fucking loserboy trip
is mandy/MD a total wasteman drug?
cant pretend I enjoyed it
Turns out queen Stacey puked on my gf on their night out
>tfw have a beta gf
stop spamming this shit
on the train
>portugal is a black guy
i'm legally irish, i'm literally not irish though
ironically it's cos 1 grandparent lived in belfast before the civil war
A revolution in Syria?
keep seeing movement in my wardrobe mirror
cat saw it once and bolted out of the room. really spooky
good post
reminder '190cm master race' is a runt who used to go on /r9k/ boasting about what a chad he is using the very same trip even though all the girls he used to post were fat and he himself looks like a complete gimp
come home paddyman
Think you might be in love with him desu
Me and the lads having a bit of banter hahaha lol
talking about drugs isnt going to win you any brownie points here you fucking twat, reminder every girl you posted on /r9k/ trying to impress them was disgusting
bash the fash lads
you do release he's been tripping for like 4 or 5 years right?
he can out autism you any day of the week
bro the novelty is wearing off
you're being a fucking retard
i've had this trip for years fuck off
>communist posters come at the same time as the jewish posters
neurons are being activated
if this frog was in a different position the colours wouldn't line up and that triggers my autism
literally going to, do like ireland and the irish, shouldn't be mean to the NI lad really i know plenty of Norns from uni and they\re sound lads
literally why? who orchestrated this?
really gets the ol' noggin cogs goin
could be quite fetching with only a few cosmetic surgeries lads aha
women are still attracted to my personality though :))
He is perpetually in that position
haha it's bit of banter
well it was old Moreen's idea but we used my camera lol
shhhh you're asking too many questions goy
that's a fake account, run by a rightist runt
fascinating how they buy into the myth that soros the capitalist is behind all leftist movements
probably because soros is jewish i guess, the far right loves to blame all the world's ills on them
it looks really shit if you make the legs the third bottom colour and the arms the top
t. knower whos tried
why the fuck are you tripfagging
reminder you are an uppity gimp who went as far to make several threads on /r9k/ making himself out to be some kind of hotboy
why the fuck do you think you can trip in these threads? why do you think anyone gives a damn what you say?
just drop your trip, i know exactly what a runt you are and i will tell everyone about it until you do twat
What happens when people refuse to be a part of the revolutionary stage of Communism?
why wasn't i made made aware of this legend sooner?
you thought you could just hide him from me?
>Makes joke
>follows with 'ummm, uh'
Why do Brits do this
where do you plan on living?
don't think it's even remotely funny
Back from the climbing gym laddos
Feelin swole and sexy
Just finished watching Braveheart desu
Fuck the English
it's not a frog, it's a toad
yeh i am happy with this explanation
>hand shopkeeper new £1
>he spends an hour looking at it
ahhhhh yes hury up
his posts wouldnt be any better without a trip
barbarian happens as capitalism rips implodes on itself
refer to: WW1.
Fascists get the wall. The rest will likely fall in line.
reminder '190cm master race' is a runt who used to go on /r9k/ boasting about what a chad he is using the very same trip even though all the girls he used to post were fat and he himself looks like a complete gimp
Just like Commies blame the bourgeoisie for being jobless virgins
Watch The Wind That Shakes the Barley next
STILL have yet to get my hands on one
>makes joke
>gets shot
Why do Yanks do this?
shhhh just let it happen mate
t. literal reddit flagger
shut up bitch
Probably Dublin desu, I don't really want to live anywhere smaller even though I know there's loads of nice smaller cities around. Grew up in a small town and don't wanna go back to one until i'm old