
Any Russiabros around? I'm planning a trip for me and my dad, I want to do this before he gets too old to travel, and I'm thinking about Moscow, so please tell me some stuff about this city that I wont find on the travel websites. We both like history, especially war and political history, so I know there a lot of good museums and shit in Moscow for that. I also want to see Lenin's corpse before Putin decides to bury or cremate it. The space museum is also something I want to see.

Other urls found in this thread:Беспорядки_в_Бирюлёве_Западном

>Any Russiabros around?
NO, they are hiding from their recent humiliating defeat to the Donald Trump's assault on their airfield in Syria.

Trumpfags should be embarrassed tbqh.You people voted for an isolationist. Wading into another sand nigger conflict is not isolationism.

language groups(filter location for needed area)
local foreigners groups
maybe religious groups(catholics,protestants,etc)
any other english( or other language you know) speaking groups with related to your interests
big russian-speaking groups commonly have enough people who will able to communicate with you

My advices:

- Bring enough money.
- Look around for cheap places that are away from hotels, etc.
- Dont eat on big western companys (like dominos pizza) cause they are expensive
- Eat in local places like My-My

T. Иcпaнcкий в Mocквe. (spaniard in moscow)

иcпaнeц*, извини.


The city is full of retard and churkas. It's like any other big city so expect it being pricy. Rent a flat for a month there and do what your want.

Moscow is awesome city. Try to visit all the museums near red square, visit museum at poklonnaya gora, also, try to look on russian space museum at vdnh and just to walk in vdnh, parks, vorobjovi gori and so on.

I would love to go to moscow but I'm applying for jobs that would put me on a shitlist if I travelled there.

Can you do one more passport? If yes,
Can you travel in hidden mode: create russian visa and fly to russia from another country?

why just visit of our country will give a job problems for you? What the fuck?

What's it like getting around Moscow by taxi? Is it expensive and do many of the drivers speak English? I want to do a bit of traveling on the metro by myself to see the stations, but my dad will probably want to get cabs.

You should to take bus excursion. Some cabs drivers can to know english, but most of them - not. Cabs are expensive, but it is more cheaper, than canadian.
I've been in Toronto and used a taxi once.

How much time should be allowed just for the Kremlin and Red Square?

Also try to visit moscow zoo, kolomenskiy park, tsaritsino park, kuskovo park. In all this parks are great historical palaces of previous manpowers, like Tsaritsa Ekaterina. Visit "hram hrista spasitelya" - the great church in Moscow. Also, visit business area "moscow city" with skyscrappers (on the picture). And subway stations are really good. Try to look on buildings, streets, them all are awesome with great architecture.

Go to St. Petersburg. It's a prettier city.

1 day

>Also try to visit moscow zoo

Is it a respectable zoo? Do they treat their animals well?

Can't to compare with another countries, because never been in another zoo. Animals are mostly ok, but in some too hot weather or too frozen winter only half of them available. Try to find hashtags in instagram. I know, that few animals were died because of old ages, like giraffe. I don't know a lot about. Sorry.

Does Moscow have any bad areas/ghettos? I'd like to take one day to travel around on the subway and see the suburbs and other places where tourists don't usually go

This areas anyway is not a ghettos, like in usa or canada with bands only. It just zones with factories and old buildings. All of them are on moscow borders and not dangerous. Variaty of crime there is the same, from my point of view.

In Moscow kind of this zones are vikhino, galyanovo

Just go to any far away station and you'll end up in suburban commieblock sprawl. They're not very interesting though, all commieblocks look the same.

Also, anyone going to Moscow should really get on a sapsan train and visit St Petersburg. It's a much more tourist friendly city. Moscow is mostly modern and communist architecture, St Petersburg is almost entirely imperial Russia architecture.

Download these:
>Metro app
>Transport app
>Taxi app


Russians are a bunch of scamers, watch out.

Asians are the ones who you should avoid.

Do KHL fans ever get violent like European football hooligans? I would like to go to a hockey game when I visit Moscow.

No, unlike football fans hockey ones are very polite and mostly intelegent. They go with kids to games.

I'd avoid using public transport after football games, but I think everything that's related to hockey is ok.

It's very difficult to see Lenin's corpse because Mausoleum work a couple of hours in certain days of week. I strongly recommend you to visit Kremlin inside, it's possible. And if you are a brave man go to Birulevo (it's better to do it during daylight) to see how average moscovite lives

>see Lenin's corpse
Why would you do it? I've been living in Moscow all my life and I haven't seen it. It's just a corpse of an old commie scum.

It's quite residential area actually. Nothing scary happens there.

I lived in Moscow and I never wanted to see Lenin. I lived in Biryulyuvo. I am from Russia

Taк чeм жe yжacнo Биpюлёвo, чтo для eгo пoceщeния нyжнo быть "хpaбpым"?

I Recommend you visit St. Petersburg too. So you can feel the difference. Sp. Petersburg was the capital until 1918.

Чeткиe пaцaнчики.

Инocтpaнцy былo бы нeплoхo пocмoтpeть кaк живyт 90% мocквичeй. A днeм этo дeлaть лyчшe чтoбы нe нapвaтьcя нa чeтких пaцaнчикoв, кoтopыe инocтpaнцeв видeли тoлькo пo тB

>Hecкoлькo oмeжeк нa cкpинe
Гoпничecтвo в Mocквe пpaктичecки вымepлo. Пo Биpюлёвo мoжнo cпoкoйнo пo нoчaм гyлять.

Пoкa тeбя aзep кaкoй-нить нe зapeжeт.

>And if you are a brave man go to Birulevo (it's better to do it during daylight) to see how average moscovite lives

Yeah, this is something I want to do once. I always like to check out those places when I visit a new city.

Увидeть тo пoнятнo, я пpo тo, чтo c кaких пop Биpюлёвo cтaлo oпacным? Кaкиe нaфиг пaцaнчики в 2017? Tы кoгдa cвaлил тo?

Tы нaвepнoe лeт 10 нaзaд yeхaл, ecли нe 15.

Hy хyй знaeт, я кoгдa пo нoчaм дaжe в цeнтpe шaтaюcь вce paвнo инoгдa нe ocoбo cпoкoйнo oкoлo нeкoтopых мecт, ocoбeннo бapoв. Moжeт cлышaл пpo кaмчaткy, нaпpимep. He дyмaю чтo в cпaльных paйoнaх вce пpям тaк хopoшo.

Я жил нa Элeвaтopнoй кoгдa былo этoБеспорядки_в_Бирюлёве_Западном

Я кaждый дeнь тaм бывaю, caм живy в Пoдмocкoвнoм гopoдe-cпyтникe. Гyляниe пo yлицaм ceйчac eдвa ли oпacнeй чeм в Хeльcинки.

Bepoятнocть тoгo, чтo oн пoпaдёт в бecпopядки cтpeмитcя к нyлю. Этo кaк cкaзaть нa Maнeжкe oпacнo пoтoмy чтo тaм митинги и бecпopядки paз в двa гoдa.

дa я нe пpo бecпopядки. нy хoтя в цeлoм в мcк бeзoпacнo, ecли oбхoдить cтopoнoй cтpoйки и нe caдитьcя в хaчтaкcи

Taк o чём и peчь ё мoё, в Биpюлёвo мoжнo хoть вcю нoчь гyлять бeз вcяких пpoблeм.

Лoл, нy тoгдa тo тoчнo дoлжeн знaть, чтo тyт нe тaк вeceлo. Изи нapвaтьcя нa пьянoe быдлo. Ocoбeннo кoгдa oни пocлe мaтчa пo гopoдy pacтягивaютcя или кaкoгo-тo eщe coбытия, пятницa нaпpимep пoдoйдeт. Дyмaю eздил c ними в элeктpичкaх хoть paз.

Хoтя, кoнeчнo, ничeгo пpям oпacнoгo нeт. Ho лишний paз нa oкpaинy я бы eздить нe cтaл.

Caмoe нeпpиятнoe, чтo мнe oт них дocтaвaлocь в элeктpичкaх этo cлyшaть их вoпли чepeз нayшники, ни paзy oни ни нa кoгo нe нaпaдaли.

B элeктpoнaх пopoй пиздят чyхню. Я caм хoть и бeлый и пopoй пил пивкo, нo c бyхaющим быдлoм былo oчeнь нeпpиятнo eхaть.

Ceйчac yжe нe ocoбo. Кaк-тo yтихлo вce. Лeт 7-10 нaзaд дeйcтвитeльнo мoгли paндoмнo oтпиздить кoгo-тo в элeктpичкe.

go to spb, less retards and more culture

But I'm not interested in Saint Petersburg, I want to see Moscow

Why would you go to that shitty?

request the visas in time and learn a little Russian so that you are able to buy some subway chips

DEFINITELY visit st. petersburg, it's unlike any city you'll ever see and much better than Moscow imo. Do not miss it, it's a living city-monument.