Tfw you finally discover why americans refrigerate their eggs
Now i can rest in peace

I also refrigerate mine.
Brazillians confirmed honorary americans
No easter for us, folks.

So you're worried enough about salmonella that you wash your eggs, but you can't keep your beef fresh?

I don't wash my eggs.
I buy them on the supermarket, put them in the refrigerator, and when I need them, I just crack them.
Also, the meat thing is not my fault.

But why don't Americans celebrate Easter?

We will never know, like why they put fried chicken over their waffles

people don't refrigerate their eggs?

You refrigerate your eggs everywhere in the world. What are you smoking?


Well we refrigerate our eggs too

I mean the eggs are unrefrigerated at the store but I always put them in the fridge at home

Lots of mexican grandmas use this things to keep the eggs near to the stove where they need it, at home we just keep them on the cupboard

you don't refrigerate your eggs?



They're refrigerated in the stores here, it's pretty much the norm to refrigerate them.

Even for European eggs, it keeps them longer if you refrigerate them.

stop buying so many eggs if you need them to last for several weeks?

Well it's cheaper if you buy many at once. Also I don't eat eggs everyday so.

My fridge has a section for eggs so yes you are supposed to

>Also I don't eat eggs everyday so.
I love eggs. I just think they are hard to prepare.
I hate cooking.

>Also, the meat thing is not my fault.

Cease your investigations!

Yeah I don't hate cooking but I'm lazy so I don't prepare stuff everyday and just eat bread with cheese, biscuits or cereals and stuff like that.

>Yeah I don't hate cooking but I'm lazy
Me too.

>just eat bread with cheese, biscuits or cereals and stuff like that.
So true. It sucks, because I'm trying to quit eating carbs, but everything that doesn't have carbs take too long to prepare.