Is the reputation of the heavy police violence in the US justified?

is the reputation of the heavy police violence in the US justified?

Trump supporters now believe so. That's why american right wing militias are the ultimate milquetoast boot lickers on the planet.

They're definitely more aggressive than UK or Aussie cops. If you don't become deferential and submissive from the outset of an encounter there's a decent chance they're gonna give you a bad time.

kek, that happened at UC Davis

Why Americans go on a powertrip so easily

BDSM culture at the highest levels of government

Try scat and water sports.

The problem with American cops is that they often patrol alone.

Which leads to dangerous situations and constant stress for the cop.
And cops that just do whatever they feel like doing, without any social control.

I think this breeds the asshole cops they have today.
And even when they occasionally do work in teams it's still in them.

the united states is made up of massive disparities.

You can walk a few blocks in a rich neighborhood and hit the fucking ghetto by just going through a crosswalk.

Same with the cops, they don't fucking know when to deal with it because they are fucking retards when it comes to realizing it.

If you work alone you are also forced to use a relatively high amount of violence to control a situation. Which becomes the norm.

Don't you know acknowledging that in America makes you a communist?

It doesn't help that half the cops these days are war veterans who apply a wartime mentality to police work.

my sincere opinion is American cops have bad fighting skills, so they end up shooting men who dont have guns because they (the cops) feel they lack the skill to disarm a man with a knife with their battons, even if it is many cops against one guy.

From youtube video comments I gather not obeying a cop and acting in a threatening way is enough to get shot even if you clearly dont have a gun.

In less modern countries, shooting a man who doesnt have a gun is still seen as unmanly and dishonorable.

We have those too, but we keep them separate from our regular police.

In the Netherlands we have a regular police and militarized police (with military training, that also goes into war zones).
The militarized police has more a guarding and supporting role. They also do stuff like fighting corruption and organized crime. But you rarely see them chasing criminals.

also don't forget that there are a lot of crazy violent people here. in other cunts full of violent monkeys like brazil, cops don't hesitate to shoot either.

Cops should be more relaxed in the USA, personally though I am in full support of bringing out the water cannons when protesters start blocking highways and shutting down entire city streets.

in Brasil they shoot you when they consider you criminal scum whose death makes the country a better place, it is a judge dredd thing, judge and executioner.

In the USA it seems a crazy man on the street threatening to stab people with a broken beer bottle who does not obey the cops telling him drop the bottle could get shot. That wouldnt happen in Brazil, there has to be some proportionality between the force employed by the criminal and that employed by the cop.

They also investigate all incidents where a police shoots his weapon.

That's standard procedure in most first world countries and even several third world ones. Obviously it doesn't apply to America.

Most of it is not justified. Police brutality is a real problem, and its mostly because our society has allowed them to get used to using excessive force.

Fuck you you inbred fuck, cops here shoot people with guns, i don't know if you're that retarded but the videos you see of shootings from here are of cops shooting criminals on the act, and we have a lot of cameras. Almost all of the ones from the US are from fat fucks killing unarmed people.

they should shoot you soon, retarded favela monkey, kys

Americans will rationalize their third world policies whenever they can. Even lies are not beneath them.

>comparing America with the fucking Brazil
a fucking leaf

>my sincere opinion is American cops have bad fighting skills, so they end up shooting men who dont have guns because they (the cops) feel they lack the skill to disarm a man with a knife with their battons, even if it is many cops against one guy.

why should cops have a responsibility to engage in a knife/baton fight with a guy? That's not how it works. Do you cry if you try to beat up a cop with your fists and he tazers or pepper sprays you, instead of fighting with his fists as well?

If someone's coming at you with a knife then they've got a deathwish and it's only right to oblige

This so much. It's a night and day difference dealing with cops that have another guy with them.

The cost of a human life in Brazil is very cheap. And cops are expendable material there. You kill a thousand of them, there are always thousands more willing to do that job. So cops there are willing to take additional risk. And also after risking their lives waging a war against the subhumans which is a significant part of their population, of course a crazy guy disobeying their orders wouldn't seem like a huge risk. In America the cops' safety is the highest priority. Unfortunately shit happens sometimes. All the videos you guys are talking about is cherry picking. Of course I hate that when this happens but it doesn't happen as often as you want it to believe.

I guess "to serve and protect" refers only to themselves

Sometimes yes, sadly.