Pls respond

Pls respond

Getting invaded by Switzerland again?

I don't recall an instance in which we have been invaded by the Swiss my burger frend.
I just want to find 4channers here

Hi. I have a question for you? Why are there so few of you in Sup Forums?

How rich are you

Are you to busy making that money?

>HRE leftover

Is there any interesting scenic place here?


Three dicks?

three virgins

However, "vierge" (virgin) is very similar to "verge", which indeed means benis

trois vierges mangent les verges

Has the news of the HRE not existing anymore not reached your country yet?

You guys and your territory are rightful clay of France, just like Belgium.

verge would be verga in spanish.

France doesn't deserve any territory, especially not one of our ex-colonies

Are you qt?


Renembered what happend in 1302 Francois come at us!

What do you think about Belgium and Flanders?

Ah, a charming reminder of how Europe was to be...

Come back home, brother.
We no longer have a female leader.

My friend lives there.

I live in Luxembourg too but I get a Belgian flag for some reason



"""for some reason"""

It is the will of God, Trevier.

We're all one country, so who cares.