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International #734
Hilo latino
What do you think about Russian immigrants in your country?
1. Your country
What's the future official language of your cunt?
Ask an Italian if he'd like three eggs or four in his breakfast scramble
Why are africans so beautiful?
How would your countrymen react to you having a black gf?
Kurva anyátok
/carib/ Act 24: Near extinction edition
Be Soviet Union
So, now that Shia is in Finland how long until someone spüdrö spärdrë spörölölölö his stream into oblivion?
Which country has the best flight attendants?
Czechs take a slab of cheese, roll it in batter and fry it
What's happening with Potato chips in Japan?
Sverigetråd1 – Utforskarupplagan
World wide coffee break!
/polska/ - edycja morska
Why do you love pizza?
1. Cuntry
Go outside
No1 Youtuber from your country
How do we save German qts from being slaughtered by muslim invaders?
A daily reminder that you will never be Finnish
South American shitholes should secretly develop Nuclear Weapons to defend them selves from US """"Influence""""
My PM is a jew sellout. what about yours?
Why are Germanic languages so ugly?
TFW have to go to my wageycuckie job again
Tfw you'll never see this world war
Easter Arts and Crafts Thread #2
Why do Swedish sound so gay?
Has Sup Forums ever taught you anything useful?
Fuck this religious shithole
You know how it is like to read anything from Semitic scripts (Arabic or Hebrew for example)? i will show you:
His country doesn't have its own anime
Which culture has the most masculine culture?
Fighting game characters from your country
Homogeneous society
Moving to South Korea.. Ver 2.0
*blocks your path*
What is the language of the elite in your country?
What happens here?
Japan celebrates the day we conquered them
Average scandinavian
Why are Italians so friendly, even on here?
/mena/ - sexy sexy camel edition
*grabs your dick*
What were 00s alike in your country?
All of this are my high quality extra virgin olive oil
How does this make Swedes feel?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
French Video
ITT : Lets do a normalfag bingo
I'm a certified psychologist please tell me what do you think of when looking at picrel I will diagnose you
Hitler never gassed anyone
I really, really HATE t*rkS
When a former colony calls their founding country dad
Do you think Putin will continue to support right-wing movements in the West now that Trump came to bite him in the ass?
Is it true that finns are cucked into learning Swedish in school because of a small Swedish speaking minority???
Are there any grills on Sup Forums?
Meanwhile in Russia
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Why do we not have any culture?
/ibe/ - hilo ibero-romance
What do you think about Spanish girls
/éire/ - /eire/
Paris, 2017, March
How do you say "burn the coal, pay the toll" in your language?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
/v4/ + /fries/
Imagine the potential if we weren't stuck with southern niggers
In which of these countries would you rather live? And why?
What actual relevant contribution have the nordic countries made to the world?
That THICK girl with see-through pants who does only cardio and romanian deadlifts in front of me
Kurva anyátok
This commercial was filmed in Bangkok
Modern Indian Women - Have They Gone Too Far, Or Not Too Far Enough?
Live in a country that highly caters and panders towards shit-colored people
/ita/ il filo
Or as I've taken to calling it, "Congolombia"
TFW you see Scandinavian tacos
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Daily friendship thread
France calls "moths" "papillon de nuit"
Why are americans dumb as fuck?
What are your unfiltered thoughts on the people with this flag next to their name?
USA is a first world cou-
Which shithole is the most subhuman?
I am a Mormon whom is leaving the church because it is become incredibly liberal, fast
Does anyone else role play on Sup Forums as a red pilled Sup Forums user...
Hilo del cottolengo
Comfortable temperature
Why did America make McDonald's food so tasty?
Ever notice how you never see Thai refugees or diaspora?
He was a fucked up Chinese guy
Redpill me on the White Mexicans who didn't fuck the disgusting Native savages. How rare are they?
I am the mexico
Find Christianity (Lutheranism specifically) very interesting
You're country
Post clay that you really really want
/carib/ - Act 23: The Pines
ITT: Sup Forums during Ancient Rome
Ryukyu is not Japan?
If you ever call me white I will break your fucking skull
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Go to Uni in bumfuck nowhere
Another day wasted on 4chaj instead of doing something productive
Call themselves after an Italian
Average brasilian gay man looks like this
How does pussy feels like anons? pussy here is haram until you get married
Why are Russians so nice compared to Western Europeans (especially Germans) even though they're seemingly more hated?
A white guy said because society sees light skin and light coloured eyes as the best looking...
Who /depressed/ here?
Why are you not racist, Sup Forums?
Never Give Up!
Why Japan royal family is not cute?
Sverigetråden - Cuckbrevarupplagan
Sup Forums use to be about banter, funny but casual racism and ''borrowed memes from KC''
Why do Asian languages sound like such completely unintelligible gobbledygook?
Culture Pals /cp/ general
What is the core reason for protestant superiority?
Do you mind if I borrow your laptop for a schoolwork assignment, user?
Why are you racist?
Who else is ready to misgenate?
What is the most offensive thing you could say to a brit?
/balt/ /ausnz/ -> late night thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
This is three days without shaving. Am I gonna make it bros or should I kill myself now?
The United States Military is the largest terrorist organization in the world
I want to become able to watch a good German movie
Why don't you have a gf Sup Forums?
What do you guys think of Nathaniel Tesler, famous American inventor of the fully-automatic rifle?
Faces of Sup Forums
There are people who think South Korea is a developed country
Tell me about white Americans, why won't they go back to Europe?
Calling your father "sir"
Guess the map
Is this true?
Have spaniard dad mexican mom
Sverigetråden - Snäll och mysig upplaga
How often do you see interracial couples every day?
Your country
So this... is the price of freedom? ... damn
End this greentext
What's your cunts best car brand?
I ran out of food. I opened up a can of beans, cooked them in a broth of ketchup and hot sauce...
Should Chili have beans in it, or not?
Ask an American anything
Which side are you choosing for WW3, Sup Forums?
Easter Arts and Crafts Thread
ITT a norwegian will teach you mexicans how to make real tacos!
/vocaroo/ thread - bluesy tuesday edition
The U.S. is a war-loving coun-
Spending 3 nights here in 3 weeks, what should I expect?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
What happened to Britain? How did they change from an empire and cultural powerhouse to a society filled with whores?
Sverigetråden - Världens Bästa Burgare Upplagan
Are Spanish White?
West = Best
A very ancient tradition celebrated by all europeans countries?
/deutsch/ Ehrenausgabe zu Ehren guter Trips
Why does third worlders squat so much?
You can only post in this thread with an exclamation mark!
So now that white people are slowly replaced in the USA
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
His country doesn't have its own language
Another job interview, another failure:
Young american and anglo kids can understand the lyrics played on the radio
Canada + USA + Mexico
Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...
Ur nationality
Red pill me on Catalonia
Why do Russians age so fast?
Why are Japan and South Korea so developed while they are shit skins?
/ita/ - il filo
Fuck man
ITT: countries that you like, but they don't like you
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ask a tunisian in the countryside of the poorest region in the cunt anything
Meanwhile in the land of the free
Why is this allowed?
Italy appreciation thread
I almost shot my dad with my M4
1. you're cunt
Sweden hate thread
Proud descendant of the aztecs
Brasil are you serious?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Walking down the street in Germany
Germoney deserves a fuckin holocaust
Wow we really freed the shit out of Libya, didn't we lads?
Opinion on France in different countries
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Kurva anyátok
Opinion on the USA in different countries
Holy shit I hope trump creates many north korean refugees with his war and I get a north korean girlfriend and I have...
Sverigetråden – Svenska mäns upplaga
This is my thread just for me you are not allowed to post here
Hilo de gastroenteritis
You have to travel to the country that posts above you. how do you feel?
Japanese can't pronounce "L"
Post distinctly "ethnic" faces of your neighboring cunt
Communism doesn't wo
Westernised Asian girls are the best
Why are there very few Spanish and Portuguese scientists or philosophers compared to the English, the French...
Japanese=slim face and slim nose, light skin
Why did Brits even colonise this god-forsaken hellhole
Population of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland since 1100
Be me
/polska/ aka /PRL/
Weebs really exist?
What's wrong with white people these days?
Study abroad in LA for 1 year
Why is there never a person from Venezuela posting here?
That German hyena waiting to steal it's share of refugees for the EU to take
African Americans
What are Italian girls like? Is it worth learning Italian to get an italian gf?
He isn't blonde and blue eyed
I hate Belgium
I am japanese but here people eat weird
Are you a real man?
Do the Westerners think Asians are ugly?
Does your country have a foreign spy problem?
Want to learn German
Scandi """"""""""humour""""""""""
Going to war with NK and China
1. your country
Why do the Japanese say "nippa~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Is Estonia dying?
Is my sister mongol?
Emigrating to the US of A
Guess our ethnicity
TFW have to go to my wagecuckie job again
His "country" is landlocked
Post the thing known as "bread" in your country
Do you consider Hungarians white?
How do we stop this evil empire before it's too late?
Why do Swedish sound so gay?
Anyone else think Japan feels like another planet sometimes? It's so damn different from the rest of the world...
Sverigetråden — drogliberala upplagan
/balt/ /ausnz/
Is Katya Lischina Sup Forums's official waifu?
Some of you are alright, don't go to Constantinople tomorrow
Why are there so few Chinaboos compared to weebs, even though China has 11 times as many people as Japan?
Apologize. At this instant
Why are Germanic languages so ugly
Opinion on russia in different countries
What's it like being a tourist economy?
/fr/ - le fil Francophone édition Belgophone
Did Sup Forums made you hate your country too?
How often does it rain in your country?
It feels so great speaking such a beautiful language as swedish
Why do Japan love France so much?
Whats the most offensive thing you could say to a frenchman?
Moving to South Korea.. Goodbye faggots :^)
French Ambassador Visit
The fuck is wrong with white people?
128 cm flat chest doll for sale. Leave me your contacts
You can only post here if you're country has its own alphabet
Abos can't be beauti-
American airlines
Daily friendship thread
In which country would you rather want to live in for the rest or your life if you had to choose between the UK...
Do you love Russia?
How do South Koreans feel about North Korean people?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/Ständestaat/ ehemals /deutsch/
What to do when i visit ireland?
What state are Indians on Sup Forums living in?
Éire - Eire
Which nation should fear yours most?
Why are Germans so butthurt?
Wtf is this meme true?
Do you stay her at your house?
/ita/ il filo
Stop falling for tiny korean penis meme
Mfw American wage slaves will be working this long weekend since their Jewish overlords won't let them celebrate the...
Kurva anyátok
Canada has an enormous number of lovely beaches. Why aren't you taking a summer beach holiday in Canada this year...
You wake up in Chicago
These are MOORTUGUESE words of arabic origins
/v4/ + friends
Would you date a girl who is half white and half asian?
Civil Liberty ranking 2016
Seriously, what is difference between these countries?
Tfw no feminine, shy, black haired, green eyed Italian bf
Be australian snake
Death to the west
Wtf America?
Which airplines do you like?
Why do European women love Middle Eastern semen?
I like black people
Whats your opinion on the music from Latin American countries, Sup Forums?
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
What language is derived from Latin that sounds better and sounds worse?
Culture Pals /cp/ gen4
If Mediterraneans aren't white, and nazis wanted to remove all the non-whites and non-germans...
I'll probably never get to cheekily slap a girl on the ass feelsbadman
It's been days since he reminded us
Sup Forums is a nice board
The word for thank you in his language is "grassy-ass"
Most Powerful Militaries
Is Irish
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsupplagan
A United European Army is the only way forward the only way we will defeat the USA!
The fall of Toshiba
China is developing Xiongan area to be the next Shanghai or Shenzhen
"WOW user you speak a second language?!"
Any manlets here?
What does "White Hispanic" mean, Sup Forums?
Why do brazillians have such an inferiority complex...
Am i white?
Viva Zapata!
ITT: post your surname popularity
Why isn't the entirety of the Amazon basin made into one giant nature reserve?
What's the most ingenious strategy your country has ever employed?
How would you divide Africa up?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Shit country
North Korea is next!
What is the best Nordic country?
Video surfaces of man being dragged from overbooked United flight
Be french-native mutt
/nachtschicht/ LOCKERE AUSGABE
"America's been trying to install democracies in nations for a century. And it hasn't worked ONE TIME."
Your cunt?
Sup Forums YLYL
1. yer cunt
Sverigetråden - Automatkarbinupplagan
ITT: show what people immigrate to your cunt
You've wasted your best years (17-22) spending 12 hours a day on Sup Forums
This is the national dish of Canada. No, seriously, google it, it really is
How was your passover Goyim? I'm so drunk
What are your views on the British police?
Damn germany
Post a picture of your favourite thing from the cunt above you
In 1 (one) hour I will be 20. I have done nothing this year
You'll never be brown with god tier melanen
Swarthyness: Egyptian Christians vs. Muslim
Oh shit nigga what are you doing
What are Balts?
Lol little ones
We don't have Easter here so what happens in your country during Easter...
Tell me about central America
Sup Forums will defend this
Explain this britbongs
Chechenya rounding up homos
REMINDER: This poster is an american CHI with Identity issues spamming every thread about...
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
So we can all agree on this, right?
Estonian is more germanic then english
This is my thread just for me.Your not allowed to post here neither to delete it
German culture
I follow several girls on Instagram and vk who live in Ukraine. It doesn't look bad at all. Quite nice and middle class...
Wake up after a glorious slumber
When will Japan accept more immigrants to help with their birth rates? Looks like they need it now
"I'm a white nationalist not a white supremacist"
HDI 2017
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1839.5
What is your most honest opinion about Colombia?
ITT countries that were oxymorons
What does BRRRRAAAAAP mean? Someone explain
Which one?
Best friend
/balt/ = /ausnz/
Why do we not have any culture?
Why do American airlines have such great customer service?
What is the best place to live in North America?
Why are we so popular in poland?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
/polska/ aka /sarmatia/
/brit/ - The Doing A Think Edition
Norway without the letter "r" is No way
Post comfy small-town America
Why do gooks always seem so shady? Just not very trustworthy or friendly. Always scheming
Brazil has favelados
Why do Poles say "pola~~ <3" when they see something cute?
Canada will become an east asian paradise in your life time
Holy shit finns are fucking ugly hahaha
What's wrong with our showers? I know it's a meme, but nobody really dies, for real
Canada + USA + Mexico
City thread Sup Forums edition
This country thinks it's ok to torture people
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Black angels
Sverigetråden — drogliberala upplagan
Why the hell do American children dream of becoming the President?
Post dinosaurs from your country
Blue: main countries of human civilization. They made the most and largest contributions to human history and culture
Post British Genetics
Are they white Sup Forums?
1. Your country?
Today I dreamt that I was sucking off a guy while being fucked by a tranny...
Who is your favourite British person?
Are berbers white?
Try to find one flaw with this map
Just watched this and it melted my heart, is this what America is like? So friendly, it is like heaven
What are borders between third and first world countries like? Does it become noticeably and immediately bad?
There are people who are not Greek
ITT we thank Italy for inventing pizza
Your cunt
/ita/ il filo
Why do a lot of other countries dislike USA so much?
How is it to live in the tropics? Is life bearable? Aren't you sweating your ass of all day?
ITT: post former colonies of your country
How do I live the Tunisian lifestyle?
Buy our cars, REEEEEEEEEEE
1) Your language
Kurva anyátok
What a fucking joke of a "country"
Are greeks the new European apes?
S President Donald Trump poised to strike North Korea
Why don't you love China?
Post your 5 favorite cunts
Why are Latin people such manlets?
If i was born 500 kms~ away i could be a greek
Why are Slavic women so mean to American men?
I fucking hate chinks so much. The muslims here may be bad...
How different would world history be if Europe had always looked like this?
Southern Europeans were created to serve Northern Europeans (as cooks mainly)
I am Greek
House centipedes are start to appearing
What race are Finns?
Culture Pals /cp/ general
When will the "British girls are ugly" meme die?
I wish to see a united european army I wish to go to war with the U.S...
18, live in australia, youngest of three kids
Post 21st Century Colonies
1. your country
Post Sup Forumseresting pics
Deutscheland Über Alles!
Israel only exists because someone thought the minority should have their own country...
I suffer in russia
Just learned today that my grandpa was a FUCKING NAZI
How are foreigners treated in your country?
This is my thread just for me. Your are not allowed to post here
Asian woman: My dream is to marry a foreigner
Americans are waking up
I wish the USSR still existed
TFW going to my wagiecuck job
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1839
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How is your country represented in anime and other media?
What are you going to do for Easter this weekend Sup Forums?
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
This is an average Russian male
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et blanc:
Traditional Chinese House
Sverigetråden - VIupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What is behind their success?
Your cunt
Do you want a foreign gf?
How do you say "take a nap" in your language?
What is this called in your language?
My gf is so fucking fat
Does this Turkroach's delusion know any bounds?
One of these threads. Cold War 2.0 edition
/éire/ + /eire/
Why is South America so gay? If at least their women were very ugly
You're a cunt tree
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I knew non-whites were inbred but goddamn
Investigation: Australia
Are mexicans the gods of flirting?
Sum up your cunt with one photo
Why don't we just send all brown people to New Zealand?
Is Sweden the best country to be a NEET?
What are some autistic things you do, but don't tell anyone?
/ITA/ il filo
I sometimes feel like East Asian race should unite and
Open BBC
You're cunt
Why are dutch so tall? I'm jealous
Why isn't Finland and Sweden in NATO? Also, that means if Russia invades them...
Music is Sup Forumsernational
ITT: Holidays Americans do not celebrate
Your country
/lang/ - language learning thread
/v4/ + friends
Kurva anyátok
Say something nice about the country above you
Old Worlders, what's your favourite town/city in the New World?
Tfw Australians destroyed their Great Barrier Reef and now their last natural wonder is a fucking rock
/cum/: Boo! We want more money! edition
Am I the stereotypical Panamanian?
/faces/ of Sup Forums
Best Muslim country with a good quality of life, freedom and not too much violence or corruption...
ITT: describe tourists in you're cunt tree based on their country of origin
Pls respond
Do Macedonians actually believe Alexander the Great was Macedonian?
Has Steve1989 eaten a ration from your country?
International girls
Was there any way for the Byzantines to survive if they had held off the siege?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...