Why does no one live in houses in China?
Do they want to be like farm animals stuffed into ugly commie blocks
Why does no one live in houses in China?
Do they want to be like farm animals stuffed into ugly commie blocks
Looks like a roman house
Looks like a gallo-roman house
too many chinks there
I think you should look up food self-sufficiency ratio of your own country and have a think about it.
human rights XD
European education
In countryside of where economy is on par with developed country like Yangtze river delta and Zhujiang river delta, people indeed live in houses, but it's impossible for urban residence developing like Tokyo or American suburban cuz we don't want our food self-sufficiency ratio decline to 40%
Modernised Chinese houses look comfy too
This is the first thing I thought about when I saw the pic.
No where near enough room for them, even in rural areas. Only people who could have them would be rich cunts but they'd want to live in good (and business) parts of cities anyway.
Only the rich minority ever live in the house in your pic.
Poor people have always had shitty homes. For them, commieblocks are a vast improvement.
What were poor Chinese homes like?
Hopefully better than Korean ones
China has more and more suburban developments each year, but they are very expensive compared to most apartments.
he is right, you know
>All peseudo Western clone houses
Asia is shit desu
it looks like something people from equilibrium would live in
Holy shit these are worse than commie blocks
Centralized planning is shit deducted
Japan is comfy I appreciate
the front roll, looks like a bad 3D render
jesus christ
>*starves to death as all agricultural areas are swallowed up by uncontrolled urban/suburban sprawl*
Land is valuable in China, so you have to build according to people's demands. Feng shui principles determine a lot of things, including the orientation of the buildings. So, it's not always just from central planning.
maybe if you build house like that in 北京 or 上海
it would be cost more than 10,000,000 USD
only ruler class in china afford to build it
average poor Chinese(not so poor) rural residence here
wtf this looks like something here
seems like we do have similar tastes
Courtyard in order to incorporate the light
Separately generated in China and Rome
I wish we did'nt build houses with no taste ;_;
Although i admit, bunker houses can be nice IF done correctly
Not gonna lie, looks pretty comfy
I think MENA people solved this by hanging out on roofs
That makes sense, most of your pics are northern china houses, where lacks sunshine compared to southern.
破磚房也就是以前缺水泥的時候不得已才建的 希望以後鄉村建築能變得更有華人特色 :D
Don't lie
Your patterns are always the same
You Bring pictures of Seoul and Pyongyang everyday to justify your colonization
But you have never posted a picture of a typical city
also shortly after the liberation, we were bankrupt because of the debt you had left, and the economy grew minus, Because No growth from the beginning
What you did to us was just exploitation, There was no such thing as development
and reason why hated Japan by Koreans is because of all your lies
They should treat each roof like a pixel and make a sign or image.