Does anyone else role play on Sup Forums as a red pilled Sup Forums user? I find it so funny to derail even the most trivial of discussions into some liberal hate alt-right cesspool. I obviously don't believe the trash I spew but it's so insane that it leaves me tears from laughter.
Does anyone else role play on Sup Forums as a red pilled Sup Forums user...
It's quite fun to do it
you're such a madman
As expected, an american flag
i've made couple of threads back there. it's funny, how easily they take the baits.
fuck off back to /r/le_dolan with your ebin buzzwords xd
I roleplay as a gay russian it's hell of a fun to derail any thread into a show boipuss ;3 faggotry circus
>Mfw used to roleplay as a hardcore white supremicist Trump supporter, CTR shill, and independent during the presidential election
>im not retarded i was just pretending
,the tread.
>t. ahmed
So, are you telling me you fake acting like an average american? Where are you from OP?
is that sarah silverman?
No. Agatha
Yeah I actually do this a lot.
My favorite thing to do is defend indefensible acts and then call people who dissent cucks.
I do the opposite when I'm on Sup Forums, there's too many newfags there, you can't go wrong
it's not funny, maybe it was 5 years ago, but this le ebin edgy joke posts attracted actual retards. And now that this site is so incredibly popular it gets mentioned in kiddy youtube channels, it kinda worries me that there are children out there who take this site 100% seriously. It's also not funny anymore to be edgy when everyone else is
I post as a far left antifa commie on Sup Forums for the free (You)s
But also, I am a far left antifa commie in real life
why burgers aren't all range ban from Sup Forums?
Just go to Sup Forums to spew your retarded garbage.
>it's not funny, maybe it was 5 years ago, but this le ebin edgy joke posts attracted actual retards.
This desu
Two years ago I would be willing to believe most retards were baiting but this Trump shit went too far and now there are likely genuine retards around is
>poo rico