Are they white Sup Forums?

Are they white Sup Forums?

no, every american has negro blood in them


not all but a good amount of them

A lot of Europeans do as well tho


No, we're a proud Chicano nation. Donald Trump has Aztec blood in his veins, just like Obama before him


Arab and N African genetics are common all over Europe.

>live in South
>have absolutely no negro blood in me

in this day and age I would doubt that, and certainly within 20-30 years


some refugees and immigrants in the past years doesn't make Europeans have nigger blood like you do

I don't have anyone driving trucks into crowds of people, nor blowing things up like they're in their derka derka countries

clearly you have reached a level of acclamation in europe that is unique

60% white, including hispanics, so about 40% white


More powerful than any yuropoor nation.

I'm sorry for, no one should have to live with only 56% of their braincells :)

>negro blood

pick one

Whiter than your country

Only the blue states, especially the Northeast.

Hm false, I live in the northeast and I am 25% Italian just like many of my neighbors. We are PoC, whitey


Yeah they just use machine guns and planes to kill people over there.

You're going to watch what you say about my borough, boy

>I don't have anyone driving trucks into crowds of people, nor blowing things up like they're in their derka derka countries
Oh god, this is why people always make fun of your school shootings.

you seem to think we're the only ones that have humans in our country?

that's not very progressive of you


New Englanders are mainly descended from Southern and Eastern European immigrants. The Midwest and the coastal South are the places where the majority of Whites are purely Germanic.

what a load of bunk