World wide coffee break!

1. Do a cup of coffee
2. Make a photo
3. Post it here
4. Enjoy!

Russian federation

But it is not a coffee

I drink green tea, not coffee


I drink mate nowadays


You can to do a photo

Why no?

What's your brand lads?

/lavazza/ here




Arvid Nordquist, probably not known outside of Sweden though. I usually get extra dark roasted arabica beans.


I'd li-ke so-me mo-re gween tea!
Yes, I can
Gonna drink it now



For Ivan

Here is mine - Lebo.
Russian brand with beans from brasil, india, africa and south america. Arabica sort. The brand is cheap here, but with really good quality. I like it.


Для тeбя ))

Пycтo жe внyтpи


I dont't drink coffee, but I love tea

Looks cozy.

Typical slav. Like my gandmother apartment.