Best Muslim country with a good quality of life, freedom and not too much violence or corruption...

Best Muslim country with a good quality of life, freedom and not too much violence or corruption? I've met great people from Palestine, Malaysia and Egypt but idk if they're the norm.

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You have no place to speak

why ?


saged for leaf thread

I live on an island, but I would probably say Azerbaijan/Caucus countries.

Also general rule of thumb Shia > Sunni


Not a muslim country.

It used to be Turkey unironically. But like we have seen with the Islamic Revolution in Iran, rebounds haplen.

Azerbaijan is pretty nice. Turkmenistan is an utopia, you cant get there, though.

Malaysia is super chill, especially towards foreigners, but it is a developing country.

Jordan is better all around but you have to trade some freedom (although it's nothing compared to other muslim countries)

I've also heard the UAE is super lax about certain things but I don't know if that's true or not.

Kuwait and Qatar

Singapore, malaysia and azerbaijan are cool
also of course UAE

all are shit

Jordan probably



Sweden is nice

Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Maldives, Singapore and Turkey barely

Gulf-arabs are disgusting slaves with no regard to human life other than their inbred monarchy, all other arabs are being influenced by them o become more wahabi and xenophobic.



Singapore isn't Muslim though. There are more Christians there than Muslims.

Bosnia and maybe the Russian Muslims north of the Caucasus


Pakistan, we're unironically a democracy. Our government is federal republic. Plus there is no sharia police

freedom it's just tunisia


kek oman
tunisia is the most secular you won't see this in any other mena cunt

It wasn't fucking funny anymore after the 10th time


>or corruption
I doubt you'll succeed.
Corruption is the stigma of every poor region.

And the rich muslim countries are either totalitarian shitholes or slave owners.

I'd suggest lowering your expectations.
Then Turkey plus half of the north africa should be fine.

Don't know about arab countries. I'm not a fan of their culture really.

I want to see some culture not a bunch of western cocksuckers appealing to me

german view

all muslims countries are shit

Spain is the best Muslim country in the world.

It used to be, sadly the eternal c*stilian decided that Spain would be better off under their rule

Dream on porki

Bosnia is corrupt tho