How do you say "take a nap" in your language?
In spanish the word is "siesta", but here in mexico we often say "echarse un coyote" when we want to take a nap.
How do you say "take a nap" in your language?
In spanish the word is "siesta", but here in mexico we often say "echarse un coyote" when we want to take a nap.
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A nap - počitek
to nap (indefinite) - počivati
to nap (definite) - počiti
"syesta" or "siyesta" or "siesta"
>idę się zdrzemnąć (na) godzinkę.
Drzemka is equivalent of a nap in every context.
>teraz sobie odpocznę godzinkę
Odpoczynek is more like a well desreved rest, but it often happens that resting person will fall asleep, so it desrves to be mentioned.
>zrobię/urządzę sobie sjestę
This is only for a relax after meal.
>echarse un coyote
wat. what state you from?
>Ta en tupplur.
= take a nap.
Kurwa vodka :D
nap = dutje
Take a nap: Mach ein Nickerchen
To take a nap: Ein Nickerchen machen
Take a nap = dar uma cochilada
Gostoso bunda caralho
Tirar um cochilo fica melhor
>echarse un coyote
Never heard this. In Chiapas I've only heard siesta and simple expressions like dormir un rato.
ottaa nokoset/tirsat/päikkärit/päiväunet
Fáa sær ein blund/lúr
Fare una pennichella
Have a nap/cotch/snooze or rest my eyes
göra en spanjor - "Do a Spaniard"
Ngủ trưa.
I've hear that in Mexico City. Not OP btw.
o un pisolino
Hirune wo suru.
Have a kip
Have a doze
Trick answer
Germans don't take naps
Ta en Spansk en
Take a Spanish one
whoops; forgot "idlip"
Have a bit of kip
Go have a snooze
Doze off
"Sieste" in french
"faire la sieste" for the complete translation
Never thought our language could be so close for something like that.
also ottaa torkut
"Take a nap."
"Catch some zs/zees."
"Sleep for a bit."
Tagalog has many loan words from Spanish that stem from the hundreds of centuries' worth of contact the two countries had.
Also, Tagalog is a conglomerate of many languages like Malay, Indonesian, and Spanish; much like how English is a mix of German, French, and Latin.
A nap - tnuma
To nap - lenamnem
The noun is rarely used, but the verb is common.
"Echarse un coyote"
Medio fea la frase, un poco boliviana..
Simplemente "dormir la siesta"
I didn't know.
Thanks for the lesson
Počitek denotes rest in general. I'd sooner translate napping as dremanje.
>echarse un coyote
Me cago de la risa