Go outside

>go outside
>see an anglo
day ruined

>go outside
>see negroes

day ruined

>go outside
>see a kraut

day ruined

>Go outside
>See angry looking women

Day ruined

>go outside
>see a white person
day ruined

>go outside
>see manlets
Day ruined

>go outside
Day ruined

>day begins

day ruined

>go outside
>sees an emu
>emu didn't notice me

Phew, that was close.

>see other people
day ruined

day ruined

haha sucks to be you guys I'm fully blind

>go outside
>see Bulgaria
day ruined


>go outside
>see Canadian geese
day ruined

>open eyes after sleeping 12 hours
>day ruined

how can you read the thread

>Wake up
>Still alive
Day ruined

he has a mexican reading all our shitposts for him

Day ruined

>Go outside
>See a girl
day ruined

>day ruined
See an anglo

>go outside
>world still exists

day ruined

>going outside in the first place


>Wake up
>Bosnian neighbour greets you in Bosnian
Day ruined.

>wake up
>arm*nians exist
Day ruined

>wake up
>still no ww3

day ruined

>go outside
>see niggers
>see chinks
>see mudslimes literally everywhere
just nuke this shithole already

I don't blame you, jealousy can be unpleasant

>go outside
>see a mexican
day ruined

>go outside
>see glorious land and breathe free air
feels great to be an american god

>go online
>see this autistic thread
day ruined

>go outside
>see that America is still full of wh*tes

>go outside
>see a argenigga
Day ruined

>Gilbratar ruins Spain's day everyday
>Falklands ruin Argentina's day everyday
>America ruins Mexico's day everyday
Holy shit, has one country ever been so totally destroyed by another in history??

just delete this post before it's too late

>go outside
>see your moter

penis sucked jakajakajakjak

>go outside
>don't see anyone
>look up
>see sun
>realise I've already lost 50hp
>hurry back inside
>die 2 weeks later from skin cancer
what did my ancestors mean by this?

>go to Spain
>make a Spaniard see me

Day complete

> Go outside
> See flat bunda
Day tuined

>wake up
>China still exists
Day ruined

>go outside
>remember that the austro-hungarian empire could've been something great but it was run by complete idiots
day ruined

you really think they wouldnt at one time break away? The hungarians wouldnt just let their ass get ruled by some germanic retard

that's what i'm saying
if it wasn't run by complete fucking, moronic idiots it could have been breddy gud

watch "The Great War" on youtube to get a general view of the austro-hungarian leaders stupidity

>go outside
>see sun

skin burned


His computer translates letters into sign language

God bless this place

>go outside
>don't get shot
Day ruined

>go outside
>reggaeton beat in the distance
Day ruined
