One of these threads. Cold War 2.0 edition
One of these threads. Cold War 2.0 edition
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go fight another war for Israel burger fag
>it's yet another 'kike puppet' episode
fuck off alien
someone post europe version
Why do you love germany
but not Greece?
Fuck off dumb """"Greek""""" poster
the irish are useless subhumans
ireland should belong to the uk
you are just retarded anglos
Jej I got you to acknowledge me. Not giving you a (You) though. Cunt.
anglo subhuman likes turkey more than Greece
Turkey and Australia have a mutual respect for each other after the Gallipoli campaign and I think that's very honourable. Plus Kebabs are sick and they flooding your country. Greeks are disrespectful wogs who take up povo housing here. They are the epitome of WE WUZ.
The only reason I like Germany is there WWI and WWII history is fascinating and youse have hot women that flood here.
everyone who likes turkey more than Greece is retarded
the retarded whites dont understand sometimes how shit asian people are
You are greek dude,even now you guys are trying to invade small our useless islands with celebration in aegan sea.Blease stop your butthurted mind Greece.
turkish nation is useless and shit
You are right actually.Small nations like Turkey generaly cannot funding big scientific researches.This makes them generaly useless.But greece way more useless than us they are lazy as fuck.
Greeks are better than turks
prove me wrong
why do you love serbia
but not Greece?
Serbs are not NATO. If Greece left NATO I would love Greece.
>Everyone hates us
why is that a bad thing?
NATO is an enemy.
There is nothing good about Spain.
Agreed, but no need to bully
tourists from nato countries come to Greece
russians block Greek food imports while Greece is in a big crisis and russian girl shake their asses in for Turkish boys, not Greeks
>russians block Greek food imports
Because Greece participates in the EU and Western in general sanctions against Russia.
I am Greek.
yes but sadly my Greek brothers are very stupid and think russians are their friends
Post a fucking template first
Karma for being the biggest bullies for centuries
We're sorry about that :(
I cannot prove it and i didnt claim that turks are better than greek.Turkey and greece are shitty places to live i think.And i think turks and greeks are the same shit except religion.I need to live in a country that has more bigger gdp.Mediterranean people is full of lazyass shitbags.I am planinnig to be a roach who lives in us or uk.
Med peoples are full of lazyass shitbags*
Greece is best country in the planet.
prove me wrong
why do you love germany you shitskin?
Because it's not a shitstain like Gr**ce
but germans love porn videos with shit
and germany looks like a shit stain
while Greece has a beautiful unique shape
Why do you love japan more than Greece?
I haven't seen a lot of greek lolis
you are a pedophile
We aren't in Nato and don't participate in the sanctions but you still put us in the dislike. Fix it.
Only have Europe
It's funny how you can tell what you political leaning is just by looking at this, not to mention your "news" sources.
I am a Greek
many germans are pedophiles too
they fly to south east asian countries and buy little children
white people
lol? It's engrained in greek culture to fuck little boys. don't try to play that card m8
santorin island looks nice
Greek culture
some thousands of years older
than american "culture"
What did Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan ever do to you?
I bet you don't even know which country i where.
>Russians cut from steam access
If that includes the free to play shit then i'm all for it, they truly are the BR of Europe.
Even if that's not the case i'm still all for it...
It does, it's lovely, but I remember having to find it on a map and not being able to find it. Spent an afternoon on it and since then I have the urge to say "fuck Santorin" everytime I get reminded that it exists.
No one loves us ;-;
>all this anti-americanism
can't wait for russia to swallow you old world faggots
>loves Finland
What a cuck.
>your islands
Come on man,I try to defend your nation in conversations with others by saying that you're like us and not some islam extremists,and then you go around saying this retarded shit and voting for Erdogan.
Eastern Bloc best bloc
Ti amo, Italia
Zitto animale
but you like a lot our campings and beautiful calas in costa brava
fight me
>all those chile is long threads still didnt make you notice me
Is that Kansas?!
sorry bud, here have a (you)
no it's supposed to be Colorado
Spotted the RT faggot!
Based ameritard.
Still butthurt about the wars, americucks?
>t. vietnam cuck
you should be either
> you should be either
learn to english, fucking polish dog whoreson
nice country you got there. 95% white polish, 95% catholic, 100% shithole. hope your mother dies from cancer and then you follow
Does anyone have the actual good template where all the islands are connected?
r8 my shit taste
hate is baggage bud
I tried to be honest
I r8 10/10
but why do you dislike uk?
hungary is a boring shit country
it's ok, your opinions are probably as justified as mine. It's just every time I think i hate a country, I meet someone who's a decent person from there, and I get interested in the culture and sociology.
Besides, Rossiya as a lot to be bitter about
I just had bad experiences from people from there, plus I know a few massive teaboos who annoy the shit out of me.
Btw I made Germany neutral because of how complex it is. I like the individual areas, it's just that I can't feel too strongly about it. Bavaria is very nice though, I went there for a few days and the people are essentially a mix between Germany and Austria.
post the fucking template i aint digging one from my folder
Do it, this template is shit because the islands are disconnected
Muh brother!
ever met people from green countries?
What region are you from? I'm from Sfantu Georghe, which is what I think the Romanian name for the city is. I haven't been back in years, how's the infrastructure and economic development doing? Whenever I see photos nowadays the places look way better than 9 years ago.
I would take neutral over hate every day.
yap a lot actually. Even had colleagues from many of the Green nations.
Hehe Im from Brasov 30 Km away.
the average people there are trash
they are scum
Brasov developed a lot and so did Sfantu. Many IT firms and fresh infrastructure. New road to BV and from BV to Bucharest.
>99% doesn't gives a flying fuck about us
just as I expected:3
Except BROmanian, here thanks for that :3
Would love to visit Georgia and the Caucasus some day :3
and maybe armenia
are the only countries worth visiting
Hey. that's pretty cool. I had to go to Brasov once for emergency dental surgery, so forgive me if my memory is shit. Do you know Mama Burger though? I was 12 and they gave me a massive burger with 3 adjacent patties, and I ate it over the period of 3 days. No regrets.
That's good. I think that the more development occurs, the faster it will keep happening. The regions I visited were pretty poor (like Magyaros, which is Măgheruș i think). I hope they all get much more developed.
I just don't know any more than a few shitty youtube videos, what can you tell me about Georgia, other than Russia has, and currently is fucking with you guys?
> Mama Burger
If it was the one in the Old Town it went backrupt :(
Still the city exploded in development can find 100 nationalities in the summer in the center alone..things are getting better :)
we are amerindian
>inb4 "why don't you like Greece?"
RIP in peace, but luckily I think I was thinking of Big Mama Burger in Sfantu.
I only hope for good things for Romania though, it's in everyone's best interest to have more modern and developed countries creating more art and science.