say something nice about the country above you
Say something nice about the country above you
Architecture is god-tier
Music is god-tier if you ignore the shitload of bad music you make
TOP slags
>backhanded bitch post
fuck britain
I think you have good lamb?
Rainbow warrior was a mistake.
Canada have both advantages of North American and European countries
England=France's first colony first colony ;^)
The beatles were pretty great.
Taxes suck.
Amazing nature, maoris are bros as fuck and the mightiest rugby's NT.
Also kiwis are cute
Your food is almost as good as ours
Mexico isnt white
I like burritos
GY!BE is great
I like lamas and machupicchu
I love you, Dad
I love you, countryman.
I still like you even if you cheated on me with Israel.
I like that even though America is supposedly greater you cum inside her whenever you want.
smells of sheepfucking but better than australian
also i am ukrainian, not american
Ukrainian food is not that bad
russians can drink a lot of alcohol
Best food in the world.
Women are in the top 10.
Beautiful historic cities
Tuscany is one of the comfiest places on Earth
The Land of Chocolate.
Ireland has beautiful views.
Much more than just alcohol.
I hope you are not actually Italy, I'm on phone.
Best Asian country
Australian Football is a great sport
aquafresh is my favorite toothpaste
I really like your food and the few italian people i've meet are pretty chill persons
Your women are generally attractive and love white boys like me
You can own guns and nobody tell you a shit
siestas must be nice
Really nice lanscapes
I've never tried your olive oil but I bet it's top quality
Nice landscapes and funny accent
>nice landscapes
I like how progressive you have become after your 'past' :^)
beautiful women
the way your country looks on the map looks very satisfying and recognisable
The Avalanches and Miami Horror
Idk I just love Netherlands especially Rotterdam
beautiful women
Beautiful cities
beautiful beaches
Cool history