Calling your father "sir"

>calling your father "sir"

>calling your boyfriend "papi"

>having a father

>calling your father by the name

>Kissing your parents hands for blessing

only yanks do this

Qué rico papi

>born in são paulo
>norderstino parents wanting me to do it to my grandparents
no thank you, not my culture

>there are people in the world with a family

You are a meme

Yanks don't even do this

A man's home is his castle and as such he deserves to be treated as the castellan.

>nordestino in São Paulo

gets me everytime

Not since the 50s.

the bump

he hits me if i dont
im in my 30s

I'd call my grandfather sir sometimes

my texan pastors sons used to do this and they live here

nah, i've lived in a few places in the south and it most definitely happens, just primarily in strict families, never once heard it on the west coast though

You need to murder your Texan pastor and his family

seconding this, lived in very military oriented area and calling your dad sir was pretty standard in any relatively formal situation (asking for something, in trouble, in public)

>refering to your father as your 'dad'

>Calling your father "dad"
>Calling your father anything at all
Just refer him as "you"

>not calling your father xir

they were very traditional and very american, nice people

it happens

exceptions to prove the rule: The Thread

yeah, I've seen this shit a single time, and they were a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel's


calling your father anything but dad is degenerate

Only americucks do this because familial relations there boil down to an exchange of capital and avoiding the eye of the law.

I only remember calling teachers and bosses sir

>Addressing your father at all instead of just speaking to him

I call my gf "mom/mommy"

No, dixies do it. Stereotypically anyway, though as far as I know it's mostly a black thing.

dumb frog posters


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