This is my thread just for me you are not allowed to post here

This is my thread just for me you are not allowed to post here.


Had to turn off my proxy to tell you to fuck odd


>minute 3
>i just arrived to village
>6 hours by car from tunis
>the french user posted first
>i'm happy

Why, btw


page 6+2 wtf

Chad here, I had a lazy day, played some cs go and now go playing some football

don't selfbump too much else your threrad will be deleted like last time


Hoy how was your day i m in the village now see some qt peasent desu

What s your main bosition

See here nothing special, monday uni starts again and my sleep rythm is fucked up, need to get that fixed asap
how are staying afloatt, living with parents?

another germanon

day was good.
Went to the dentist today

Wtf i hought you were the same

Need a rec on some high quality cooking oil. Any suggestions?

There's no Italians in here, you're cucked

pasta with olve oil oil spinach and tuna

Seems a lot of people like Italian olive oil the best. Maybe I should get that

because they never tried tunisian one

spanish olive oil is superior to italian olive oil desu

no way it's italian > POWERGAP> spanish> greek> tunisian

Currently having a shit and then gonna make Pizza

no tunisia>>>>>>power gape>>shit>>>>>italien>>>>>greek>spanish=pooortugal

do you at least pick olives from trees or ar eyou lazy as the rgeeks who wait that rotten olives fall from the trees in the nets?

no we pick from trees

page 11 wtf

page 9 wtf