

don't act like you've never chugged a wine from a box

Kek, drinking beer is not better than drinking spirits. Everyone diinks beer now and I think it is one of the reasons Russians still consume too much alcohol.

At least its not 21 just like SOMEBODY we know.

at least you have elves

>not getting fuckn' wasted with your m8s since puberty started no matter the age limit
>not hiding cans of beer so parents can't see and then going outside shitfaced on New Year's Eve and throwing petards at random things
>not knowing which shops sold beer to you no problem
>not borrowing cigs from kids younger than you
Living in a ghetto has it's upsides 2bh, shit was so cash

>mfw the moonshine dealer doesn't card
>mfw I can just get one of my friends to buy me beer

one of my 17yo(he's almost 18) friends lives alone on a farm and we get together every friday and get absolutely wasted

We don't have a drinking age. You just need to be 16 to buy it

that's the same everywhere else, I think

beer is a degenerate drug for degenerate people

Awesome, i'm jealous

>Drinking alcohol

>not drinking alcohol

Poor guy


dont fall for the liquid jew

if western civilizations didnt drink alcohol they would be so far ahead of what they currently are

>Drinking alcohol is for degenerates
You have the go back Mohammed

Just go and get some you faggot and stop complaining about it on Sup Forums

>under 20
>but doesn't have a friend that's 20

Are you perhaps referring to the people who do not celebrate?

it is degenerate though.

it is uniroically just like cabonated piss.
where do you think the saying comes from sayings like "tastes like piss" and " piss water"
lmao at your life.

From shitty beer?