Damn germany
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me on the left
shes not pretty, nothing of value lost
>40 year old bald sandnigger has threesome with 2 gorgeous german teens
>not pretty
continue to fool yourself.
top kek
Why are white women so retarded?
>this heath ledger faced whore is a 10/10 in turkey
People will complain about racemixing and then wishing to fuck a black woman.Ironic
That's a turk in the pic
Since white men became betacucks.
t.virgin who jacks off to shitskins fucking his women
If she was gorgeous, why did she need to smear chemicals into her hair to make it look kind of blonde?
> People will complain about racemixing and then wishing to fuck a black woman.Ironic
They complain about foreigners having sex with women in the the women's home countries. That's a difference because men and women are not the same thing.
Personally I don't like race-mixing at all though.
because only like 10% of germany is blonde nowadays so they have to smear chemicals
Germany was never majority blonde, i dont think any country except for Finland/Sweden ever was
Eh, people meme about this stuff here but fact is that our brains are programmed to find people of the same race more attractive.
They probably did it for the "experience".
are german girls blind or something
Hitler gassed the wrong people.
then why do i find white women more attractive?
My state (Schleswig-Holstein, the northermost one) is majority blonde and has always been. Blame the swarthy southerners.
unironically brainwashed
Maybe because you are exposed to white people in the media too much, same reason why many white boys get yellow fever.
That one is not very attractive anyway.
Because American media, which features mostly good looking white people, is the most influential and you've probably been consuming it for many years.
ironically, this baseless theory is itself peddled by none other than the mainstream meteor
That sexual preferences can be slowly obtained, is nothing new.
>sour grapes
im gypsy, i am most objective person you can find on this matter since i dont have agenda for neither whites or browns, that girl is not attractive beyond the fact she is young and not very fat
It's not baseless, though. People are always attracted to others of the same kind. The sense of vision is the most important one out of the five and has a huge role to play when it comes to attraction.
The reason why some women are sleeping with foreigners in Europe is because they have been living in a homogenous society since the beginning and want to try something new. It's just about new experiences.
do you kno whow prized pure white girls are on middle east? and shes above average too.
I dont, im saying it perspective of where i live.
>how prized pure white girls are on middle east?
Why are you such cucks?
>same kind
if that's true, why are so many indians obsessed with white beauty
arent gypsys brown tho
usually yeah i just didnt know how to call all the brown people in Europe since they are not all muslims or arabs
>im gypsy
You have to go back.
back where? i have no home
whats it like being a gypsy in slovakia
They aren't. Some are obsessed with having fair skin, but not red/pink skin like white people. It's about having fairer, brown skin. I don't know how or why it started, though.
why do they always go for the ugliest looking turks, i mean some turks are not even bad looking
>Dyed hair
>possibely contact lens
>The German race must be preserved, we must remain pure
Wow Germany you're so fucking racist most evil people ever kill them all racism is wrong
>Ok we've learned our lesson we will mix as you've told us but pleas stop bombing us
Wow Germany stop mixing you fucking cucks don't you wanna preserve your race
well what is it you fucks?
idk, i was never gypsy elsewhere
in e.Asia(china maybe??) it was because nobility stayed inside all the time while peasants worked so they were dark while upper class was pale
>The same people calling you cucks are the same (((people))) calling you racists.
Ok, Hans.
Mix with other Europeans only.
>protip: Balkans isn't Europe.
they just like to bully us. Ignore the outsiders.
The problem with the first one is that you attacked other people when you tried to create an ethno-state.
They look Slavic.
probably from the east
probably really shitty
>in Croatia they are seen as thieves and violent madmen.
>they live in seperated areas because slavs don't want them around
>nationalists beat them, even though they are actually croatian citizens
>gyppos become more weary and defensive and are accused of not being willing to assimilate
wew lad
the Balkans are like a middle eastern - turkish dlc for europe 2bh
Nobody invaded you for being pure (even if German genetics are hopelessly polluted). You got invaded because you declared war on the entire world and tried to ruin Europe for the millionth time in history.
>Some are obsessed with having fair skin, but not red/pink skin like white people
Oh, come off it. The Indian Premier League literally scouts desperate Eastern European grills for cheerleading and eye candy during awards presentations.
yeah, americans
>40+ yo guy taking selfie with multiple people
>dude they must be fucking lmao white bois btfo
whites have the best bone structure that's why people find white good looking.
I mean just compare white people skull with black people skull or asian people skull, white skulls just look better.
>You got invaded because you declared war on the entire world
Germany declared war on like 1 country during WW2. I think the Polish campaign lasted like three weeks max but the British and French had to drag their billions of colonies into it and make it a world war out of jealousy. Well done.
He's right though. People here want to be fair like irani tier not white.
t. the 44%
> eye candy
That's the key word here. A lot of losers here on Sup Forums have East Asian "waifus". Doesn't mean they want to be Asian themselves.
literally hitler
What's going on here?
>tfw rare atlanto-mediterranean in a sea of snow niggers
>tfw rarely, if ever, see people who look like me
they have east asian waifus because they're betas who believe that asian women are submisive and easy to live with.
every knows white women are tyrants they're still worshipped as the prettiest
50 yo guy turkish guy has teen german gf
>Americans are a monolithic entity
So true, that's why all Americans love Trump, right?
>get told if you invade Poland there's going to be a huge backlash
>somehow this is the fault of the British and French
yeah buddy whatever you say
You know I'm right.
not anymore kek
>Papa has blonde hair
>tfw I have my mothers dark brown hair
>the criminal complaining about the justice system
it's not a blonde hair map btw, it's a light hair map, light brown included
>turkish cuck fetish thread turns into moralic ww2 discussion
never change Sup Forums
top spooky skull award goes to natives though
Is this what cockroaches are yelling when they flip over on their backs?
No you are just cuck that worships white people
Plot twist:
I am not that cuck you were talking. Filthy c*mskins your "womans" faces looks like pigs and yellow hair is buttom of the barrel whore tier.
white german whomen prefer getting BLACKED and ARAB'D over dating emasculated german "men"
i cant even imagine being born into a poor country, then migrating to a rich one full of women that look better and act as slutty as you want, and you get to fuck them in the streets, while the citizens of that country support and welcome you. germany is the land of dreams
Do you honestly believe beyond memes that immigrants just go and fuck women? Most girls think they are disgusting because 90% of them are just lowlife kebab sellers and its obvious as fuck they just want to fuck them
So, this may not be accurate, but according to google, she's Iranian.
Nah one german turkish youtube made a blog about some other girl named nika irani. In the same video video he described the story behind that pic.
By that logic sandniggers, ethiopids and unmixed poos should also be up there
She is pretty cute desu
she kinda looks like white inna, doesnt she?
Me on the left.
G*rmanics just can't compete.
Well I wouldnt say that they are unattractive
Light brown>>>blonde
Blonde is for twinks, every girl I met thinks blondes are very... feminine to say the least.
She is a German why would i care if she racemix ?
I'm just stating fact
Well light skin is considered more feminie same with hair and eyes.
Testoerone actually darkens u
Its to be gore fair not udjaar pale....though women can get away with it. Its the persian latin italian skin they like
Slavic not british....but they are a hot bumch anywhete..but not they import latinas
why sandnigs have always that insecurity of rassuring themselves that they could fucks white womens for imitating the nigger meme?
stop projecting on blacked!