Why do we not have any culture?
Even niggers have culture.
Why do we not have any culture?
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You're killing your culture.
As soon as you type in 'Scand' the first thing to come up is 'Scandinavian Culture'
we never had one in the first place
You Swedes really are pathetic
t. Achmed
but you are the nigger
Swedes are so selfhating these days but I guess for a good reason
Do snowniggers ever achieve anything in Europe. All the greatest European achievements come from Anglos, meds, and the French
no and why should we? we have always been irrelevant countries in the north and we like it that way.
also our living standards are so high, that i can't complain.
and no, finland isn't part of scandinavia
>Founded Russia
>Insured the survival of protestantism
>Was the undisputed most powerful country in northern and eastern europe for a century
>Came with important inventions such as: automatic identification systems, zipper, ultrasound, seatbelt, celsius, dynamite
And that's just Sweden
The Raven movies are the ultimate redpill on Nordic """culture""".
Primitive oogaboogas living in a bleak wasteland and killing each other arbitrarily until they eventually embrace the continental European culture.
>>Founded Russia
rurik was a Finn
>>Insured the survival of protestantism
>Was the undisputed most powerful country in northern and eastern europe for a century
Nope that would be Poland and Russia
>Came with important inventions such as: automatic identification systems, zipper, ultrasound, seatbelt, celsius, dynamite
these are pretty mediocre desu
>having your own culture when you can import others'
checkmate arborists
We have loads of culture, the sjw politicians is trying to suppress it
stave-churches, wood-art, 1000 year old farms dating back to the viking age, wharfs from the viking age, ships, local legends and folklore, national clothing related to origin, viking heritage sites, metal music, traditional music, etc.
almost all of that is just romantisised stuff from the viking age, we got almost nothing from the middle ages onward
metal music is very niche even in Scandinavia
>stave churches
>metal music
If metal music is such a good part of Nordic culture, why do they destroy other important parts of it?
Rurik was a mix.
It's true
No they're not
>the sjw politicians is trying to suppress it
Can you explain how? I'm interested because we are going through the exact opposite phenomenon, but for a long time what is considered chilean was not displayed or praised at all (mainly by the media, the state did what it could when we were poor but it really wasn't enough)
It's still better than the rape culture immigration brings ;-)
Rurik had N1c1, it is mostly found in Finland dumbass
Sweden was never stronger than Poland untill the deluge, but at that time Russia had surpassed Sweden.
they are all minor, just ebacuse they are widely used do not mean that they had a large impact on the world.
Follow the MOS MAIORUM and the IUS ROMANORUM, and your path will lead you to glory and sweet barbarian pussies lining up to prep the roman bull that is you
Scandinavian societies are shit
People are like poorly made robots, at least chinks are hardworking
>No they're not
Let's be honest, they're nothing that the god-tier anglo couldn't have figured out ourselves
Founded Russia
Russians are pretty fucking low subhumans
>Insured the survival of protestantism
We did that for you
>Was the undisputed most powerful country in northern and eastern europe for a century
Ruled reindeers and some random samis, made shitty fleets and got super modern super ship sinking in 15 minutes
>Came with important inventions such as: automatic identification systems, zipper, ultrasound, seatbelt, celsius, dynamite
We invented text messages, internet chat and heart rate monitors and thats what people need
And that's just Sweden
Never understood why so many people(mostly neo nazis) worship the Vikings so much when they were uncivilized barbarians.
>lived in shitty huts
>mediocre art
>raped and pillaged all the time
>hated Christians
Our politicians are cucks, and they privatized the immigration industry,
lots of $$ if for the people who rent out houses or hotel rooms to asylum seekers.
They just need a government contract. so they corrupt as well.
>be viking
>be a subhuman snownigger pagan
>have no civilization
>get forced into christianity
>brag on Sup Forums how youre civilized and finland isnt
>this thread again
they're slaves, but yeah
I don't know if this is a case in my country only but "Scandinavian design" is a big trend here. I noticed that people buy household interiors or daily stuff with such design not because they know what's good about it but because they see the word "Scandinavian" and it makes them think the product is unique and is in high quality. Does this concept even exist? What is exactly Scandinavian design?
Irl "scandinavian design" is alvar aaltos shitty stools and theyre not even scandinavian