I knew non-whites were inbred but goddamn

I knew non-whites were inbred but goddamn...

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Is there anything the Dutch are bad at?

More like
Anglos are inbred as fuarrk

>tfw mildly inbred

Winning the World Cup

rhat's why they need all the brown male immigrants hehehe


someone just wanted to play with gimp

damn iki you have good banter sometimes. this map is worthless though, we have actual genetic studies e.g.



And once again we're superior to all other countries.

Starts to get boring desu, I mean like.. at least put up a fight lol. At least try lmao.

I love it how the creator of the map admits that it's completely made up and not based on actual measurements, so it's almost entirely based on the assumption that Western Europe is good at everything and the further east and south you go the shittier everything must be.

That being said, feels good being from a light blue area :^)

You're not reffered to as "incest island" for no reason . I hope that map makes you feel better about yourself .

Iceland: three vikings and their celtic whores
Spain: a rapefield since the iron age with dozens of invasions

Made me cogitare ergo sum

>Anglos are white
Since when?

If dutch people aren't inbreed, why do they look like this?

dont use this turkish name

germanics are always ugly

>This map is a guestimate, and is not derived from direct measurements. However, it visualizes what areas we think are the most and least inbred, based on these regions’ histories
Looks like it's purely speculative and not based on direct evidence, after all.

why the fuck is iceland blue? does that cousin app really work?

>British people
>nordic countries
>not the most inbred

Get the fuck out you fucking troglodyte

t. Inbred Gyros merchant

why inbred you shitskin?

According to this map Chechens are inbred, which proves that this map is bullshit. Not only that, the whole map is funny.
>muh Slavs are subhumans
>west-europeans are perfect
>Balkans are subhumans too
>muh Andalucia or should I call ir Arablucia

AndalucĂ­a is an arabic name. You dont need to change the name.

>a shitskin calling someone a shitskin
o i am laffin, furkan

It's kebab. Turks are kebab, Greeks are gyros. Get your slurs right.

chechens are subhumans

Why are you in every fucking thread?

That's literally impossible.

>jayman's blog
Ah yes

>The most race mixed place in Yurop


laugh at this shitskin

Why are you not a Greek?

Because germans are trolling us.

If this is true, then the joke is on them because they're the ones wasting hours of their lives posting this absolute trash

Washing hands is for hobos

I'd rather laugh about how Greece turned from an empire to a cheap holiday destination for teenagers.

Ofc we are, Kevin

its not cheap
you mean croatia and spain

same happened with holland

you are similar to albanians
everyone who met you
will say the same
you are scum

I went to Cherso a couple of years ago. Your country is just the British chavs delight.

brit subhumans are everywhere
ever met slav subhumans?
especially fucking russians?

>Limburger father
>Belgian mother
Shit genes desu

Good thread.

That dumb Laz Turk again, lmao

chechen subhuman?

>island monkeys are not inbred
>central europe where huge armies steamrolled back and forth 4 times a century for the last millenia and had resettlements every 50 years somehow are
nice map you got there anglo


>washes hands the most

Why do people think that Turks are dirty?
its actually scum like yugos or europeans


>even using the toilet

Pick one.

they consider licking their fingers as washing their hands


Our history teacher said that ancient germanics were shitting on Roman streets.


''insecure defense''

why do tards take maps like this seriously

Meme map.
Eastern Europe is less inbred than Western Europe

Islam will save the West

You mean Bosnia

>"oh look I know how to use color gradients"
>lets make a map :DDDDDDDDDDDDD