Call themselves after an Italian

>call themselves after an Italian
>call the Natives Indians
>call themselves the united states of America despite not uniting all of America
>instead of giving South America their own name, being the narcissistic fucks they are they just again use the Italians name with a "South" (We don't call Africa fucking South Europe or Europe North Africa)
How did these idiots even get this far? Oh wait, I know look at pic related.

The German

>We don't call Africa fucking South Europe or Europe North Africa
might as well by now

The World Wars helped a lot. Thanks bud.


>t. Greek (Türk)


>Because he discovered the continent
>We didn't start it, europoors like you mistakes this place for India and proceed to name it West Indies
>OF is key word, we are United States in America
>Were the most prevalent country in America, and don't have another name to go by
>North and South America make perfect sense, autistic europoor just needs more points
>mfw Germanistani thinks they can talk about getting into power by brown nosing

>import one billion terrorists into their country



And Germany is BTFO by Brazil.


Tip top lel

I am a racist yes

haha epic thread right post funnt faces

Wow. Now I understand why everyone hates us so much

How do we save Germans from being rude?


You dogs being unlikable is but the first of a myriad of reasons

We all know your G*rm bf is hitting you for not defending him.

when germany will become great again and Incinirate this fucktards and after subjugate entire world?

>instead of giving South America their own name
the fuck are you on about




why are brs so good at the bantz