ITT: describe tourists in you're cunt tree based on their country of origin

ITT: describe tourists in you're cunt tree based on their country of origin.

Aussies: absolutely based
Brits: bitchy
Latinos: loud

Other urls found in this thread:



Bro tier

I thought they were from Ohio until two days before they left

>muh bootstraps muhfucka

Brits: quaint
Yanks: loud and insufferable
Chinese: dumb

All terrible.

Ayy is that Iceland I see
Tell me, what can I do in your country except admire the beautiful nature?
Going on vacation to Iceland in July for a week.


stfu bulgaria

Like to get lost/killed in mountains.
Wear sandals + white socks.

Get lost/killed in their side of the mountains.
Show up a week later lost/ded in Slovak side.

>americans from the west coast
hilarious liberal faggots that talk incessantly about weed, how awesome canada is, how america needs to adopt more canadian values, etc
>americans from the midwest
literally cannot tell them apart from canadians
>americans from the south
legitimately retarded
polite and cool people
arrogant. massive pussies too, i assume that physical conflict in those countries is very rare between men because i've seen them insult people here and then look bewildered when they get asked to fight


>le trickledown economics

You can't /thread you own post, retard
[spoiler]pls dont hit me[/spoiler]


Basically any foreigner is a gringo (regardless from country of origin) and every gringo is a loud soulless dumb dumb, but we love those guys and threat them nice anyways.

Absolutely every young girl tourist: weeaboo with over the top clothes

Old people: confused and seem lost

I like to help tourists and I work in Harajuku, so these are the type I see.

>but we love tose guys and threat them nice anyways.

Americans: loud, very loud.
Brits: blend in.
French: Rude.
Germans: great, friendly.

Everyone: i hate them and they should fuck off

do any non-weeb young people even visit japan?

Asians: old people taking pictures
Non North European: very loud young people

Sometimes. I see normalfags walking around with their parents or their husbands. They don't stop at any shop though.
A LOT of weeaboos though.
A lot try to talk in Japanese which is adorable. I like to practice my English with them.
I like weeaboos, really.

Welcome to the world of "malinchismo"

im kinda interested in visiting japan some day, mostly interested in visiting kyoto for the historical stuff and the nature around the south sea

japan isnt really on the top of my list though, mostly because it's so far away that it wouldnt make any sense to spend less than 2-3 weeks there

UK and Ireland are generally pretty fun, until summer comes and they dissolve like an ice cream in the sun
Euros, fairly quiet. Get a few Germans and Italians usually visiting family as there's a bit of diaspora
Yanks, don't see many. There's a few which do 'working holiday' things in various jobs
Chinks, bipedal autists and fairly grotty
Japs, most stick to their tour groups but are fairly decent enough people

I grew up along the coast of the Pacific Northwest. Canadians used to be quasi-locals, more or less. Some had seasonal cabins down here. There are a lot of BC and Alberta plates on vehicles during the summer tourist season.

During the late-00's, we started getting buses from BC plates full of Chinese or Indian tourists who would show up, run around maniacally for a few minutes, then jump back on the bus. It was very odd.

I would say that this is now a significant part of the "Canadian" tourist trade here, and it is a significant shift from the past.

lel, this is not uncommon here, either; but now I know what it's called.

I'm not that guy, Im sorry this isn't pol and we don't get id Ahmed :(

Boy what are the odds that two Canadians who be in the same thread?!

>loud, very loud
Have any experience with muh heritage-fags?

So Czechs are German?

Dont notice them except for accent

Dont notice them except for accent

Dont notice them except for accent

Dont notice them except for accent

Loud, very loud, and gregarious

Self absorbed and arrogant but sort of polite

Rude but get along fine

Very happy, very weird language, a bit noisy sometimes though, keep to themselves

Filthy+Irritating/ weird respectively

Very loud and outgoing, a bit like the americans except in a more mature way

Drunk people.
Drunk people.
Sexual tourists who return to their countries as virgins.

Danes: great, can only be told apart from locals by language
Southern Germans: loud and annoying
Austrians: nice
Japanese: always taking pictures but at least they don't annoy you

I don't really notice any other tourists.

Nice and happy people

Nice but weird, not as talkative and expressive

They don't go out of their hotels and often are cunts

Obnoxious loud cunts

Obnoxious loud arrogant cunts

Thick as pig shit; hive-like collective personality.

Laid-back, respectful and generally quite amiable.

Loud, stupid and generally clueless. HURR lets go take selfie with Big Ben.

Typically really polite, enthusiastic and radiate an infectious positivity (not talking about the HIV variety).

Quiet and unfriendly. Give off the impression that they've been forced to come here against their will.

Strange, insular creatures who don't acknowlege anybody and take pictures of everything. Similar to Chinese but with higher levels of intelligence.

Wow. A real other-worlder. Finally! Someone to convince the Agori there's a place better than this miserable wasteland. He needs our help, Kiina. And I owe him. Help, huh? I might be able to do something for you. But I'm going to want something in return. I want out of this dump! You have to take me with you! Kiina! It's all right. If it's within my power, I will take you, but the time to help my people is running out. No problem. I work fast. What do you have in mind, Kiina? Well, I discovered an enormous cavern under my village. It's filled with weird, ancient equipment and tools. It might have something you can use. A word of warning, though, don't even think of pulling a fast one, 'cause you're my ticket out of here. Is the cavern in that canyon? No, it's near Tajun, my village, just beyond the canyon. The Glatorian are heading for Tajun. You know what to do. I don't like this. This canyon's ideal for an ambush. Please! Even bone hunters aren't dumb enough to take on three Glatorian. They're getting bolder. Skrall, too. In the past months they've seemed to know our every move. True. But don't worry, it's not like we've got much worth stealing. Well, maybe Mata Nui does. I meant his blade, bug face! I can't believe I'm talking to an insect. When an enemy knows too much, it can only mean one thing. A traitor. I was thinking the same thing. But who? I think we've got a bigger problem! Skopio! We should turn back! Can't! They're even deadlier! My village! There's another Glatorian there! Just got to make it through! Hang on! Tight! Help Kiina. I'll draw the beast away from you. Good luck. All right, Click, ready? Mata Nui! We're finished unless we can make it to my village. Try and get to the chariot. I have an idea. Going to be close!

Read more:

Koreans - hordes of tiny photographers who aren't the cleanest
Czechs - Really weird (a term for a weirdo in Slovene is literally Czech and if something is of czech quality it's also dubious) and go hiking in sandals; high casualty rate (several die every year)
Russians - crazy alcohol lovers
Dutch - caravan people who are usually just passing through
Germans - same as the Dutch except also in cars
Jews - apparently the worst possible tourists, not wanted in any hotel

What do you mean we're rude, you stupid faggots? :DDDDDD

A blast from the past.