this actually looks pretty good. I think I'll try making it over the holidays
Brody Bell
いつでもi love you 君にtake kiss me~
Lincoln Wood
>tfw no キクヒメ
Luis Adams
Teriyaki is yummy
Daniel Turner
Unfortunately I can't find a video but it's something I think is very common with anime girls. Usually said before confessing their love. I just think it sounds really cute. わたし doesn't sound nearly as cute...
Matthew Young
>whites >robots
Joshua Kelly
今日は疲れましたので早めに寝ます それでは、おやすみなさい
Zachary Lopez
おやすみ いいゆめを
Leo Powell
those fucking legs on red
are they korean?
Caleb Clark
That's Hong Kong view, so I'd assume they're Chinese.
Andrew Evans
A young girl (teenager) often uses "あたし".
私は「あたし」を使える日本の女の子みたいになりたい。 I want to be like a Japanese girl who can use "あたし".
↑ I think that it will be transmitted with this.
Benjamin Bailey
Andrew Hall
I have a question about that sentence, if it's ok. I thought potential forms couldn't take direct objects, so shouldn't it be"が使える" instead? Sorry for bothering you with my stupid question.
Oliver Foster
What does it mean? It was in a list of favorite things, and she said a name after.
Dylan Morales
thats a big asset right there
Noah Myers
Xavier Rodriguez
Justin Ortiz
Brandon Richardson
Nolan Jones
Using を is preferable when the verb in question represents an active action, such as 使える, 話せる, 飲める, 食べられる, etc. When the verb expresses things such as thoughts, feelings and pretty much anything that doesn't imply movement/action (感じられる, 理解できる, etc), it sounds more natural to use が
Hope this helps
Brayden Green
Thanks so much this is exactly what I was looking for You're awesome!
Cameron Wright
You're welcome, senpai
Ryder Nguyen
Just watching the press conference about the Dortmund bombing they found a claim of responsibility. They didn't confirm it yet but it might have been terrorists after all.