Average scandinavian

Average scandinavian

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Give that poor guy a break lmao


Probably a Slav

Very funny


I think you pick the wrong pic
you don't need to thanks

average fennoswede


very Finnish eyes

damn he looks autistic :D i bet her mom abused drugs while he was in belly


is that you on ops pic :DD shame on you

Sweden-Swedes have 7% of the Finnish haplogroup. They are part Finnish, part Germanic.

The thing scandis dont want you to know theyre exactly as slanty eyed and mongol as we are but they hide behind their germanic languages
>inb4 someone posts meme charts of e-east asian admixture we arent mongols finns are

Shit taste in headphones desu

This, swedes have the most hunnic genes of all europeans. go figure. Also these guys really loved to mate with samis as they expanded north.

ffs this sami-mutt was the leader of the swedish state institute of racial biology.

We know Scandis are finngoloids mongrels.
but.....what are the "germanics"? it is really a phenotype or just various phenotypes speaking germanic languages? because germans looks pretty alpine for a lot of them.

what's the nordic type without mongoloid influence? where they live?

He married and had babbies with a Sami woman, too.

denmark has the least east asian admixture, but they're pretty much germans in denial

He wasn't exactly Saami but Savonian Finn like everyone else from Värmland

Savonians do of course have Saami heritage

He's pretty cute in a non-gay way
If I liked penises I
I'd fugg him

wish I had a beard like that desu lads

he looks more mongol than me

Just let it grow for 6 months or so and you probably will unless you're 18 or so.

I wish. I barely have any growth except on my chin, soul patch and moustache. I'll probably have to wait until I'm 30 or so.

such cases.

Fuck off, the ATH-M50x are great. I use them all the time, maybe you should get a better amp you whore.

those are shitty meme headphones and don't need an amp

How old are you btw?

I don't know is this the result of this but

>I take cold showers
>eat raw chicken eggs occasionally (I guess it's safe but I dunno)
>I don't fap

I have started to grow more beard and arm hair recently, I'm 19

Nah, you need a decent DAC/amp. I tried a bunch of headphones that cost 3 times as much as the M50x when I stayed in Japan cos lol good luck finding a decent place to do that in Greece. M50x are the best value hands down. There's a reason they became a "meme".

The purest Germanics are to be found in the northern Netherlands (Frisia) and Northern Germany

I think Frisians are the most Germanic of all

I'm blond and I have loads of body hair but I can't seem to grow a full beard. I don't have that much hair on my cheeks and I can't connect my stash with the rest

I guess its genetics

blonde is a loose term. finns seem to have the most blondes in the world but the "blonde" looks like this

most common hair color

How so?

They are probably just language shifters

That's almost literally my colour.

The Frisians are very isolated. The far north never got invaded by the Romans and the Spanish. They used to live all along the coastline of the Low Countries but in the light red areas on the picture they mixed in with Franks, Saxons and Galloromans (the latter only below the Rhine)

>That's almost literally my colour.
Here it's not really considered blonde, just light brown
I have this hair color too, and never thought it as blonde. When I was kid I had a blond hair, but got darker over time to this

Muh-Frisian heritage reporting in. Yeah they are supposed to be the closest you'll get as far as unmixed Germans go. The major Invaders were Vikings, Saxons and Dutch and most invasions failed horribly. I think the Vikings lasted three year there but that probably had little genetic effect.

But they were Germanized after the Proto-Germanic period.

Have you read the oera linda book?
What's your thoughts on the finda?

We call it ash blond. But during summer it gets clear blond again

That guy is German.

Well they can also be found in Denmark, lad. Denmark, the very southernmost tip of Norway and Sweden, the Netherlands and Northern Germany. Middle Norway and Sweden are slighly mixed, the north is very mixed. Southern Germany is also mixed.

But don't you guys have some slavic and celtic admixture because of the slaves you took as ViKangz?

That's mostly in Iceland. The slaves we took were mostly taken from Germanic or part Germanic people. There's like a circle with Frisia and Denmark in the middle, southern Norway-Sweden at the outer edge, etc. where people are very pure Germanic.

Yeah true. South of the Rhine in the Low Countries, we have Gallo-Roman admixture

Swedes and Danes seem to have admixture from Balts and Slavs judging by some of the R1a found there


Scandinavian R1a belongs to a different subclade than Slavic R1a.

It's from the Corded Ware culture. Germanics are a synthesis of Corded Ware R1a and Bell Beaker R1b which makes the whole idea of pure Germanic people dumb since Dutch are practically 0% Corded Ware.

I was talking about some R-M458 subclades found in Sweden and Denmark that are much younger

>Denmark’s genetic history has never been studied in detail. In this work, we analysed genetic and anthropometrical data from ~800 Danish students as part of an outreach activity promoting genomic literacy in secondary education. DNA analysis revealed remarkable homogeneity of the Danish population after discounting contributions from recent immigration. This homogeneity was reflected in PCA and AMOVA, but also in more sophisticated LD-based methods for estimating admixture. Notwithstanding Denmark’s homogeneity, we observed a clear signal of Polish admixture in the East of the country, coinciding with historical Polish settlements in the region before the Middle Ages. In addition, Denmark has a substantially smaller effective population size compared to Sweden and Norway, possibly reflecting further lack of strong population structure. None of these three Scandinavian countries seems to have suffered a depression due to the Black Death in the Middle Ages. Finally, we used the students’ genetic data to predict their adult height after training a novel prediction algorithm on public summary statistics from large GWAS. We validated our prediction using the students’ self-reported height and found that we could predict height with a remarkable ~64% accuracy.



Just leaving this here

West Slavic that is, not "Polish" at that time

>Tfw you can never grow a beard like this

Could be Baltic German influence. Swedes loved to get fucked silly by Baltic Germans.

Who cares. We're the dominant West Slavic group.

czech your privilege

According to your flawless logic Germans exist since 1871.

Czechs are different subject, they're slavicized Celts.

my hair mostly brown

I think beard is black

t.Yes genetics also affect wich pattern your beard grows

Dunno if anythin can be done to that

>Dunno if anythin can be done to that

You can't do anything about it other than make the most of it depending on it. Most people at least can grow a good 'stache if they try.


she looks that old now a days?