Emigrating to the US of A

Hello Sup Forums.

First of all, I did some research but it's such an imbroglio of informations I can't get my hands on what's good to know, what's shite and what's irrelevant.

I've had it with France, and most of all, Europe and its degenerate policies. After thinking for a while, I got myself with the conviction that, only speaking French and English(to a certain degree), USA was my best bet when it came to emigrate and let my country rot and burn.

Is it really THAT hard to immigrate into your beautiful country?

I was aiming for some place like Midwest -as some user suggested-, so I can settle down with white people amongst other degenerate minorities. Got any other advice apart from avoiding California, New York and such shitholes?

Any useful links? I can read English fairly well, my lack of mastery when it comes to that language is orally, my accent being terrible.

Anyhoo, thanks for any tip you guys are willing to spare, and please don't send me off to Sup Forums, they are degenerates and let my thread disappear.

>Is it really THAT hard to immigrate into your beautiful country?
That depends. Are you the top 1% of the French students? If yes, immigrating to USA should be easy for you

I'm over with my univerty years, have a degree in history of arts that's worth shit.

your best bet is to either marry an American or hope to win the green card lottery

I lost the previous one, sadly. Is there no other way to try and enter it legally?

>Emphasizes on "legally"


But we are full, kindly fuck off

Come on my friend, I'm as white as it gets and a proud Norman.

If you have money (around a million $, iirc) , you can get a green card via the investor visa category

Americans are protecting their middle class against foreign competition.
So it is gonna be very tough for you to immigrate to USA

What the fuck do you even plan to do with that degree here? As to your question, marry an American.

contrary to the memes here, Americans care far less about skin color than Europeans

As said, my degree is worth shit. I could work in a Museum here but sitting all day while watching sandniggers, nogs and Dutch tourists saying that "Gallo-Romans sculptures have only copied the greek ones, duh" is rapidly annoying.

I just want to do a shit job and live my life in a relative, quiet peace.

Also, HOW DO I DO THAT? Murricans girls seemed pretty self-entitled, last time I checked(not worse than here, tho).

Come to the US as a student and get a graduate degree, and then try your luck with getting a green card

> live my life in a relative, quiet peace
maybe you should try Canada instead

I'm a little old to study again -already 25-, I'd rather work directly if possible.

So you want to go through all the trouble trying to get here just to get a shit job? Wat?

My point was, I'm not looking for an especially privileged position. I'm the first one of my family to actually study in university, most of my direct relatives and ancestors always did shit jobs.

I'm sastified with less than other people are.

>Old to study again
We don't need pussies like you, try

What should I do, a degree in woman studies?

Let's be realistic, for once. There is no shame in wanting to work.

It still seems stupid trying to spend money/time trying to move here when you don't have it want much. Mind as well stay where you are.

You want to live here and work, which is all fine and dandy, but you need to be employable first. Teaching history here even needs a graduate degree in education, may be you could try that

North Carolina, more specifically Raleigh-Durham, might be good. It's cheaper than Northern Virginia and the DC Metro area, but you get more bang for your buck.

My wife and I originally thought of moving there to buy a house because it's cheaper, but we got lucky in our native town.

I'm not sure how the history&humanities jobs market is down there though.

I'd rather do a manual job. I mean, my expectations aren't high because I just want to get the FUCK out of here before shit hits the fan.

>Politics will help France burn, instead of trying to defend its traditional values

You could try getting a teaching certificate in some state and become a public school teacher. My high school french teacher immigrated this way back in like the 70's but I don't know if it is still possible.

The US is one of the single hardest countries in the world to emigrate to.

Unless you have a very valuable skill, lots of money, or existing family in the states, it's nearly impossible.

I'll look into that, but I'm really not optimistic.

Is manual labor in the U.S looked down upon? I mean, manpower is always needed, isn't it?

usa isn't exactly el dorado, but I guess that if you care only about money then go

p.s. you're going to regret it

No it is not looked down upon. People who do manual labor are respected for doing hard work. The problem is you wouldn't be able to get a work visa for manual labor as we have plenty of people who can do it already (Mexicans).

Maybe when and IF the wall is built?

Just a tip, unless you live in a french neighborhood (they barely exist here at all), don't speak french in public unless you want people to give you angry looks constantly.

I'm not like that, if I go to a country, I try to speak the local language.

It's kind of easy when it comes to English, but I've been to Germany, Lithuania and Spain... harder!

feels bad

Fucking bullshit, where I live there are poles, Portuguese, vietnanese, Greeks, Guatemalan, Indians, Mexicans, Russians, etc. No one gives a fuck.

You have to be willing to work long hours at a really shitty job for pennies on the dollar like 3rd worlders if you want a visa to do unskilled labor in the US.

Like, it wouldn't be a comfortable existence whatsoever. The only real benefit to this would be creating a better life for your children who could become naturalized citizens, but you yourself would be sacrificing your life entirely for you children.

It's only a think with french, especially if you have a french accent. Maybe you've never noticed because you haven't spoken french in public but it absolutely is a thing.

It's not that people hate french people, for some reason the french language triggers people hard in the states.

It's fine. Travail, Famille, Patrie; Kinder, Kirsche Küche!

Maybe some kind of reminiscence of Bush?

Lol I have no idea what he's talking about, he must be from the South or something. Speaking French will get you good looks if anything.

Grade A fucking bullshit. Most Americans would be absolutely enthralled and interested by a native Frenchman.

The US is probably the least likely place on Earth that a foreigner is gonna experience discrimination. Americans aren't the least bit elitist when it comes to immigrants.

So, let's imagine it's correct. Where and how should I apply? I'm unemployed at the moment and some bad case of violence got me to spend all of my money on a shitskin that I sent to the hospital.

I don't have any criminal record, tho.

I don't think you understand what I'm saying kiddo

I don't think YOU understand what you're saying. Simplying speaking French isn't gonna trigger any average American unless you're acting like some stuck up cunt from Paris who is too good to speak English. Maybe over a decade ago that would have triggered a few idiots because of the Iraq war, but certainly nobody gives a shit anymore.

Relax, guys.

I don't plan to speak French outside of a french-speaking ring, maybe when friends visit or when I'm on the phone with my family.

Oh, maybe to spout out some insults when I rage too much to contain it, too.

>tfw in americas top 5

Right behind France!

Let's go there together, friend, let's flee the SJW-ridden bullshit that Europe has become together.

I actually wanted to go there. But I'm not ready yet.
I also don't want to leave my home completly. Just a few months of work and travel.

maybe I will meet you on the other side one day.

Man, I just can't stay here much longer. It's driving me mad.

Everywhere I look, SJWs and fashion-lesbians trying to convert women to their deceptive mode.

I really need to get away. Staying here is bad for my health.

good luck man.

I can understand you. It's very boring here.

Sounds like you would fit better in. Australia

I've been told that

A°) It's full
B°) They hate french people
C°) Every living creatures including abo wants you dead

So, no pls

Protip: if you're not even determined enough to research the basics of this on your own, you have 0 chance of ever successfully emigrating to the US.

Emigrating to the US is really really fucking hard, and takes countless time, effort, and resources. My grandparents who were fairly well educated had to patiently spend 7 years in an allied forces camp before they could come to the US from Latvia during WWII.

I actually did some research, it's just that there's so much to do I don't know where to start.

By the way, let's say a civil war erupts here... can I be a refugee? How does that work?