Why does third worlders squat so much?


Maybe because they can't afford seats.

It's the natural resting position for humans. Give it a try and you will learn to appreciate it.

Best pooping position

>third worlders
All slavic countries are 2nd or 1st world

Only enough chairs for father and mother. When they get jobs they can buy chair.

He he he....

We have a comedian here

it's an asian thing, Japs do it too

Im from india and the only people ive seen squatting outside of taking a shit were the really poor people. My family is lower-middle class and no one squats or sits on the ground. Either get a chair or just stand if youre outside.

>feet flat on the ground

I do it when I'm tired and there's nowhere to sit down.

It's actually quite easy, just adjust your balance

Fuck off you spick.
Slavic people are based. It's hilarious to think a '3rd world country' could wipe out your backwards communist spick aids ridden shithole in a second

holy shit what a fucking newfag

I hate serbs so goddamn much

I hate serbs so goddamn much

I hate serbs so goddamn much

I hate serbs so goddamn much

and people say us leafs are bad

I hate serbs so goddamn much

To think they border us! It sickens me

to catch a fast ball

I hate serbs so goddamn much

>muffled garda panteri in the distance

>tried to squat
>almost fall backwards
Brazil is confirmed for first world.