Is Sweden the best country to be a NEET?
Is Sweden the best country to be a NEET?
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yes, it's the good life
Don't bother, it's actually not as good as it seems. I was really heart broken when I found the source
Oh, okay..
Instead of bean a NEET here you should prob go to uni since you get paid for that too and your parents won't be as embarrassed over you + you get to socialize.
i want to take a multicultural class as pic in sweden
>not knowing abubu
Sh-shut up, perv!
Post eyes
They are tired and red because I was staying up late playing games again
post more black anime grills
Wanted to see if you were the mongol
Only got the one :/
No, that's not me
It's okay
I love Ferris.
[spoiler]He's still not real :^)[/spoiler]
I'm not home now
Why are you at the gopnik gaybar at 6.22 on a monday anyway? Its not very Christian
I told you earlier to not day such things!
Not morning here tho
Its night here too
You got me in such a state of rage, I forgot how to sentence.
Not night either
Well, 11:30 am is kinda neither morning nor day, right?
Sauce on that girl?
Sweden doesn't have 24/7 Internet Manga Cafes like Japan.
Sweden also doesn't have God Tier 7-11s like Japan, either.
Being a NEET in Japan should be far easier than Sweden.
Also, Sweden is much colder than Japan.
The Cold is a NEET's greatest fear.
>mfw someone is looking for me on /int
Sup mate
I just went to make tea and the chicken That was meant to go out of date today had gross liquid in the thing and gross smell. Now I have no food and I can't really pizza and I've got a massive pot of cooked rice/
Have like $80 for a week and a half
Huh. I thought it was like 4.30 pm or something there?
Are you in Moscow?
Also kek
Think its the blonde girl from deathnote actually.
kei from moyashimon
Hey bro.
I made this but you fuckers didn't come
I don't mind if it's a boy. Thank you.
Ewwwwew! Always check the label.
Don't you have any sauce or veg for the rice? And that's lame, I just got paid.
You didn't invite us. How de we suppose to know we're welcommed?
What a shit thread
Anime is for degenrates
It was in a container thing. Used half of it last week.
I could make a chickpea curry. But you know, not a poof so yeah...
Huh. Are you secretly whore op?
True. idk thread got deleted. Like as not because that triggered argentinian reported it. They don't fucking ban me but delete it? Its like "we know you're not breaking any rules but still mate"
Do you like Touhou?
>Do you like Touhou?
He only likes Space Jin.
What's space jin?
An artist who makes cute touhou pictures.
That's pretty grim, my dude. You didn't even think about freezing it?
And lol sure, you la la homopidor.
I like his art style... not a fan of the ball crushing though.
wew lads
Hmm doesn't sound very niceMicrowaves give you cancer so I don't have one
And I am perfectly straight!
What do you wageslave as?
You don't need a microwave to defrost. Just planning.
And sure, that's why you keep images of cute girls with lovely bulges?
IT, at present my job is to upset normies by kicking them of their machines.
Are you a qt girl (male)? lots of IT types are
Thanks my country for creating such wonderful arts
I did notice it too a lot of IT dudes are gay and maybe are into crossdress
Yeah its a thing man
What time is it in Mongolia?
>tfw no cute IT gf (male)
The life is shit
It 18:08 where i live
Huh it is 17:09 here
Whoops. Can't have that on a christian board
I did mention it before didn't I? That our timezones is just 1 or 2 hours apart? Therefore I'm always there for your posts.
I certainly would this qt
I need full version
No, more like /fit/flop as in used to be fit, but let myself return to skinningfat.
You don't come online until like mid afternoon though.
I need a job or something. I looked at volenteering at the RSPCA today but there where no options. Just like foster care for cats or adopt. I could prolly foster I think but my cat's pretty autistic.
Want a kitten though so she could learn with a little baby which would be nice
These came up at teh RSPCA. I want the one of the right. Calling them tomorrow
Ew desu
Bit mean lad.
Eh you know I like you anyway
Is that your cat? I'd love to get a pet since I've never had one.
No, that's not me too
I like him too..
Me on the left
Yep that's my little girl. She's about a year and a half old.
She's kinda cunty but I like her. Apparently she meows and spergs out when I leave.
Want the little grey one to teach her how to interact with things other than me
Are you the one that was going to play games with the qt boi?
Too many russian pidors to keep track of desu
I have muh nomad culture studiez you kno?
Can't help you with this problem t. being unemployed myself.
The kitten would be nice so you want to work with animals it's remarkable?
You cat is also as qt as ever pet her for me ;3
>Too many russian pidors
Yfw there is no hetero russians on Sup Forums
Stay indoors and the cold becomes a non-issue.
this thread went from Sup Forums to /e/ real quick
No, I started posting on only a week ago
I got bored of jp/r9k and decided to visit a new board
On int*
Yeah idk man. It would be nice. Need to get it together enough to do SOMETHING. Fucking rotting in my aussie commieblock basically
Hmm. Well get home and post belly so you can be my gf
Cold is a good thing. I fucking hate the heat.
I have to spend 4 more hours in the office
Nothing to do here but some easy tasks
Heat is a good thing. I hate it when it's cold and windy
I feel the same way.
I can relate for a little bit I have a similiar problem, my life is too comfy so i just rot in my room with nothing better to do and at least you can enjoy the sun picrelated is view from my commieblock window making me don't go outside.
Yeah the cold is good...
Rough. What are you in an office for? Its a unlawful war office? A office controlling a gulag? Mafia office?
Christ that's miserable. My flat is actually nice I guess but I've fucked it up
That's cute. How do you think your cat will reacted to the new one?
I've always been a bit of a pet charmer, since I've never had to chance to own one. Family and friends pets do seem to like me, I even got my mate's skittish cunty cat that only let's his mum touch him giving me wet nose kisses after two days.
Mate's family was in shock as it hates anyone that hasn't been around it for at least two years.
I manage local PCs and wifi
It also snowing, with grey skies and forworn people returning home from work. Yeah it is miserable but you know what the drill? I still love this shithole tough love i guess?
So you're кoмпyтepщик then?
>mentioning how IT dudes are gay
>one shows up
Are you qt?
Well I mean I hope she'll mother it but she might bully it idk.
My cats sexist actually. Doesn't like girls but is all over boys. Bigger you are the better. I'm quite big but when my mate who's about 6'6 or 6'7 was over she was super keen on him.
Huh. How long have you been crossdressing for? ^_^
Never been to Russia mate. How would I know the drill?
Also it was the commieblocs that looked miserable. Its dark but I'll take some pictures tomorrow. You can see what my place is like. Nice view at least I guess
100 shekels a week though :/
We all like our cold and gentle worlds of Ariandel, excluding the rot of course.
I've heard something similar before.
I'm not a gay, I just like cute 2d pics
I've never tried crossdressing, I tried shaving my legs once, but I had ingrown hair after that
That's why you wax.
Yeah its weird hey. I want a dog but I don't have a yard
Hmm. That kinda sucks. There'd be tricks for that though.
[spoiler]were they qt?[/spoiler]
I'll wait for your pics cause mine is well you saw it
We're all straight here desu just like 2d pics and qt bois
Its ok I guess. Only one bedroom though.
Kinda want to move interstate if I can though
Sorry to everyone about the content of these pictures btw. Just found a folder of them and am posting them in order.
How am I supposed to wax
Tell me
Well, I liked how they felt at first, but it was really strange when I was wearing jeans/trousers
Yeah, don't get a dog if there's no yard. You and the dog will be driven mad.
And wow I just did packfag maths and I'm earning like aud $761.63 a week compared to your 100.
There's lots of youtubers who could instruct you better than I.
Why would you want a second bedroom if you sleep alone in your first one tho
No, really, I'm not into guys, I like tomboys, but I like big boobs as well