Wtf America?

>go to American airport
>get asked a quadrillion questions (cringy stuff like "have u participated in genocidez? xD")
>get bullied/groped by TSA (children included) and get eyefucked by a million cameras and SS agents (secret service not schutzstaffel eh)
>finally reach the airplane
>get thrown out of the plane and beaten up

American lads, wtf? I'm starting to believe GTAV is 100% realistic

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This is the third instance of this race-relations clickbait piece on Sup Forums, though it only relates tangentially.

Please check the catalog, or if you can't do that in advance, try

am I assaulted in your cunt ? I'm Jap.

I'll assault your boipussi

are you TSA? What if he's an underage?

Underage posting is not allowed on Sup Forums. All under 18s leave when they see "pls leave if your


But Sup Forums still exists and flourishes, user, it would be empty if this happened

Point taken. Now I want Nazi boipusi too

no homo

Feels good to be a Black man. I hate the mongoloid races, it's about time we humiliated one nationally. I hope people start give us the credit we deserve.


I'll help you, you'll be entitled to keep the boys and I'll get the girls (if they exist there)

And you people wouldn't be angry if that gook was a Black man, there would be no protest or outrage at all. Fuck you disgusting faggot heathen. You'll all be slaves to the Hebrew Israelites in the not so near future, until then just accept getting beat unconscious by Superior Black man.

You mean girls (male), right?

n-no.... I mean female girls............

But girls aren't female, user.

Here's a rundown for those that don't know what happened.
>Apparently, United overbooked a flight to Louisville and offered $400 + hotel stay to volunteers, but didn't find any takers. Then they allowed boarding. Once people were on board they came in an said that 4 employees had to get on the plane because they were rostered in the morning from Louisville. They upped the offer to $800 but again no takers. Then a manager came and said that four random people would be chosen. A doctor (the man in question) was chosen but refused to volunteer, because he had patients to see in the morning.
>Next thing you know security comes on board, tries to convince him and then slams him against the armrest. He was knocked out and dragged out of the plane. He then ran back bleeding saying he needed to get home. But they dragged him back out.


If that happened to me, I'd tell them I'm not getting off the plane until I've fucked one of them.

Good for him. Gook are a dirty race of heathen unworthy of shining my shoes. That what happens when you don't respect Americans, you'll get knocked out, something many people on this board will find out.

w-what are they, then? Am I misguided?

The dude has a massive lawsuit on his hands which he's probably gonna win.

Yes. All girls are male. Take the redpill and we shall fuck nip and nazi boipusi (female) together.

But still we've got to stop American airport employees from assaulting citizens..

We we we we i want go home so i can eat dawg yum yum in my tum we we we i need to go home right nao right nao

They should have killed him. Wild gook, only a pale skinned cracker would defend this man, I'm sorry I just had to say it. The mongoloid races are inferior and have a pervasive genetic mutation known as mongoloidism which is a product of incest and which also occurs in people with Down Syndrome . If events like this didn't happen Gooks would forgot their place as bottom feeders of humanity.

We can start by fucking American airhostesses (male)


>Americans are seriously defending the airline

good goyim

The guy had boarded the aircraft and had taken a seat.
There is no legal possible way that United is right.
They should have upped the reimbursements but attacking an actual passenger is a no-no.

No one cared who I was till I got off the plane.

wtf is wrong with americans? =_=

This doesn't normally happen but United Airlines has been taking the piss in public relations.



This is why I never fly United Airlines.
Delta all the way baby.

If that happened in Australia the airline would end up being taken to court for millions and likely a huge amount of fines and penalties. Might look into this now as it seems crazy.

The fucking twitter response only makes this more hilarious

>our own review of what happened

>Major PR Disaster for United
>Lawsuit will be in the millions.
>Delta and American Airlines are having the best day of their lives.

so that's how free market works, good job

>airline fucks up and needs seats for their employees
>customer refuses to give up the seat he paid for
>airline(a private company) calls the police to rough up the customer
>police complies and beats him bloody

Isnt this corporate fascism?


dont worry we haz burgers and goga gola, freedumbz aint free, make america great again. Praise Jebus.

What's even worse is that they allowed him to board the plane and even take a seat before literally smashing his head onto the armrest.

>and resolve the situation

resolving how? Are they gonna dispatch hitman squads at his house?

It's a shitty attempt at damage control.

what race is this guy? he looks vaguely mongoloid



No, they are hinting that they will "settle" the case meaning United Airlines will pay the gook all the money he wants so please say "there was a misunderstanding and we are all good now!" on interview.

It's just how American moral story works

Good thing is he'll be getting enough $$$ by the upcoming lawsuit and he'll never have to use this company ever again


found the butt-hurt faggot. Why don't you go jerk off those security guards, as a "congratulations". I hope you get raped and your throat slashed, FUCKBOI!

I hope your mother gets raped in front of your very eyes, as you cower like a little bitch in the corner. Afterwards, I hope the assailant turns on you, uses your throat as his personal dumping ground, and burns your house to the ground, BITCH!

kys nigs, soon you won't able to hide behind leftist cuck anymore.

This shit is in the news all around the world now
United airlines your doom now.

Against who though? As shitty as this is, the airline was well within their rights. He could still try and have them settle because of the PR nightmare though. The police did that to him. He could probably sue them too but I think they were also well within their rights.

thread theme

Are you autistic? Genuinely curious.

Do you get triggered when someone says the word nigger? Or do only old people get their feelings hut?

This was terrible and unwarranted. I don't think this is acceptable.

So THIS is the price of freedom?

What is wrong with you man?

You're going to die alone I hope you know that. No different than you are now.

The tweet makes it seem like they didn't even care about the guy, but just were apologizing for the hassle of dealing with overbooked passengers lol

Closet-fag autists like you are going to be the downfall of America.

Youre a yellow guy

> I'm starting to believe GTAV is 100% realistic
I lol'd.

does this airline fly to europe, if this is the price I have to pay to get some money I am signing up for some roughening

Whatever it is, it isnt capitalism. If obama hadnt pandered to these oligarchies then this situation wouldnt have happened.