Did Sup Forums made you hate your country too?

Did Sup Forums made you hate your country too?

The opposite actually

No it made me hate other countries

>he has opinions

It actually made me like it more

Yes and it made me hate every other country too, cannot wait for nuclear annihilation or a gamma ray burst

Nah. Scotland was always shit.

german nazi

Less than I expected it to.

same here
i hate every single country, even yours

No because any sane man would hate it regardless of Sup Forums.

Why would you hate Greece?

Bulgarians on Sup Forums have always been chill as fuck. You seem like one of the coolest peoples in Europe. I literally thought you were turkgypsies before Sup Forums. Now I know better.

degenerate shithole

>I literally thought you were turkgypsies
they really are
Greeks are cool
not bulgarians

made me realize how based this shithole is.



Nope, no matter how many bad memes and shitty jokes everyone post. Sweden is great!

turkey is a useless shithole

looks like a Greek

your country must be located in Africa

Fuck greece, would rather be a barbaric degenerate

sweden is a shithole

made me feel better about not being Sw*dish

cuz you are irrevant, we hear almost nothing about your contry

>would rather be a barbaric degenerate
you already are you subhuman

Sup Forums only made me prouder of my country.

>shoot innocent children and live like a king
retarded country

Good, now off yourself

My country made me hate my country

australia is a giant trash bin for humans

I am a Greek, not a germ


It made me realized our culture and country in general was seen as gay, autistic and pathetic.

Now I feel like France is some kind of autistic sissy boy and I love it even more, desu

canada is like the slovakia of czechoslovakia

Go to Athens.


They live between turks, albos, gypsies, greeks and god knows what else and yet they have remained sane. That in itself is an accomplishment.

No, but it did make me hate all our dear neighbors.

australia is the greatest country on earth, so you are clearly wrong about it being a trash bin for humans.

probably because you are gay

and then?

Ok. Love my shithole country.

It made me appreciate my country even more as well as Switzerland and Norway

but Sup Forums did
i learned to hate Germany, brits, Ukraine, Leafs, and America
also learned that poles are pretty based as long as they don't enter butthurt mode over russia

pay debts

its a shithole full of "white" trash

They don't border Albos. Instead they border vampires and genocidal maniacs.

>you already are you subhuman

>Greeks hate us so that makes us subhuman

Riiiiight. Greeks hate everyone who isn't Greek in questionaires.

But I love girls

(and traps, but just for the memes)


its a degenerate shithole

thats the problem
millions of retards like you around the world

Irrelevant, i wish for the death if you and the germs

>and then?
The city is a shithole.

Always disliked my country desu

holland is the most degenerate country in the world

all other cultures are inferior

those whores dont love you

I will never die.

How is that relevant?

america is a shithole

make India Greek

Everyone dies, that is a fact of life

I am a Christian


I know, fag.

We're all fucked up here, but I don't hate Ukraine.

no, my countrymen did

you are beta male then?

you should

I don't hate you too :3

And every other country too.

It made me love every country desu

I like Ukraine

I hated my country even before I end up over here.
I was actually surprised by amound of delusional foreigners who like my country.

>america is a shithole
And Greece is a bigger one that just has the benefit of beautiful landscapes and a great history so the people can make tourism bucks. What was the last thing Greeks gave the world Ikbey?

Aww, Greece

Έχω μελετήσει αρχαία ελληνιkά. Τι όμορφη γλώσσα! Ινδο-ευρωπαϊkής αριστείας

Kazakhstan truly greatest country
Can you actually communicate using Greek?Or is your interest solely academical?

stop trolling

westerners are fools

>And Greece is a bigger one
america is much bigger than Greece
how can you compare shitskin america to Greece?

>that just has the benefit of beautiful landscapes
>and a great history so the people can make tourism bucks
i am telling people all the time that their countries are shit and Greece is better
you just found out what i am writing to others all the time

>What was the last thing Greeks gave the world Ikbey?
probably a new born Greek


Academical for now
I'm gonna buy a textbook soon, for learning modern Greek :3

You should only learn Greek when you want to make shithole kazakhstan Greek.

you can download big collection from the internet

just stop niggah
Well modern Greek is a less complicated version of ancient Greek so I think you would be ok if you liked the ancient language that much.


I like Flanders

i dont

Modern Greek sounds like Spanish to be honest.
I really prefer Ancient Greek desu

this 2bh. Cucking retards are quite a fun thing to do.

I hated my country from the beginning and now I hate it more.


No it's made me hate everyone else's. Except Finland.

Why do you hate Greece?