Estonian is more germanic then english

estonian is more germanic then english

Other urls found in this thread:

> implying that a language's words' roots determine their origin
> English is literally a Germanic language
> Estonian is a Uralic language

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with Estonia?

Fuck off ikigay

die slavshit




Don't know. It's really annoying.

That isn't how you determine which language family a language belongs to.

English is a Germanic language because of how it structures its dialogue, not because of its vocabulary.

greece is more white then germany

Aren't most of the "core" words in English of Germanic origin anyway?


Yes, the ones you actually use in daily life are mostly Germanic in origin. Where I am from we have more than normal due to heavy Norse settlement anyway.

>tfw no similar graphics about French

Totally distorted by the autistic neologism of English in the modern era.


So? Are germanics meant to be better than Anglos? Because they have prettier eyes, or something?

Obviously most of our words come from latin. But some words also have a germanic origin, mostly thanks to the vikings. For example "heaume" which is similar to helmet, most of these words coming from the vikings are related to the navy, and ships.

About 100 words come from gaulish, mostly related to the nature, "If" (a tree) or "Alose" (a fish), "chĂȘne" as well.

That's all I know, a graph would be interesting.

Pretty cool picture

England is Celtic