So, now that Shia is in Finland how long until someone spüdrö spärdrë spörölölölö his stream into oblivion?

So, now that Shia is in Finland how long until someone spüdrö spärdrë spörölölölö his stream into oblivion?

Other urls found in this thread:

The chances are he will probably be left in peace, that's where we keep all our nothing

Just let him express his opinion, jeez! If Sup Forums is supposedly fighting for freedom of expression, why don't they let Shia make his HWNDU project in peace?
They are not doing that cause he is "silencing their opinion" or because they're "fighting for freedom speech" like they want you to believe. They are doing that just for the "lulz", you know, because they are a bunch of fucking idiots.

Really makes me think.

Because it's funny watching his self-important bullshit get undone.

Finnish Sup Forumsneets don't have cars and cars are the only way to get around in lapland
t. lapland

They are not silencing him, as far as I can tell. The flag thing was simply an answer to him, and a good one at that.

What is all this about and why should I care?

Shooting fireworks at a building or a yard counts as attempted arson tbqh.

Sup Forums and Shia are having an autism-constest. Sup Forums enjoys it, Shia not so much.

Jesus those threads are cringeworthy.
And should I have known who that Shia person is before googling him?

People are just fucking silly nowadays.

desu he'll probably be left alone if he actually shuts the fuck up

small chance some degenerate laplander breaks in and fucks him to death ed gein style
>Sup Forums is supposedly fighting for freedom of expression
but this is not true

I dont think there are any neet fins in lapland who have the motivation/resources to search whole fucking lapland for some cabin desu.
I just wanted to steal flags from kiasma ;_;

lapland is a fucking large wilderness good luck finding him

They managed to pinpoint a specific location in the US so I think they can find it in Lapland

shia is on a long list of people that Trump has driven totally mad

He ruins the childhood memories of Americans by acting in Transformer and Indiana Jones movies. He also like to do autistics performance art. Basically he just sucks in general.

>small chance some degenerate laplander breaks in and fucks him to death ed gein style

Sure, maybe it's funny, but what Sup Forums is doing here is hypocrite
How is shuting his political project down just because it has a different point of view of what they believe not a form of silencing him?
They seriously believe that

hypocritical to what they supposedly believe*

enjoy the fucking mosquitos

hell on earth

who is shia??

How's things there?

Don't really care tbqh.

It's alright.

Is he really? If he was I'm pretty sure I would have heard about it on ylilauta by now

I figure someone will find him eventually. Sup Forums went to great lengths to find him in Tennessee.
Those autists can be scary when they get their shit together

reindeerniggers aren't right in the head man. they'll scalp you alive for not buying their retarded little gnome shoes from the tourist shop and say the spirits told them to do it
>muh nunnuka culture

A section of them certainly, but to me it seems clear a larger part of Sup Forums is fully for censoring expression, just on their vaguely traditionalist right parameters instead of the antiracist lefties. I'm sceptical of any significant number actually "fighting" for shit

ota ohvia

Cute pupper.

Swedes have the Sunnies.
Ya'll the lucky ones

Why the fuck even care. Let him do his dumb project

8 ch has a board dedicated to trying to ruin his zany project, a board which is advertised like a banner across all the boards.
Sup Forumstards really are something else when it comes to sperging out.

He's talking about the one man cuck wonder Shia LaBeauf

Yeah, I know
Just making a stupid joke

Reasonably speaking, you can't really claim that your freedom of speech is infringed when you have just one sentence to utter and you've already said it 50 thousand times

i think nobody will care that much, i haven't checked but also haven't heard of ylilauta caring so a handful of NEETs on Sup Forums are pretty unlikely to be resourceful enough to do anything

That's what I'm saying, they seriously believe that they are fighting and protecting freedom of speech, but they are so stupid and full of ego that they can't realize that they are doing what the SJW are doing, but with their ideologies