What are Italian girls like? Is it worth learning Italian to get an italian gf?

What are Italian girls like? Is it worth learning Italian to get an italian gf?

They are mostly mediocre but after their 20s they start to look like hags, just like other southern women.


It's literally the opposite of what Piotr said.
Learning Italian won't get you a gf anyway, toothpaste

>What are Italian girls like?
Would I be here if I knew?

My statements were based on experience with few Italian women who I contacted often in the past due to my work. What are Italian girls like then? Those women I met were from Rome and Naples.

that sounds more like russian woman
what is a good way to get an italian gf then?
I can make pasta, will that get me one?

Spanish is far better than Italian in terms of utility.

While Italian is spoken only in Italy, Spanish are more common, widely spoken in the world,
additionally saying, italian is nothing more than a dialect of Spanish.

Every one I've seen looks like shit or worse. And each and every Italian man I've met down here has an insatiable lust for black pussy.

Is it worth learning a shit tier language to get a shit tier brown hairy moor ape gf?


northern italy is white

I'm gonna marry Acciuga!

>tfw no Dutch bf

can you be my gf :3 ?



If you like THICC girls then Italian is worth leaning

the ones from the south are likeable, northern italian women are pretentious and arrogant

>Learning a language for a girl
That's fucking pathetic

Italian gets you girls and makes you look cool. Spanish lets you speak to smelly beaners and converse with the favelados while they steal your kidneys.

I think I'd rather learn Italian desu

Learning a language in hope to get a gf is not worth in general

Italian girls are the opposite of thick from the little sample I have had access to.

if you're a fedora autist no language will make you look cook

Fucking weeb


The(few) IT-grils that i've encountered were THICCC
