Fuck man

Fuck man.

Alot of people are expecting that there would be a real war on Korea soon.

Should I exchange my money into dollars? I would be totally fucked up if something really happens, and the unification going rapidly, because I am currently doing some Dropshipping and if Korea's currency fall down then I would be fucked up.

Should I exchange? I think I need to now.

Wouldn't war on the Korean Peninsula end up becoming a world war anyway


come to sweden and live in the woods with me

China would be opposed to nk as well

>into dollars
Norks are gonna nuke USA and that is going to drop dollar value.

I thought the Chinese used the Norks as a client state and a buffer against Western influence

It would be fucking amazing from a south american point of view, the rest of the world killing themselves while we just watch.

Nk is increasingly a thorn in china's back, I imagine a deal could be struck in exchange for chinese cooperation. which would be nice since it would strengthen ties between the west and china.

they are more concern about the zerg flood of refugees.

That was during the cold war. Now they are keeping them around just to abuse even cheaper workers and cheap resources.

This, exchange your money into bitcoins and move innawoods

exchange your monei to Japanese yen
I'll take care of it. send your credit card number and mom's maiden name asap

still this >Western influence
and US base

is being bought by countless number of Chinese individuals who never trust Chinese Yuan
So once Yuan was broken up...

If Korea becomes an irradiated hell hole, Finland is open to taking nubile young female refugees.

Cant the chinks just give all the nork leadership a mansion in manchuria and make the country some slightly less insane satellite state?
Kim cant be that unreasonable.

finally a war

This. The good thing about living in a poor and unimportant continent is that when the shit hits the fan, you just watch and enjoy.

hopefully the corea peninsula will just be gone

Eh there's a reason why they assassinated Kim Jong Nam.

Norks feared he'd be used to replace kim jong un

Remember us, do not repeat our mistakes. You will be the inheritors of our legacy and the future of mankind mr. Macaco