>Paris, 2017, March.
>Paris, 2017, March.
>leafs in charge of geography
Thats africa
What the fuck
>Southern Germany, 2018
captcha: public paris
This isn't funny, it's truly a tragedy that when you go to Paris you don't see French people.
>les primeurs du chateau
>The premises of the castle
Atleast we have african immigrants
Top fucking kek frenchies
africa tier cities lmao
literally baghdad
it's ogre
how can France recover as a country?
Where are the french posters?
How can any Frenchman see that and not want to take action? Literally start rounding them and dump them back in Africa.
In OPs picture
france is dead
the best thing is when they act so arrogant although france is a total shithole
Same reason you're not kicking blacks out of Harlem?
People are too comfortable. We still have food, water, comfy computers, tv, phones, electricity etc. When that stops working then you will see some shit.
>reply to a French flag
>"joke's on you I'm actually Algerian xD"
France is no longer white
>he thinks this is a good thing
Belgium and Germany in charge of bullying France about immigration.
Autism beyond limits.
Leaf him alone. At least he has mosques.
What's the point of this thread?
jesus and i thought Ottawa was bad...
Pls die
Under truck wheels
I am a Greek
asking ourselves how the fuck we got to this point and how we fix it.
I bet the locals think the same about mongrels like you.
Die turk
ateast they're not degenerates
Turkish nigger rape baby then.
I met a Czech fob immigrant who saw a dindu throw garbage on the street while standing right in front of a trash bin. He said something to the effect how the dindu was uncivilised and straight from the jungle. I'm thinking, who in their right mind would move from Czechia to Toronto? s.m.h.
>tfw this is going to be all of Europe by 2060
Resurrection of Joan when?
Most French Blacks are oversea territories though and are like 3.5 to 2.94% of the population and most are concentrated in the city.
I am a Greek
that is an anti Greek myth spread among peasants like you
Not these ones, these habe muslim wear.
This is part of that 9 percent muslims
actually let me restate that the number of SSA blacks to oversea Blacks is like close to each other but SSA is higher.
maybe people wouldn't be so anti immigration if pakis and niggers didn't LOOK so fucking third world. It's really hard not to think you are in some twelth century, fundamentally religious shit hole when you are surrounded by darkies wearing dresses, burkas, tea cosy hats, bath robes, pyjamas, floral headscarves, turbans, tall lampshade hats, veils, wizard cloaks, shepherd robes, potato sacks. all with giant beards and random bits of plastic stuck to their fucking faces. honestly, walking around London or Paris is depressing as fuck. absolute circus of people dressed as if they were still living in whatever shit hole tribal desert they came from
why can't they just dress normally?
m8 i wish it was.
those are pretty clear french block houses.
This entire development is a bummer if you like living in a city.
I don't mind the dress. Note the garbage everywhere.
try 2020
Well, yes that doesn't help. There really is no excuse for making the area that surrounds you a shit hole by dropping your filth wherever you go. Absolutely hate littering
I have a question.
How the fuck does France maintain social welfare and yet have all these foreigners hanging out on the streets all day.
Is it absolutely shit to live there if you make over 80k? and why the fuck don't you move to america where your wages aren't garnished and your income is twice as high?
>How the fuck does France maintain social welfare and yet have all these foreigners hanging out on the streets all day.
My guess is that nuclear power fuels this madness. Canada and Niger are France's biggest suppliers of uranium.
>How the fuck does France maintain social welfare
in the real world
the younger immigrants contribute with billions to health care and pensions for the aging whites
Isn't is obvious? The French and English have been fucking with African nations for ages. It shouldn't really surprise anyone when those colonised by the French start showing up in France after their nations go to shit. If I were a French speaking darkie living in some African shithole, I'd probably leg it over to a French speaking EU nation if it was possible. People only want what is better for their own lives in the present, really.
Look at the Mexicans taking over the US. The US fucked up their nation with the cartels and since it is viable, Mexicans are saying fuck that and hoping over to the US where they can live better.
None of these sort of things should surprise anyone who understands what people all want at the basic level, and the relationships between the nations and peoples involved.
It isn't something that can simply be "fixed". This is blowback from past taken actions. All people can do today is adapt or close off their national borders. Either way, it's like rain: you can't stop it from falling, all you can do is try to collect it or protect things from getting wet by sheltering them. As long as Europe wants to remain in trade, people are going to drip in like raindrops into these exposed holes into these nations.
The cat is well and truly out of the bag.
>the younger immigrants contribute with billions to health care and pensions for the aging whites
In the real world, they're a burden. Here are the stats for UK. My guess is they're worse for France.
one another reason why we don't need multiculturalism
stop. 90 percent of people have nothing to do with this and never have, it's the colonists who are encouraging this.
Europe will be African, North America will be Mexican, and Russia will remain a frozen slavic shithole. The world keeps turning, I guess.
>he believe lies that media and politicians keep feeding you in
You are unsaveable Germanistan.
>why the fuck don't you move to america
Because you only let Mexicans or Chinks in, we Europeans have it seriously difficult to move to the US or Canada.
weird, i thought turks/immigrants in your country usually end up unemployed or some shit tier kebab selling/vendor job.
our immigrants atleast fuel our medical industry IE importing nurses because not enough nurses/importing surgeons and so-on from elsewhere.
the west is doomed. learn from our mistakes. you are our only hope. you must unite against this scourge.
someone should edit this picture to make all of the western countries brown and the two asian countries white
stop bullying them NOW
>Russia will remain a frozen slavic shithole.
Tatars/Kypchak speaking Muslims are outbreeding the Russians.
its easy if you're french or english m8. not like you'd work anyways jorge.
we don't have any mexicans though, more salvadorians and colombians, and all are pretty gr8 and normal.
Well it really depends. Did the garbage removal people have a strike since this is France and all? We need to know the date of those pics.
Russia will be central and east asian.
>90 percent of people have nothing to do with this and never have
No shit. How did manage to fundamentally miss the point of my post?
tatars are pretty much 100% russian.
t. have "russian" friends
You do the same to us.
Because it is meme reductionism
That's not something to brag about user.
do you hate multicultural societies? why? i think your only serious problems are latin americans and black americans though
america is fine since you don't have huge social welfare programs that pay them nothing for doing nothing though.
result is your immigrants end up working and contributing unlike euros.
they deserve every bataclan they get
I don't think so.
My sister in law went to paris. She told me she felt incredibly uncomfortable since she was mexican a shitload of arabs looked pissed off at her for not wearing the ninja garb and i think probably having a relationship with a white guy.
Don't post huffPo. that's like Breitbart tier level of news. use real academic sources.
looks really diverse :^)
We do though, not as bad as Euros but illegals get tons of benefits. Especially here in my cucked state of California that gives them free education and drivers licensees and other shit and its actively trying to prevent the federal government from deporting them.
My brown brother
>result is your immigrants end up working and contributing unlike euros.
Lot of them use social assistance or are barely above poverty or deep in it.
The point of quoting huffpo is that the people supporting immigration would see it as a reliable source. "UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration" did the research.
I've probably worked more than you, you'll find it hard to find a lazy Spaniard abroad except for the kids we export to the UK and Ireland that go there to learn the language.
There are a lot of Americans living here, especially in Madrid. I don't know if things are going to change in the future.
It's history and the reason these conditions exist at all. The meme here is you taking personal offensive about something entirely unrelated to individuals.
Keep ignoring history and getting worked up by the rhetoric of populous politics, you dumb cunt.
Protestant work ethic.
Protestants are programmed to be wage slaves.
Mexicans work illegally but their kids still get to go to public school in the USA.
It's better for society that they get educated anyway since it gives them a better shot at contributing down the line and repaying society.
>There are a lot of Americans living here, especially in Madrid. I don't know if things are going to change in the future.
They are probably richfags or highly skilled people, just like the Spanish people we do let in here.
That's your theory. Where are the numbers.
yeah but its pretty minimal and you barely need to fund it yourself. meanwhile the french are paying nickel and dime to burden themselves with their dumb utopia vision.
honestly though, they atleast work 90% of the time. that's much better than just hanging out on the streets doing nothing which is what I saw in europe.
Love that roo, m8.
>They are probably richfags or highly skilled people
They are mostly middle class with a standard college degree. The ones I've met on Tinder at least were, and all working or trying to as English teachers in private schools in here.
I only have a couple of friends living in the US, and they're also middle class.
History does NOT repeat itself(ask all historians) and reductionism is useless
Why do I always see australians post this meme
and all foreigners together contributed probably more
If I remember right, then foreigners, those who arent germ citizen, contribute with 21,6 billion € as a whole.
racist german lies from some decades ago
>Implying France and Paris haven't always been shit holes.
Didn't you study French history in High school? France has always been a peasant nation, which is why there was the French Revolution. The picture which OP posted is very normal , France has always been like this.
They are second class "citizens" though so to speak. They pay into the system but can't access most of the shit that a true citizen or a legal migrant can. Why the fuck keep them in if you are gonna treat them like shit? You do know that it's jsut gonna entrench their position of disadvantage further and enable American companies and employers to abuse this workerbase?
>and all foreigners together contributed probably more
Why not include natives too? What a pointless argument.