Be french-native mutt

>be french-native mutt
>people always ask what my ancestry is
>tell them
>oh, so you're like a mexican of canada?

Say you are Greek


Haha, that's just awesome bantz

>be french-native mutt


Just say you're a Native American. People will respect that a lot since most have never seen one outside of storybooks.

nothing wrong with that my mixed friend

>most have never seen one outside of storybooks.

I fucking wish I only ever saw them in storybooks. At least they don't get drunk off listerine and stab people in storybooks

You've got to go back.webm

Hm that's not a very nice thing to say lad

>have never seen one outside of storybooks
Maybe in the USA.
Unfortunately the perception of natives here is not as glamorous. I used to say I was just French but I stopped . Because of my darker skin people assumed I was Algerian which is even worse.

Okay let's switch places and we'll see how long it takes until you hate them like everyone else who lives around them does

holy cuck, leafman

Metis are cool though

Post Métis qts, OP.
>ywn have a mongrel leaf gf

Hm that's unfortunate mate. Still, I think you should be proud of who you are.

I would want to have an Indian or Eskimo bro to drink with desu

desu oklahoma has the best metis girls.

Fox Mulder plays a metis, right? ( Have I understood metis correctly)

Everything is ok

You just need to not spread your disease to my compatriots, shitskin

To bad u genocided the siberians