>Find Christianity (Lutheranism specifically) very interesting
>Wish it were real
>Find no reason to believe in god, supernatural, "faith," or anything relating to that
>Sad that Christians seem to be slowly replaced with Mudslimes throughout the world
What am I supposed to do?
Find Christianity (Lutheranism specifically) very interesting
You go to bed because it's a school night, runt
go back to mexico
I'm white + Anglo/Irish ancestry
I'm actually a teacher so that is somewhat relevant.
what's exactly what makes you sad with muslims replacing christianity if you don't believe in god?, serious question
Christianity is a bulwark of Western civilization in many ways (although I abhor the modern Christian conservatives in the USA).
Islam goes against Western civilization and we can already see how Muslims are screwing up Europe.
Those Muslims will become secularized after a few generations at max. Don't underestimate the power of Western liberalism to erode traditions.
Become a Lutheran
They're going to fuck everything up
>be me
>be Lutheran
>believe in Jesus's and u are forgiven regardless of what u do... fuk yeah.
Basically a summary for the dumb man. There's the whole reformation and shit, but in general that's ut.
Am considering goingoing back agnostic though - parents aren't really concerned if I change religion.
religions are obsolete, deism is the ultimate redpill OP
Are you the Christian Argentine I talked to in a thread about a month or so ago?
It's unfortunate that you can't even comprehend sincerity.
Christianity is true. If you spend enough time studying philosophers and theologians, I'm sure you'll see the light. It's a heavy read, but An essay concerning human understanding by John Locke might be a good place to start, at least the chapters on God's existence.
You are right...
Look at japan :3
Larp then. Every religion is larping, every single one, and larping is fun, it is sound, it can be turned into a therapeutic psyhodrama and it can help a civilization to survive. So larp my friend, even if you do not believe your textbook, for benefit of us all.
Whew. Two thousands years ago some intellectual from impoverished royal family promissed he will return leading the angels and stuff. He promissed he'll be back fast. Two thousands years passed and there are still people who actually TRUST that POLITICIAN to fulfill his promise. Whew, really whew.
Ano spojrzaĊ ja. I co?
>Whew, really whew
Yeah, this is about the standard of refutation I expected.
>Two thousands years passed and there are still people who actually TRUST that POLITICIAN to fulfill his promise.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Jesus said that God's kingdom is not of this earth, and to render unto Caesar what is his.
Regardless, I don't know many politicians who willingly were crucified. If I did, I'd be inclined to trust his sincerity.
All I am trying to say is that Jesus was a mortal human from the House of David, who got involved into some risky business while barely anticipating the consequences of it, and when sh*t hit the vent, it was too late for him to save his life.
And when Jesus says that his kingdom is from the outer space, I should take that literarly, but when Lord says he made sky solid and heavens above the sky, I should take this as a metaphor - even though the latter statement is an excerpt from what the wise men aka protoscientists were telling from Kemet to Chaldea, while the former was just a catchphrase of single popular person. Whew again.
>All I am trying to say is that Jesus was a mortal human
Christ's presence on earth, in full health, after his crucifixion is attested by several sources, friendly and hostile.
>And when Jesus says that his kingdom is from the outer space, I should take that literarly, but when Lord says he made sky solid and heavens above the sky, I should take this as a metaphor - even though the latter statement is an excerpt from what the wise men aka protoscientists were telling from Kemet to Chaldea, while the former was just a catchphrase of single popular person.
Is this something you heard from someone else and are poorly regurgitating? Why would the source of something have anything to do with whether it's literal or metaphorical?
Now I'm curious. Which sources telling about Jesus are hostile towards Jesus? Gnostic?
Duh, never mind that. You just said that sources should be treated lightly. It's only my bias towards science that makes me trust the knowledge seekers more than shut-up-we-hold-the-truth folks. Even though knowledge seekers actually develop their theories and sometimes they even can admit they made a mistake.
I'm afraid Sup Forums changes me slowly into pic related, and what scares me the most, that this is not even my final form.
Whatever. I just had to dump the weight of the breast and hence my rant. Thank you for reading, user. Go now, and believe in whatever you want. I like you more than muslims anyway.
>Now I'm curious. Which sources telling about Jesus are hostile towards Jesus? Gnostic?
>Duh, never mind that.
That was a strange about-turn. You know you can delete something after you type it but before you post it?
Anyway, the Romans were hostile to Christianity, in case you didn't know.
>It's only my bias towards science that makes me trust the knowledge seekers
Philosophy (from the Greek for "love of knowledge") isn't truth-seeking to you?
>shut-up-we-hold-the-truth folks
This is a preposterous strawman, though, considering our present situation. I'm a Christian willing to discuss the matter in earnest with you, and you, an atheist, are the one resorting to "Whew, whew, whew", and, as we'll see in a second, condescendingly trying to end a debate in which you have nothing of value to say.
>I just had to dump the weight of the breast and hence my rant. Thank you for reading, user. >Go now, and believe in whatever you want.
>having nothing to say
>trying to act like you planned on having nothing to say from the outset
>resorting to misplaced condescension to preserve your ego
You're very transparent.
>I'm afraid Sup Forums changes me slowly into pic related, and what scares me the most, that this is not even my final form.
I hope things get better for you, in that case.
That roman kike , Josephus.
>being a christfag
Are you South Australian? I get the impression Lutheranism outside SA is more conservative, I think it might be an American influence or something.
>Anyway, the Romans were hostile to Christianity, in case you didn't know.
It's the Jews that killed Jesus
Aw, should I...?
Afaik Romans had nothing to say about Jesus. Testimonium Flavianum is considered an interpolation added later by a copyist, Tacitus is similar case and Suetonius presumably wrote about a different person. Was there anyone else...?
>Romans were hostile to Christianity
Nope. Because they eventually turned their state into Christian one and it was done in a "vox populi vox dei" way. Japanese were the ones who can be called hostile to Christianity.
>Philosophy isn't truth seeking to you?
It's a protoscience in the best case, an imperfect tool for "reprogramming" the wetware. It is useful to teach one how to think and what to think, and on the other hand almost useless cognitively. The Old Greeks had idealism, hylemorphism and atomism as candidates for their GUT, and they were unable to choose the proper solution.
Can anyone here disprove solipsism in the first place?
>a preposterous strawman
I admit I am not taught of proper rigour of discussion. I sorry you for that, if you're still around.
>I hope things get better for you.
I think my evolution into the ultrafedora state cannot be stopped. I got two "adult" books in my childhood, the New Testament and some pop-sci about Solar System. The language of NT happened to be completely undigestable for the little fuck I was. The book on SS was readable and interesting.