
yank high school edition

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>*whips out strap on*

need a 2b gf

going haircut

Death to fascism, freedom to the people.

doing a cheeky /trash/wank

eating a girl out is beta as fuck




me on the right jumping up to get a cheeky punch then running away

Literally the only left wing lad here

>DOMS in the gluteus maximus

Good feel

Is that a female?

what about eating a boy out?

i'll take 2a

smoked out locced out ridin with the pistol grip

>your questions are on medieval earls of orkney

rly need a bf

someone tell me her fucking name already


Pretty much how i sleep 2bh

posted from my ipad

can't believe you'd ask such a question in the current year

check blacked.com kek

anastacia niggergobbler

Crystal Palace 3-0 Arsenal

pics of your bum?

Billie jeans
Honest question lad

Colette Burner


finished game of thrones now life is empty

I know what you mean, but if someone insists on living in London, doesn't want to pay a huge deposit, commit themselves to six months living with random strangers, and pay £500 for a bed in a cupboard under the stairs, I think it might be preferable.

If I was homeless, I'd probably try to busk, and eventually use airbnb to get a roof over my head until I was sorted.


I notice american blacks basically have no honour when it comes to scrapping, they don't have the slightest aversion to stomping people as a massive group, hardly ever see them in 1v1s

>Literally the only left wing lad here

I'm getting really pissed off now. Just tell me her name.

thoughts on the last 3 seasons

awful show



>what did you just say to my gf??

better than the first 3

no u




hmmm she seems less attractive from this angle
i retroactively take back my wank earlier, looks like nofap is still doing fine then

peace of mind is a spook

Jewish american groups are some of the most influential in the US, plus they control the media, MUH 6 GORILLION DO WHAT ISRAEL SAYS GOY


Literally do not see the problem with race mixing, no one is forcing you to have babies with black people


4- not too bad but the writing clearly starting to suffer
5 - appalling
6 - slightly less appalling


They don't I got bullied by blacks and felt afraid to do something because of that very same reason.



really makes you think

Lads why don't you learn a martial art? Not being funny but most of you will be in at least 1 fight in the future - don't you want to win it?

Stupid not to really

Elsa Jean

could unironically heem a whole batty boy football team like this

any welshman in


>Conservatism IS the new counter culture

>amerisharts have to use lubricant to masturbate because dr goldberg deformed their dicks at birth

Hard to wrap my head around it lads

same. soccer players don't use their upper body

I already do though

embarrassed myself at a club the other night. Doubt the lads will ever talk to me again now kek. Still cringing at the thought of it.

looks like he's getting a blowie off from that thumbnail

Da Iawn

think that's a gay dog



anyone else grow a little beard to mask The Weak Chin

ngl it works pretty well, i feel way more confident

hi woowie

Couldn't care less about the language its the ethnicity and superior Celtic genes that matter

Should I cop a zoostorm? I need a new computer and only have like £400 to spend

Would be nice to support British products too


On Friday night I went to a mates flat for pre-drinks and going out later
Apparently I got really drunk really quickly, threw up in the kitchen sink, and called the northerners "Northern Wankers" and the southerners "Southern Pricks"

why is it? and so what if it is?

they don't remember or care

>look randomly through video
>some nig prostitute

cyberpowerpc uk

GOOD post

t. Welshman




>when you realise that line running down your ballsack is where your cunt lips sealed up

irishmen, scots, cornishmen, manx, bretons, all fake celts

welshmen are the only true celts

many such cases

imagine being fucking 40 and getting those club pictures taken


>no honour
means fuck all. a fight isn't some gentlemanly contest where you have to look good

the point of a fight is to inflict pain and make your opponent lose. anything is fair game

if a nigger came up to me i'd tell him this:


describe to me the shape of your pectoral muscles

what's the best one for self defence

would snap that fucker's neck


they don't look very impressed

don't understand classes and objects at all (Java)



need a verdict on sucking willies too


getting into a fight with someone doesn't mean you should get 20 of your mates to kick their skull in

Some of you told me that a fag holder would be fedora but idgaf I just bought one

The model people in Warwick castle used to terrify and interest me as a kid. got told off for trying to sneak into one of the cells with model prisoners in them.


>My time with user has come to an end. During our time together, I learned about his general cynicism and misanthropy but also his irreverant, self-deprecating style of humour and his ability to show compassion forward those who shared his "feels". What had started as a journey into the "dark side of the internet" had become a poignant investigation into the lives of wayward young men. With no community to fall back on and plenty of free time to spend online, they had forged an alliance not out of common interests but common sense of displacement. Although they have been attacked in the media as nazis, perverts and nihilists, the picture I was presented was one of loneliness and desperation. I finally realised that the "Internet Hate Machine" hates nothing more than itself.

an object is an instance of a class. you are an instance of a human. what don't you understand?