What happens here?
What happens here?
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MIlitiary base with few mongol-looking Russians from deep Asia to disguise it as an actual oblast.
Boring Russian city that is there just for the sake of having military base over there
slavshit subhumans
they never did anything
but fuck their little sisters
is poland richer than russia?
t. never been neither countries
Richer than poor parts
Poorer than rich parts
We were always richer and it will remain forever so, despite their attempts to make us the same as them.
Sometimes I don't know if you're baiting here with "Pooland is a shithole" or real.
lmao not really.
Yeah really
>Sometimes I don't know if you're baiting here with "Pooland is a shithole" or real.
Because I don't have any idea about ex-commie countries. Never even been to Estonia
Are there a lot of differences?
>We were always richer
Even during PLC times Catherine was crying that Russians run away to Pooland.
You're a poor shithole with no infrastructure, get over it. You will never be like us.
We're 60 years behind West thanks to you, but you're at least 200 years behind us lmao.
Of course there are. Even pre-commie time Baltic States and Poland were much better than Russia.
>You will never be like us
Thank god
>german propaganda """"education""""
>You will never be like us
I hope so
What good did sit slavs do?
Baltic oppression
Dude, Warshaw is a backward village compared to Moscow and Petersburg,
First man in space at example
t. Haven't been to any of those cities
Warszawa was fully annihilated in ww2
so it is a little not fair to compare it to moscow or anything
Crackow or PoznaĆ are better examples
That was Russians, not slavs. What did you, european Slavs, do? Anything of note?
Americans would do it anyway
Not sure what it is
How do polish commieblocks look like? This Russia seems really amazed about the living conditions here
>russians aren't european
Half of Russia was fully annihilated in ww2 mate.
>water is wet
Not Moscow. Although, it was burnt by the French in the 19th century.
Military bases.
It's just a shithole waaaay to close to glorious Karlskrona
Man if Street View didn't exist, I would actually believe that Poland is a decent country. Good numbers m8
>one poorfags pretending they're rich trying to bait other poorfags
Pathetic tbqh.
>By Russians
>Intelligence that was strongly affected by Germans/French/Jews etc
Oh wow
Such is Slav threda
>denying facts
Typical pidorussians
>it's yet another butthurt delusional pole thread
I am Greek you slavshit
You live close to Russia and Polland. Check this yourself.
>Population 461,489
>Population 15,300,000
Why do Eastern Europeans keep comparing their villages to our huge cities? What the fuck do you even do there in Gdansk? Tend to your flowers? They are very pretty, good boy. Maybe one day you'll be able to escape country life and start an actual life in a big city. Won't be in Poland, obviously.
>They are very pretty
If only. The center part may look decent because of EU monies, but everywhere else it is just typical Eastern European shithole.
Many such cases
wtf I hate germany now
>. The center part may look decent because of EU monies
EU money does not dictate city planning or aesthetics.
Lol let me guess you don't live in Moscow, right? It's a contaminated overpopulated shithole that consists of disgusting commieblocks by 70%. 50%+ of the population aren't muscovites but don't bydlo from provinces or churkas. This city is best that you can get in Russia but it's terrible anyway. If swap it for a middle-size European city without a doubt.
Shitty people living in shitty houses
Just like the rest of russia
slav threads are the worst
The sole purpose of Kaliningrad is to make Lithuania look like a small Africa.
>But some bydlos
>The best you can get
>I'd swap
>Vilinius is Harare
Does it look aesthetic to you? It is a textbook example of tackiness.
Are slav threads retarded because slavs have a poor command of the English language and are limited to awkwardly sounding invectives? Yes. That was purely a rhetorical question. They remind me of the Korea vs Japan threads.
Let me guess, you've never lived in a small city, have you? I've spent 10 years in Moscow, I've lived for 2 years in a mil+ city and my childhood was in a 500k+ city. You don't know what you're talking about. Living in a small city where NOTHING happens is shit. It's like living in the middle of the desert. I don't care how pretty your desert is, it's a fucking desert.
And no, Moscow isn't the best city in Russia, St Petersburg is, I'm moving there next year. Moscow a shit. St Petersburg is also huge though, 7mil+. I would NEVER EVER move to a small city again, I don't care what it looks like
Pls link Olsztyn vs Kaliningrad image from Olsztynanon.
I lost it some time ago.
that looks really shit
>a small city in Russia and in Europe is the same thing
Are you serious? Also I said a medium city, not small.
>St Petersburg is the best
Lol, that disgusting shithole with old shabby houses and terrible infrastructure, where you won't see the sun? I'd never live there.
It's not the same thing, it's prettier I guess. But a small city is a small city. Nothing happens there. I don't like it. Some people do, I don't. I like to feel that shit is happening around me. I'm not 60, I don't want to sit in a pretty little village.
>old shabby houses and terrible infrastructure
You can choose a house you live in, you do know that, don't you? Just don't live in an old house if you don't want to. And I'd like to live in a city where I can actually drive a car instead of waiting for hours in traffic jams.
based poles
No one really cares Turk attention-whore
>Nothing happens there
Depends on what do you want to do. What so interesting does happen in Moscow or St Petersburg? Also, those cities are too big and overpopulated. For example, Berlin only has 3mln people. Munich has 1.5 mln. Amsterdam has under one mln. Are they boring for you?
>You can choose a house to live in
Yes, but sometimes I want to live my house and get around in the city. St Petersburg looks poor and untidy. I can't enjoy strolling there.
>Want to leave my house
i do
it is ugly
for Russian standards, the Netherlands is one big city.
>thread about Russian
>some Poles with inferiority complex always post there
Not really, our cities besides Moscow and St Petersburg aren't really bigger then average European cities.
doesnt look too bad
so why you always post under deutsch flag?
that's not only limited to the non native speaker threads though. have you ever been to a british general? shit is fucking embarrassing.
The place from which we will start capturing Poland
>What Russians think about poland?
>What Poles think about Russia?
Is that why your media cry about facisty Poland all the time?
Why are poles so butthurt?
cuz ussr with 3rd reich separate poland in ww2
Most people who experienced that all already dead
And communism collapsed almost 30 years ago
but poland still complains about it
Our media mostly cry about fascistic Ukraine, ebil America and the Syrian war. You're probably really selective when it comes to watching Russian media. I've never seen anyone talking about Poland (especially in a negative way) outside retarded imageboards.
>Americans would do it anyway
>downplaying Koroljows achievements
It's not really an achievement if someone else was about to do it when you did it. Russians did nothing that changed the history in a good way. Absolutely nothing.
> I've never seen anyone talking about Poland (especially in a negative way) outside retarded imageboards.
This desu
Russians mostly have a neutral or positive view about small countires (simply don't give a fuck), which Poland is also.
And if you visit Russia they're the friendliest people ever since if you've went the trouble going there they really respect it. They don't have many tourists even in st petersburg.
It's on street view, you can see for yourself.
>cherry picking
Actually, Russian infrastructure is a complete disaster.
What's with Norway?
>they're the friendliest people ever since if you've went the trouble going there they really respect it.
More like they are desperately trying to make up for how shitty the country is.
Roads need replacing/fixing, not enough workers.
gibe sauce to the site pedale
Their roads are shit it's filled with toll roads.
Well if you've watched Ville Haapalo's shows and read his books he says it well in that Russians rather give the food than eat it himself. And will offer drinks, even at a bar.
They were offended when I was about to offer them instead :D
>posting a stock photo
found your drandpas photo
Don't make fun of genghis
not much different from germans
that's why they get along so good, hunnic piece of shit
It was your own fault loosing your country to communism.
We managed to negotiate with the soviets to have our capitalist system, even thought we lost the war and got invaded
Should blame your politicians at the time rather than Russians
I imagine the data that they gather from developing countries comes from the isolated tourist areas.
Rightful Merkel clay
Our only fault is not going with Germany against those niggers.