Are berbers white?
Are berbers white?
No, they are my mortal enemy.
no muslim can be white
those are not berber
those peope have r1b1 y dna not e
real berbers are brown
No, only traditional Catholics can be white.
so descendants of euro slaves caught by muslim pirates in their raids?
I dont think they would let christian men breed (unless they converted to Islam) but they would surely fuck captured women.
how can anyone defend letting muslims into europe, jesus christ
Visigoth gene?
Phonecian survivors of Ran salughter of cathqge?
Are they caucasians or something else?
Fuck off berbers are the natural enemies of spen same as cat and mouse.
tatars more likely
most berber are caucasian expect some of them cangloid caucasian
most of berbers are brown
pure berber with 100% e-m81 or e-m35 are brown and that proove that berbers are originary brown there are white berber that mixed with europeans and balck berbers that mixed with africans
You wuz white n sheeit
There's no population below aswan you retard.
Sure. But they aren't European though, which is what matters imo.
Nubian solely meant Khartoum.
this guy from chneni the only berber along with jrado(both in tunisia) with 0 external influence so this is the stereotypical look of a berber
Amazigh are white
Fuck off moroccan.
You're replying to a moor immigrant not an Iberian.
roast me guys i'm the small thing xddd
cherry picking : the pictur, not to mention that women and kids always look more european
Could I pass as ber ber?
Chi aztec
Oml the butthurt CHI that can't take banter is back
Depends on which you're talking about
Allow me to interject for a minute in this important discussion, to let you know that anyone denying the whiteness of berbers will have to fight me until death separates us
I'm pure Greco-Roman shitstick
yeah sure.
nearly any non-Asian non-Abo can.
interesting looking nose you got
What's your ethnicity
Motherfucker go look at Aztec paintings and there is you.
Hitlar was berber
He's a pure Aztec.
A southern shitalian
No they are all 4'11 brown midgets
Sing Along my symphony!
There was once a Mexican
he was fapping he was bored
he saw 1% Spanish blood
so he acts like he's from abroad
he notice Spain had conflict
with Catalans and Berbers
but to all other Spaniards
he was a Larping disturber
they told him to kill himself
but guess what he said real quick?
"I am a white Spanish Visigoth
You manlety brown Aztec!"
Fuck off.
Lmao I'm whiter than you and I'm a filthy Berberat
No you're not Berber.