Will it meet the same end as South Africa and other countries where once white people left, the country essentially collapsed?
And if so, what's the tipping point? 50%? 25%? less? more?
Will it meet the same end as South Africa and other countries where once white people left, the country essentially collapsed?
And if so, what's the tipping point? 50%? 25%? less? more?
Countries with no economy will tip over 100% of the time.
America will be a latino nation. The eternal anglo will have been finally defeated.
Post it on Sup Forums, you'll get more replies.
No, Mexicans will interbreed and be accepted among whites like the Irish and Italians did and become Americanized immigrants. There's no reason for this trend to not occur as it always had.
>Only the white people were farmers.
Next time learn how to farm before you kick those people out.
The USA has literally nothing in common with South Africa
Sup Forums is filled with troglodytes and morons. I want to hear more objective opinions.
>inb4 hurr nonwhites can have decent countries too
Well yeah, East Asians, but otherwise none are a match for Europe.
Eastern Europe and Southern Europe are shit though
India will probably be pretty decent in a hundred years
Eastern Europe and Southern Europe are shit compared to Western Europe and a few Anglo countries, but otherwise we're way ahead of others.
Except the Balkans. Will somebody nuke that shithole already, and make sure to include Romania in the bombing, thank you very much
>I want to hear more objective opinions.
Then you should know better than to assume race governs success of a state.
1. The US population is getting infused with Chicanos, not niggers
2. This is just a short term generational trend
Whites are simply have less children or having them at an older age not unlike what's happening in every other 1st world western country.
Hispanics on the other hand are having a child boom because they largely immigrated here recently, but their children and grandchildren, like whites, start also having less children the longer they've been here.
All the statistics about the long term declining white population is really the media trying to get white millennials off their lazy retarded asses and go have children.
Maybe young people would being having more kids if wages had kept up with inflation and you could still support dependents on a single unskilled income like in the 50s.
Maybe young people should get a real job.
dumb shitskin american
Sorry mate, you can't have it both ways: either the economic wherewithal to have a family is made accessible to young people, or you end up with declining birthrates.
I don't know if you've heard this or not, but there was this thing called WWII that happened in the mid-1900s that completely devastated every major manufacturing country in Europe.
Fucking Venezuela had the 4th highest GDP per capita in the world in 1950, but it turns out socialism doesn't work out so great once half the world recovers from complete devastation.
Productivity has gone up not because workers are working harder, but because automation has gotten better.
The irony of this coming from Israel. Your country is like a shining diamond in the middle of a garbage pile
Do you have any examples of any country predominantly NOT white, spaniard or east asian that isn't a shithole?
No. South Africa has a very specific problem, the change of power was abrupt. This means that when the torch changed hands, the black populace had no time to be educated or live in a civilized society, so they of course, ran it into the ground. Look at states like New Mexico, where Latinos make up almost the entirety of the government, and you'll see that we'll be fine, because our transition was gradual, giving them time to learn before given the responsibility.
Dumb turkroach, keep crying iki
30% hispanic countries won't collapse you idiot.
Mexico is pretty stable with corruption and cartels and all.
His country is like 30% european "white" and doing fine.
NM a shit. California and Texas are better
This. White Jews are a minority in Israel.
Lol no the Anc turned corrupt.
Also gradual franchisement is an extremely shitty policy to do because the government can constantly soft it JUST LIKE SOUTH AFRICA PRE APARTHEID.
The SA government was scared of Blacks and Coloureds developing so they basically did everything they could to prevent them form having an political and economic power using laws to do so to keep them powerless because of the fear of non-whites matching them as equals.
It's like people saying the American Civil War was only about Slavery but like 10x worse because it's not even close at all.
>Not a shithole
Memes aside, Argentina isn't on par with the average shithole.