I want to become able to watch a good German movie
I want to become able to watch a good German movie
Learn how to speak German. I hope this helps.
>good German movie
no such thing
est weider da is pretty good.
first you need to become able to speak german fluently
Fack ju Göhte wasnt painful and I actually laughed at Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot
When watching it with a sarcastic perspective yeah it's kinda funny
Hate both 2bh
Was ist Das Boot.
>Fack ju Göhte
That's not a 'german movie', that a 'germany must perish movie'. What are you gonna watch next? Willkommen bei den Hartmanns?
>Willkommen bei den Hartmanns
forgot that this movie existed.
fuck you for reminding me.
>tfw you accidentally downloaded the Dutch sub of Das Boot
>Fack ju Ghöte
Okay, was empfiehlst du denn? Das Boot?
ahaha, that must sound pretty funny though.
(i don't speak dutch)
Nicht er aber Das Boot ist ziemlich gut
Definately. There are at least 3 versions.
>director's cut
>tv mini series
I recommend the mini series. It's the longest and best version.
I quite enjoyed this one
Okay then quit wasting everyone's time.
Cool, thanks. Do you know if its easy to find only through like kinox?
Das boot the mini series, you are welcome.
No clue, sorry. It's on my german netfux, is all i know.
I guess I'll find out. Thanks again!