Which nation should fear yours most?
Which nation should fear yours most?
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they better build a wall
we know how to use subtle influence to bring the germans to do our bidding
Whichever ones will go underwater due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases derived from the petroleum industry.
It's only a matter of time until we liberate them from the homophobic fascist Putin regime.
The weak should fear the strong
/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can take over Sup Forums.
In this order, meme countries like Iran and China aside, without a hint of irony:
1. G*rmany
2. Argentina
3. Russia
If you fight russia, they go nuclear.
You fucking delusion Paki cunt.
I believe you will be the one being liberated soon.
Sweden and Germany
USA. The weak should fear the strong
All of you fuckers. Chile stronk. We'll kick your ass and use your skulls for something I don't know about yet but we'll figure it out
Ze United World
why is chile so evil
An overdose of rotten beef perhaps?
Austria obviously. We btfo them once and we will do that again.
kek. Saved
We nearly ENTIRELY genocided them, I don't even think a jew would fear Hitler more than Paraguayans fear us.
>With an estimated 400,000 deaths, the war was the deadliest and bloodiest in Latin America's history.[7] It particularly devastated Paraguay, which suffered catastrophic losses in population – almost 70% of its adult male population died, according to some counts – and was forced to cede territory to Argentina and Brazil. According to some estimates, Paraguay's pre-war population of 525,000 was reduced to 221,000, of which only 28,000 were men.
Go be a bully somewhere else Joao. We can carpet bomb the shit out of what you call your country without loosing a single chilean life besides the fuckers on our embassy. Paper tiger bullying on little countries you are disgusting, just as your never won a war in my life neighbour down south. Pick on Paraguay again and see what fucking happens
The UN.
Germany and Russia
Indonesia apparently
That and your flag is a celebration of bloodletting Muslims.
It's the Matamoros of flags.
neu zland........
If they attack us theyd probably get invaded by our allies.
Every single war we try to get them.
everyone tbqh.
Germany is pathetic these days so nope.
Then why is everyone so worried? :^)
If it were your people, you would not need to fight them.
you have to go back
>If you fight russia, they go nuclear.
Good. Russia with fire their nukes, and then every other country that has nuclear weapons will fire their's at Russia. Well, except for Iran and North Korea, which would launch their nukes at Israel and South Korea/Japan respectively.
t. 15 yo retard who doesn't understand how physics works
I'm against having them at this point lol.
Brazil is peaceful on paper and will never invade another territory
6 million vs 200 million
Gee i wonder how could you win that
They fear their unique and ancient culture will be overwhelmed by us so much, that they banned czech language on their TV altogether
to give you a perspective, it's like as if Scots banned non-Scottish accent on TV and enforced all English to be redubbed with Scottish accent to preserve Scottish identity
Every one of them that borders us in the West should fear us.
Nobody. We are a peaceful people who never did anything to anyone. :)
Not surprised when you slaughtered them en masse during the war of 1993