/carib/ Act 24: Near extinction edition

ITT: interesting topics surrounding the caribbean region and interesting things in general.

If thread stagnates will bump with random topics/question of interests every half hour.

Other urls found in this thread:


/Carib/ shall never die

I found this neat website that generates random questions so I'll just post random stuff from there to keep things flowing.


My favorite is Hawaiian with bacon and thick pineapple chunks and bits of ham and maybe some jalapeƱo peppers as well

This but with thick rings on purple onion

That sounds delicious, I mainly go for the meat lovers pizza usually.

Pineapple, pepperoni,lots of cheese,stuffed crust.

PK the absolute madman edition

stuffed crust vegetarian is p good. some times the meat feels cliche

I am too anxious, stressed and sweaty. I am already paranoid about how I smell and this just adds to the problem in a vicious cycle.



>I am too anxious, stressed and sweaty

neither desu
both have too high a chance of surprise buttsex

Does the heat+humidity make you anxious user?


definitely black hawk down and act of valor

Because I am worrying about work and my applications.

Not really, just worry

Probably Avatar

>roasted sweet peppers and/or onions
>new haven style

If I can couchsurf while homeless then that, but if I have to actually live on the street then jail

probably something I liked when I was really young, like Kiki's Delivery Service

I'm suprised that doesn't get you killed in Jamaican jails


>pay tuition
>Invest in bonds and stocks
>interest and capital generated from money is used and not the money itself

Can I become a pirate in the Caribbean?

I'd probably buy some sorta investment visa if there is one that cheap. I need a second citizenship.

>buy car
>buy bike
>give parents the rest

assuming its 1 mil usd. 1 mil jmd cant buy a car and a bike

Not very lucrative at the moment.

St.Kitts has that I think


So I've heard, I dunno if it's that cheap though.

I don't do know about price, but I do know
It was quite a bit.

Will WWIII happen soon lads?


Why does the caribbean look so similar to papua new guinea, timor and so on?

:( But I just want to do science

If those are volcanic islands, that is the reason. All volcanic islands tend to look the same.

Why does Australia look like Scooby Doo?

well WWII lead to quite a bit of science being done. do your research interests have any military applications?

In the broad sense yes, it can be one of the deadliest

What's the best place to get Roti in SVG?
Or best local restaurant in general.

>What's the best place to get Roti in SVG?
I'd probably say stoplight restaurant

>Best local restaurant
I have to say Mac's Pizza but that is on bequia

I always thought pizza was Italian.

>I always thought pizza was Italian.
Going by that logic...very few things are from the caribbean

Mac's doesn't only sell pizza pic related

i can smell it
i really love lobster

I on the other hand hate it because I was overfed
on it when I was younger.

>I on the other hand hate it because I was overfed on it when I was younger.

i once got poisoned by lobster tho. three days of migraines starting on my birthday and a stomach ache that makes you feel like youre dying

>hate it
Good lad.

Are you still there in June and July?

My brother was stationed in bequia for a while and because
he works super hard and make sure everyone is okay. They
often give him stuff, during lobster season we used to get like
10-15 per week, so I used to eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner.

I need my visa and official letter, so I lower my expectations

>10-15 lobsters per week
Dear lord that's heavenly

Too much of a good thing mayne

Green bell peppers, mushrooms, sausage. Thicc crust.

The Wizard of Oz and The Princess Bride.

Investments, car parts, guns. And I'd pay for graduate school.

Dazed and confused and the Godfather

So begins the long week end /carib/

Why are black women cutter than white women but black men are uglier and dumber than white men?

>uglier and dumber than white men
You might be generalizing a bit


Sit at home and drink

in the news
>Venezuelan president makes a strange unannounced visit
>a new marina opened
>Queens Easter egg to be made from Vincentian chocolate

Kiko nobo banda di aruba?


*wet squishy noises*

>Queens Easter egg to be made from Vincentian chocolate
do you guys have a big chocolate industry?

Go home and play TitanFall 2, think about it for months.
Battle of Los Angeles

>do you guys have a big chocolate industry?
No,I don't know how that deal was concocted

Without starting a flame war, can someone describe the differences between living in each of your countries? Which one is the safest, most fun, etc.

>a flame war
carib is chill

living here is basically dangerous, boring and shit

Usually people become nationalistic when trying to compare their countries with others. I'd actually like to learn about the differences between them though.

most of us dislike our countries though

I only have experience with Trinidad

>Better food
>Friendlier people
>Increased chance of getting shot/kidnapped
>better night life
>better opportunities

I hate this shit hole, this place is nothing to be prod of, brings only shame

Do you have feels /carib/?


Many feels, and each one has its own personality too.

I have two questions.
One, does junkanoo soda still exist.
Two, is anyone willing to ship a crate to the US.

>Usually people become nationalistic when trying to compare their countries with others.
Only a certain Carib Nation that shares an Island with another.
>does junkanoo soda still exist.
And yes

Nada nobo, chingamento y bebemento bandi lama etc etc

Aruba is beautiful but it gets boring real quick, save it as a vacation spot but never actually live here. As far as safety, Aruba is one of if not the safest island in /carib/, crime is super low here. People here are very friendly normally.

>junkanoo soda
Never heard of this before

Are you like, all Niggers?

why would it matter to you?

Greece is like the Detroit of Europe lmao, fuck off.

Lets not fall into bad ways now

though I try not to

Guys come listen to some music:


We must find a way to combat the dark feels man

Lesbian sex with a butch lady

It's a flavor of soda made by Coca Cola based on a Bahamian mix drink(Lemon,Pineapple, I forget the rest) they only sell it here in the Bahamas for one reason or the other.

maybe I should take up drinking

I want to taste it now

Don't it's a bad hobby to take up

Drinking is bad emkay
Depending on my Attractiveness, I'd become a camwhore or a stripper

I would take BBCs all day in my pussy, until i could not walk anymore

>Drinking is bad emkay
Too much drinking is bad

Why are /carib/ such party poopers? Pulg.dj is fun and a great way to discover new music.
I have to go to the /luso/ plug.dj because here no one ever joins

Well I'm watching a movie, I don't know about the others

What movie?

Fast and Furious 7 because I want to turn my brain off for a while

No nightlife in Aruba? Really?

>white pol supremacist
>literally first thing he does as a female is fuck tons of niggers like a slut

I'm not a pol supremacist, i'm a black pussy supremacist, and i was joking.

People are weird like that...

Bahamas lads, who are we voting for.

For the right wing or center-right party

>For the right wing or center-right party
if the rest of carib is anything like here there's no distinction between parties

>For the right wing or center-right party
That would be most /carib/ parties

also this

I don't even think we have left or right wing in our country.

All parties have corrupt politicians with conservative """christian""" views and they just claim to be better than the other.

Are there far-right parties in the Caribbean?

its litteraly just pick whoever seems the least stupid. no one even knows who the local politicians are. its literally one party's leader vs the other

its a sad state of affairs

I highly doubt that

Here it's more family oriented
>My parents vote red so I will too
>My parents vote yellow so I will too

It's a pretty shit system

This is an actual composite photo of the average /Carib/ poster