Blue: main countries of human civilization. They made the most and largest contributions to human history and culture

Blue: main countries of human civilization. They made the most and largest contributions to human history and culture.

Green: countries with some sort of very rich heritage and culture.

Light green: countries with some note worthy history and/or culture.

Grey: irrelevant to world history.

Other urls found in this thread:

>arab country iraq is blue
>Greece is not

good post but america needs its own color for being so great

needs an own color

Greece was relevant for only little time. Iraq was always the home of great civilizations like babylon, sassanids, achaeminids, seleucids and so on.
I also forgot to paint Mongolia.


is this bait
or are you really stupid?

first place in literally every category
thanks for proving my point

>some note worthy history

shit map.

wtf saudi arabia did nothing
sudan underrated

>Be Khan
>Rape everything, so 1 in 200 people are your direct descendents.
>800 years later, your mongol (great)n grandson calls your country irrelevant

They invented Islam.
They were relevant in Antiquity that much is true. But afterwards they were always the bitch of different kinds of countries, be it the Romans, the Byzantines, the Turks or the Britons.

Why is Transylvania grey then? Microbiology, rocketry, astronautics, modern aviation, non-Euclidean geometry all owe their existence to Transylvanians such as Victor Babeș, Hermann Oberth, János Bolyai and Traian Vuia, just to name a few
Braindead favela monkey with your piece of shit map

Greece should be blue.

you dumb subhuman latino
roman empire had Greek culture
Byzantines were literally Greeks
Ottoman shit empire wouldnt run without Greeks
why the anglo subhumans?
you paint retarded useless countries for no reason

>ikibey having a stroke
No, he's right. Greeks became irrelevant as soon as Macedonians conquered them. Rome was Latin and the Byzantines called themselves Roman.

This is a shit map based on a retarded premise - ignoring countries change.

For example painting Egypt green is retarded. Misr is light green at best; Kemet on the other hand would be so fucking blue it's almost purple.

While the old Incas had a strong impact over South America, Peru is not the old Incas, but another state.

Italy should be light green. You aren't dealing with the merchant republics or Rome.

Macedonians are Greeks
germans called themselves prussians
people who were genocided by germs

jealous croats here pretend that they are shitalians sometimes

Get so cucked by latin romans greeks call themselves Romans for a millenia

Ikibey on suicide watch

rome was very powerful

>Macedonians are Greeks
>Byzantines are Greeks
>a Turk like you is Greek
Let me guess, Jesus was also Greek?

shit map

also, If Peru is green Bolivia and Ecuador should be green too. When the Spaniards arrived Incas were in a civil war between Quito in Ecuador and Cuzco.
And Bolivia is just a stupid name for Alto Peru/High Peru.

And Guatemala is Maya state, should be green. iirc Belize, El Salvador and Honduras have a few Maya cities near the Guatemalan border.

I hate to agree with iki, but byzantines considered themselves the descendants and protectors of ancient greek culture, so they at least partly identified as greek.

It's one of the main reason education flourished in the Byzantine Empire (imperial library, university etc.).

There really is no argument for Greece not being blue on that map, if we're talking seriously and not baiting each other. But then again it's bait map, so w/e.

>Let me guess, Jesus was also Greek?
Do you mean Ἰησοῦς?

I understand exactly what you are saying but by country I'm referring mostly to territory. It would be impossible to paint the exact position of aztecs, mayans hindu valleys etc in this current world map, so I'm painting the country as a territory.
Thinking about this I actually shouldn't have painted Afghanistan for similar reason, since I already painted Iran referring to Persians.

but the bible was written partly in Greek
you slavic subhuman

and I am a Greek, not a turk

post disregarded

Then why are you bothering with modern country borders? Circle regions or even cities as relevant.

Oh yeah that's correct, Egypt should be blue too

greeks living in germany are literally the worst shitposters of Sup Forums

Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

am I being baited?

you can avoid el Salvador and Honduras, but Guatemala was 100% Maya, and Bolivia had very important civilizations, Bolivia should really be a part of Peru.

look at this

He's probably arrived today

i just post the truth
people get mad because they dont like the truth


>Germany is blue
>Greece is not blue
Oh yeah it's that one Brazilian guy again who wish he was called Hans.

Because this is Sup Forums and not /his/.
If this was /his/, I'd have posted this map which I just made but improved.

Wheat did USA do?

Greece and Egypt should be Blue.

The UK should be Green, their Empire was very and extremely short lived, from th late 1700s to 1939 barely 200 years and did absolutely nothing other than tax foreigners and mine their resources.

Said using English and using all English inventions, dum chink

Needs a black color special one: countries with '''ordem''' e '''progresso'''


let's just admit the endeavor is unfortunate in the first place. not that you can generate much nuanced discussion on Sup Forums in the first place but it's better when it doesn't start with an already weak base

this map is unfortunate too, there are plenty of important and interesting events going on in the steppe area and in maritime southeast Asia

>Because this is Sup Forums and not /his/.
Then consider only the current States - Misr/Egypt and FOROG should be grey, Italy, India and Mexico at most light green, Scandinavia should be grey too.

Your map tries to represent two values (current States and their relevance + historical populations and their relevance) and fails to work either way.

Speaking as an academic.
Whenever you read a book of any subject, be it math, biology, physics, ~30% of the names mentioned are of British people. I'm going to risk and say 20% are French, 20% American, 20% German, 9% Italian, 1% others (mostly Japanese, Hungarians, Austrians, Israelis and Swedes).

most science books
same shit
different names


those are basically all Jews. many of the rest are Jews too, we've generally contributed the most by far

>The HRE
Then Austria and Czechia should be blue, and Germany should be grey or at most light green (considering later stuff).

many of those old krauts
were actually jews too

yeah, a lot of prominent "Germans", "Poles", "Hungarians", "Russians", "Czechs" are actually Jews. the gentiles generally try to underrate our contribution

Whole Africa except Tunisia and Egypt should be grey

If Iraq is blue, then Greece and Syria should be blue as well

Wrong you fucking brainwashed by kike conquerors retards.

Fuck off kike, go play with sand in your desert

dont know about the slav jews

blame my teachers then
faggot american

The first map I postes is basically but applied to a modern world map. As I mentioned, I took about 1 minute to make each of those maps, so I didn't put much effort, as you can see in the first map, I even unintentionally skipped Mongolia. So your whole comment is wrong.
I assume you agree with 85% of the map, which is quite a surprise since there is so much to world history and your information coupled with your intelligence made the decision to agree with me, that is something worth note. Not surprisingly is the fact you're suggesting Greece should be blue, because you're a Greek yourself. As I mentioned earlier, I took 1 minute to do that, so thinking better now, I agree with you that Greece should be blue.
I don't come to Sup Forums to discussions desu, there are many better imageboards if you want to have quality debate. I'm surprised this thread got more than 5 replies, and these replies are not one liner shitposts.

many threads would die without me

I didn't suggest anything actually, that was my only post towards you. you must have another poster in mind but I didn't pay attention to most posts to be honest


what kind of cringy faggot are you?

That's a way worse map though

What would you change?

lol what

I am actually Greek and that Turk pretending to be Greek is a jealous subhuman.

First of all most of the highlighted African areas don't have the importance you gave them. They're in no way as important as, say, Scandinavia.
I don't really understand why Catalunya and Leon are more important than Castille.
Also if you give Greece the red color you should also give it to southern italy.

I could have done that if the map had 5 colors instead of 3.

Sure thing, Mehmet

You made the effort of painting a whole map just to show your butthurt against us?

You've surpassed the known limits of autism.

The New Testament, however, was written in Greek. This seems strange, since you might think it would be either Hebrew or Aramaic. However, Greek was the language of scholarship during the years of the composition of the New Testament from 50 to 100 AD. The fact is that many Jews could not even read Hebrew anymore, and this disturbed the Jewish leaders a lot! So, around 300 BC a translation of the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek was undertaken, and it was completed around 200 BC. Gradually this Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint, was widely accepted and was even used in many synagogues. It also became a wonderful missionary tool for the early Christians, for now the Greeks could read God’s Word in their own tongue.

So the New Testament authors wrote in Greek. They did not, however, use really high-class or classical Greek, but a very common and everyday type of Greek. For many years some scholars ridiculed the Greek of the New Testament because many of its words were strange to those who read the writings of the great Greek classical authors such as Plato and Aristotle. But later many records were uncovered of ordinary people, and amazingly there were the same common terms used in everyday speech! The ridicule dried up accordingly.

God speaks Greek

>Blue: main countries of human civilization. They made the most and largest contributions to human history and culture.
>not the spanish that literally civilized half the world


>sassanid, acheminids

You've never read world history have you? Don't base your opinions on Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes

>The rest of the nordic countries the same tier as Sweden

Maybe Denmark, but Norway and Finland should be gray.

You know those countries have nothing to do with their namesake civilizations, right? The Mali Empire was mostly in Guine, Gambia and Guiné-Bissau while the Kongo Kingdom was mostly in Angola.
At least give the people credit where credit is due.

>not blue
alexander literally shaped the middle east for an entire age.

>we are somehow on the same fucking level as countries that didn't fucking exist 200 years ago of the like of Canada, Australia and Brazil

Its ok Poland, Jan Sobieski saved Christendom - you earned your place.

You know it's bait when Slovenia isn't coloured in blue. The invention of the wheel and the first plans for space travel say it all.

NZ is more relevant than Australia
Everyone knows about LOTR, who the fuck knows about Australia