Be australian snake

>be australian snake
>country you live in is suffering from so bad of a drug endemic that even you become addicted

How can you ever be addicted to ice, ice is water lmao

It's australian slang for meth

Steve Irwin didn't die for this.

>hes never freebased chillwiches till an OD

>Australia has a drug problem

Love this meme. Try visiting another country before you start spouting this shit.

there is a drug problem

Mate we do have a massive ice and alcohol problem in Australia.

>hooking up your animals with the crystal jew
wtf Australia, even we aren't that bad

t. never left melbourne CBD

It was probably a dealer who got high on his own supply. They're slippery cunts.

The CBDs of Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney are overflowing with ice and heroin. Go to any club or traino and you'll someone to hook you up.

you'll find*

Melbourne has the most drugs in the country you retarded fuck

It's still nothing compared to the rest of the world

How can you be so delusional? Every single rural shithole town in Australia is plagued by meth, it's worse down in Victoria but I went to Wagga a few months ago and there are druggies wandering around aimlessly everywhere, you feel like they'll pull out a knife at any moment and stab you to death

>there are other countries with worse drug problems
>australia's drug problems are non existant and you have no need to worry

t. never left Shitney

>I've literally only every done caps in a nightclub

t. never been to rural areas

I'm in Canberra m8

t. never left Shitney


Yeah I bet you're a real authority on drugs then mate

t. never left cumberra

how's the aussie drug problem compare with ours?

It's worse

kek no it isn't

t. never left mums basement

The beginning of recovery is acknowledging that there is a problem.

really now? what substances are most predominantly used? here our rural ours are infested with meth, while increasingly suburban areas are infested with heroin and other opioids.

There isn't any real violence because we don't have Mexicans or cartels or even a land border with anyone, just methheads dying every once in a while and fucking up the rural shitholes they live in

t. canberra civil servant that gets up at 5 AM to go cycling with overweight middle aged lycra clad civil servants

t. mad that he'll never have a comfy mid level 9-5 $85,000/annum public servant job

meth my friend


Meth heads are in the gauntlet here, few rural places here and there, but it's much better than it has been. Heroin addicts aren't that big an issue either, just a lot of dummy middle class people who can't handle their pain meds.

Never heard of Fentanyl addicted beavers.

>have some of the worst wildlife in the World
>go and turn a fucking 2 meter long snake into a tweaker running off pure adrenaline


>Snakes on meth

Jesus fucking Christ 'Straya.