Faces of Sup Forums

Post your faces.
Let's see the mediterranen master race

Flamboyant faggot.


Monkeys are 1000 times better than flamboyant biohazard AIDS faggots

You look like a gay Russian. Kill yourself.

post your face then, shitskin

be my bf

post face, babe

I don't have any (also I am a man)

Sorry, bro. Not gay.

Spaghetti is straight too until you get it wet ;)

how does one have sex with the ham planet from the picture?

Are you look a bit too white to be a Brazilian

you thought south brazil as a meme?
it's whiter than america.

one does not unless one wants to get covered in bacon grease and fat roll smegma


Você é branco demais para ser brasileiro. Vai se foder mentiroso.

it's a finnish conscript.
post faces

post yours first

i'm ugly
i look like erdogan

>finnish conscript poster
haven't seen you in a while

I'm always lurking :3

Hello kids

>posting your face on Sup Forums


hello guys, metal people

>you will never fuck nevalny


>go to russian ambassy
>say you have a brilliant plan how to destroy his rating
>make them put him in prison
>waited for it in prison and rape him with lads

you probably smell like shit


yall pathetic, what are so scared of ?





lol they can't even tell my skin colour away from the background.

I don't think you're Brazilian m8

it's not me. it's a finn

why are you roleplaying as a finn?

I'm not.
I just like the way they look.

the eternal anglo strikes again

Med master race reporting



Guess my ethnicity

roast me


sub saharan african.


Try again
Of courshe




OP here. Real picture.

>posting your face on Sup Forums
no thanks NSA agent

Cut... oh wait

God really did forsake you huh

You have a very punchable chin

That's an average guy in São Paulo. Why are those gringos overrating him?

you look like a monkey

me irl

Rude :-(


That's not even him nor is the guy in the pic Brazilian, OP pic is a Finnish guy.

>this is the guy that calls you a shitskin

A white-pardo guy in Brazil is nearly exactly like him.

Friend took this one of me while on vacation.

Not my best look, but whatever.


cala boca, macaco filho da puta

wtf you stole this pic of me from my facebook

South Brazil is whiiiite


A u s t i n

Hey, wanna fuck?

Damn shame he can't act for shit.

Argentina is white!

gimme so of dat opposition ass

That baby face is definitely not helping the tough guy look you're trying to give.

>tough guy
yes, that's me.
>baby face


>faces of Sup Forums thread
>nobody posts their actual faces

post timestamps or nobody will believe yall

postea la tuya antes de pedir timestamp


What's this face app I keep seeing across every fuck
ing board I browse

Reminds me of iki

Pic attached it's me and my boat.

show me your bush

>Reminds me of iki
how? did he post a pic?

Hey :)

i guess you are on the left, michael jordan


I've met some handsome Hashemites before

that's too bad, the guy on the left is cuter

I'm cherkess :DD

You would make a good boot slave for the Saudis

why the fuck circassians and armenians are all over the world?

Wassup fuckers


>inb4 "plz don't explode"


kek, where are you from?