*grabs your dick*
Do you love Finland?
*grabs your dick*
Do you love Finland?
I wish a little girl would grab my dick.
>Give me some time to think...
silly pekka
i have no dick
*grabs you by the pussy*
E-eh y-yes. Now stop grabbing muh dick!!!
Fuckin pedo
They are okay
*grabs your dick*
proof that anime rot your brain
I hope once all homos die.
anime + chan culture will take you to weird fetishes such as lolicon which will lead you to paedophilia/hebephilia
Kys, naturast
Fucking anime makes you gay. Stop to watch anime
It will mean you'll die too nyash
I'll never stop watching animes, kys
Happened to me desu.
>Do you love Finland?
How does one love Finland without being hated?
I was into loli long before stumbling upon Sup Forums, when I was still a shota boy
Thanks doujinland.
What you call "paedophilia/hebephilia" is the natural state of male sexuality. Hate to break your delusions, user, but what you call little girls today for 99.99% of human history were being married off and used for breeding. The entire concept of teenager, adolescence, etc. is an entirely contemporary concept. In reality, we are children before puberty and adults once we can breed.
Your creationist tier outlook on human sexuality is nothing but an insignificant blip in the sexual evolutionary timeline of humans as thinking ape. Ignorant fucking normalfag.
Sup Forums is an anime website.
what you call 'the natural state of male sexuality' is dangerous for you and you will get your life ruined if people find out you believe that.
Lolis are cute and all, but it's dangerous to get into them because you will turn into a pedo, just like you are. Even if through history we've been breeding with young girls, societal norms have changed and like I've said, you will be considered a sexual predator by anyone that finds out about your fetish
You're literally using 'X is a societal construct' to give it less validity, but guess what, we live in society. You will get a social constructed and very real social condemn if people find out. I'm talking about literally having to leave your life behind if your family is aware of it, and they won't take 'fucking normies reeee' as a valid argument.
I wanna fuck that dragon
*grabs your cunny*
Almost everything about human behaviour is a social construct to some degree (though rooted in biology). You can't make a value judgement on that argument.
>they won't take 'fucking normies reeee' as a valid argument.
What a shitty world we live in.
>because you will turn into a pedo
Incorrect, Lolicons have absolutely no interest in 3DPD whatsoever
*grabs your pussy*
Do you love Finland?
You are right, but sadly that is not how society works.
You are correct, you are morally justified, yes, it is entirely natural and there is nothing wrong with it.
But the reality is that nobody will ever stand to defend you, just like nobody would stand to defend a commie 50 years ago.
Except that's exactly what you have to base value judgments on since ethics and values don't exist outside human interaction. There is nothing objective, it's all grounded in social constructs and you can't escape the fact that fucking a 10 year old will get you sent to prison no matter how much you cry that it's alright because you had a biological urge.
I mean calling something a social construct tells you nothing of its value. Maybe I worded it poorly.
I wish I could send weebs to concentration camps
you know this statement could literally get you to jail in Australia right
>trying to argue with literal mentally ill people
>woah, I'm so fucked up! fapping to girls wearing horns! monstergirls FTW!
you mean mongolia right?
*proceed to feel teeth sinking into flesh*
If I go to finland would you suck my dick?
No, fuck you, get of my dick or I'll punch your face!
Nothing wrong with mating with Monstergirls in the 21st Century user. Its time for mankind to evolve.
>grabs dick
Tom, stop